
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Who ya gonna watch?

Last night as I was flipping channels, I noticed that The Voice was coming on an hour later for its finale which gave me an hour of time to kill.  I should've been using this time to get some cleaning done but as I was flipping channels, I saw Ghostbusters was on.

It was in the middle of the movie where they were analyzing Rick Moranis' brain as the Key Master and he was coming up as a "dog" on the screen.  I began the annoying habit of reciting lines before they occurred.

"Yes...have some!"
"Yes it's true...this man has no dick."
" will have saved the lives of hundreds of registered voters."
"It smells like barbequed dog hair."

It's one of those movies I can't pass by if nothing else is appealing.  I have a few movies I can do that in the middle.  If we own it, sometimes we'll run down and grab the DVD if it's the way we want to spend our evening.  But if I see Ghostbusters, Grease, My Girl, National Lampoon's Vacation, The Replacements, Pretty Woman, Xanadu, A League of Their Own, Dirty Dancing or either Father of the Bride, I'm in.

What movie(s) can you pick up in the middle because you love it/them so much?

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  1. I love Ghostbusters. I will never forget seeing it in theaters...Over and over and over again!

    1. Yeah I think I saw it a few times as well. I know you could pick up any Star Wars movie in the middle and be happy.

  2. Oh man! What channels are you watching that you trip across Xanadu! I haven't seen that in ages.

    Overboard is one that ALWAYS catches my eye. Such perfect 'we're made for each other' schmalz.

  3. Overboard is one of mine too and Ghostbusters is one like that for hubby. There are a few like that for me - Fried Green Tomatoes, any of the Tremors movies, Army of Darkness, Forrest Gump and Stand By Me. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is getting there.

  4. Ghostbusters, Blues Brothers, National Lampoon's Vacation (all of them), Labyrinth, and any of the Brat Pack movies. I swear some of the best movies came out in the 80s. :)

  5. Blues Brothers is the first movie that came to mind (although once I've posted this, I'll think of about 10 others. Airplane, for example.) I was living in Chicago the year Blues Brothers was filmed, that makes it all the more fun!

    1. That's awesome! I love having visited many spots John Hughes filmed in Chicago and when we see the movies we feel like part of the movie.

  6. Liked all the ones you listed, plus "Baby's Day Out" (rent it, the scene in the park has me crying tears of laughter), any of The Whole Nine Yards series...or any of the Kill Bill series. Lots more. Those are the ones that creep to the top of the brain right now.

    1. I don't know that I've seen that one. Will have to put it on the list!

  7. Ghostbusters is that movie for me. A week or so ago was the anniversary of it opening in theaters in 1984. It was the first (and I think only) movie I ever saw TWICE in the theater when it was new (I've seen it 2-3 more times in re-release at a local theater since then). I wore out a VHS copy and a DVD copy. No one in my family will watch it with me because I pre-laugh EVERY line.

    Ghostbusters is the best movie EVER and I still have a huge crush on Egon. "Print is dead."

    1. Ghostbusters is great and it really captures a time. I love Egon's snarkiness. He really is so talented. I read about what Dan Akroyd wrote for the original idea and then what Ivan turned it into and he really nailed it.

  8. Grease, While you were Sleeping, Notting Hill....and the old musicals (Oklahoma, Carnival). What did you think of the Voice? Were you happy with the result?

    1. You know, I wanted the other person to win but she deserved it too even if I don't really care for her genre. I think season by far had the most talented people from top 10 up.

  9. Grease, while u were sleeping, fried green tomatoes, remember the titans, benhur, sound of music:)

  10. For sure Princess Bride!


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