
Friday, December 6, 2013

I love snow...snowy snow snow and what I'm reading this week

It is FRIDAY, y'all!  Boom chicka boom chicka boom chicka BOOM!!   (Clearly I've lost it.)

We're in the midst of a winter storm so you know we're getting the cross country ski's and snowshoes primed and ready for action!  I think this is just what we need...being out in the crisp air, crunching through the snow and the fact we get to do it before Christmas is awesome.  We usually have to wait until late January or February.

But let's get to...

How to De-bloat After Thanksgiving  (or a huge meal with your MIL and a few turtles)

9 Easy, Affordable Holiday Crafts

Teen Battling Cancer Ties the Knot in Dream Wedding  (Get the tissues)

We've Been Pooping All Wrong  (Nice toilet)

5 Simple Tips: Relax Through the Holiday Season  (Note to self)

How to Display Your Vintage Tees  (Love this!  We've got a ton of old Hawaii Crazy Shirts that could benefit!)

What the Color of Your Pee Says About Your Health

Fast and Furious Pays Tribute to Paul Walker in Video  (More tissues...what a generous man.  So many wonderful stories came out this week)

Birds Will Attack Amazon's Delivery Drones  (For the love of God, NO DRONES!  Not just for people shooting them out of the sky, birds attacking and the heinous liability of them dropping out of the sky onto our cars or heads but I don't want to hear the noise or get zapped by one.  I've seen Real Genius)

Can People Really Be Fit and Fat?  (Fitter than 494 lbs...yes.)

Cartoons Sum Up What is Wrong with Tech Addicted Society  (Preach it)

6 Reasons Hawaii Will Ruin Your Life  (SOOOO true.  Sorry for the gifs...I HATE them)

This weekend is a little road trip if the roads are clear for some Christmas merriment.  If the snow sticks around, we'll be shoeing/skiing as our form of exercise  and maybe I can talk him into a hooky day for Monday.  Heh heh.

Anything on tap this weekend?

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  1. I'm so sick of hearing about Amazon delivery drones. For crying out loud, the guy they interviewed on 60 minutes (a real reputable new source there *eyeroll*) said it wouldn't even begin to think about happening for TEN YEARS.

    So that means it will never happen. So folks need to just calm the eff down over duh big bad drones gonna invade my space to bring me junk from china I don't need anyway.

    (this mini rant is not directed at you in particular, just the general "OH MY GAWD" kerfluffle in general).

    I read the over/under rated food trends thing and now I want bbq and caramel (not necessarily together). And those cronut things look NASTY.

    1. Luckily you don't have to read the drone article, skip it! ;-)

      LOL...I always want bbq and caramel! I don't understand the stuffed cronut thing. That chef in NYC acts like he invented it, is patenting and trying to sue from what I read somewhere and sorry to burst your bubble Jacques but we have a bakery who has been doing it for 22 years. They're not stuffed with lemon cream and bliss inducing. Now I want a doughssant!

  2. Bitter cold here, but no snow. Last weekend I got a weather alert saying to expect 6+inches (which is a lot for us at one time) but that never panned out so I'm kinda sad. I think yesterday's high was like 14 degrees and today will be more of the same. I'd rather have the snow.

    1. Ugh, bitter cold is no good without some pretty white stuff to look at! Get with it mother nature! Have a great weekend!

  3. (or a huge meal with your MIL and a few turtles)...

    not gonna lie.. all I saw in my head was a pizza party with you, The MR, MIL, and the ninja turtles.

    1. ROFL! Yep, it was us and Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo and the last one I can't remember. (And some caramel and pecans coated in chocolate)

  4. The t-shirt idea was really cute, but it drove me nuts that the t-shirt edges were all crooked and sticking out! :-) Okay, maybe I'm a little wacked...

    1. That's what scissors are for. ;-) (And yes, you're a little wacked...HA!)

  5. Going to NY Saturday w/ my Mom and a friend. Sunday will be a rest day.

  6. I've stopped being a fan of snow since I have to drive all of God's creation for my job. I'm a nervous nelly know when I watch the weather. I'm happy to see it when I don't have to drive it in though. This weekend let's see... just took one dog to the groomer, the other to the vet for an infection in her foot. I have to work tomorrow until noon and work on Christmas cards. Have the laundry going now so I don't mounds of it piled up for the weekend. My football team doesn't play until Monday night so that frees up my Sunday. But tonight is our college team play for the MAC championship so I'll be glued to the tv in about an hour and a half.

    1. Yeah I love watching it but not being out in it. We'll have to be in it tomorrow so I hope the snow warriors are doing their jobs. Good luck to your college team!


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