
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Marshmallow Pops

We're on day 3 of super simple holiday treats to throw together last minute.  These are insanely easy, delicious and addictive.

You'll need the following:

Chocolate chips
Full Sized Marshmallows
Lollipop sticks

Like I told you with the Frosty Hats, I save back any extra dipping chocolate I might have from making other treats for something just like this.

I went to World Market and snagged some cute lollipop sticks.  You don't have to get Christmas specific ones, you can certainly grab some white ones that are available all year.

Insert the stick into the middle of the mallow.

Heat up the chocolate until melted and smooth.  Dip the marshmallow into the chocolate almost all the way but leaving the bottom open.  Tap the excess off.

While the chocolate is still wet, shake on some of your favorite sprinkles.

Use a piece of floral block or a glass to keep the marshmallows upright and let them harden in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Transfer to a mason jar with pretty shreds or confetti inside.

Dig in!  :-)

The Mr wasn't chomping at the bit over this one but when he tasted it, he was pleasantly surprised and liked them.  (I think it was the dark chocolate!)

50-75 calories per pop depending on the amount of chocolate you use.

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  1. Yeah I don't usually go for marshmallow type treats but these were awesome. It was the dark chocolate. They look great and it's nice to see they don't have to take a bunch of time. Big payoff for little work. Great job baby!

    1. Definitely! Plus you can save some moolah because places charge twice the amount you'd pay for the ingredients for half the amount. You know I'm all about saving the moolah!

  2. They look so fancy, but are so easy. Way cool!

  3. so pretty and so easy...thanks for sharing...I am a lil hesitant too..but if it has dark choc i might have the marshmallows...only time I like marshmallows is in a smore...

    1. You could also plop it in a mug of hot cocoa for a fancy pants mug o' merriment!

  4. These remind me of the marshmallow snowman I can buy in the store here. They're Ganong, which is a local Canadian chocolate company. These probably taste delicious. Now just add a little graham cracker and you've got a masterpiece! :)

    1. Oh yeah babe. Perfect for summer (well, anytime). I've got some grahams that need to be used too. Hmmmm.

  5. Even I could make these! I'm not a huge marshmallow fan but if you put chocolate on something I'm in. Thanks for sharing. I love all the easy ideas!

    1. I know, chocolate makes everything better and since it's dark chocolate then it has antioxidants so technically it's healthy, right? HA!

  6. So cute! I really like the lollipop sticks! They remind me of the old barber shop spinners. Our World Market closed down (it was right across the street from me!!) and I'm so bummed--loved that store! These are truly adorable and look so cute in the mason jar. Great job momma!


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