Friday, June 28, 2013

Brought to you by the letter "E"

This is going to have to be a short one because now in addition to the "e" having gone out on my laptop, the "t" is going out as well.  Thank God the replacement keyboard comes today because pasting an "e" every time I need one sucks.  (In case you don't feel like counting the "e's" up to this point, I've pasted 33 of them!)

We had a great workout last night, here's proof...

I was a schweaty beast

740 calories burned with a nice at home circuit.  I still have whiplash from the rollercoaster Monday.  I've had a headache everyday from it.  It's official...I'm an old lady.  Sigh.  I would love to take a rest day today but I think we'll just do a fun cardio today.  I'm thinking maybe Dance Dance Revolution.

Here's a few pics of some dinners this week before my camera battery died.

Deconstructed "tacos"  No salt tortilla chips, arugula, ground chicken with enchilada sauce, extra sharp cheddar, green onions and roasted tomatillo salsa.

Mango Chipotle fish taco and a side of brussels with asiago.

We're having some friends over for a double birthday celebration and I'm in full cookout ready mode.  Here's the menu:

My intention is to print it out for the table but I'm almost out of black ink.  Everything is fallin' apart around here I tell ya!

What's on your agenda for this weekend?

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  1. I feel so bad for you having to limp along while trying to type everything. Luckily the part is easy to replace and you'll be back in business very soon.

    Glad I am able to do something for you for a change :-)

  2. I am going to finally hit the farmers market for the first time this month and enjoy my one whole day off by not doing anything I don't want to. I see alot of time on the front porch reading and enjoying the cooler less humid days.

  3. my agenda for the weekend: power clean the entire house. sounds fun, right?

  4. The biggies this weekend is that I'm going to try not to (a)melt or (b) spontaneously combust. I'm pretty sure that's going to take up most of my energy.

    I am looking forward to getting my bountiful baskets basket tomorrow afternoon. I have no idea what will be there, but it's always good stuff. Then I can plan a menu around what fruits and veggies I get.

  5. If I recall correctly, the letter e is the most common in the English language. How's that for irony?

    My agenda this weekend is gardening and yardwork, interspersed with reading, writing and checking Facebook, same as every summer weekend. Although Hubby is talking about taking in a beer festival at a nearby town. Oh joy.

  6. DOn't you just love a sweaty shirt! I try to make my sweat rag completely damp before I leave!

  7. Down here, my shirt looks like that when I walk to the mailbox and back these days. :)

    I had planned to get a few things done around my house this weekend, but my grandmother oh-so-subtly said her rose bed needed weeding and it would require someone with muscles to do it. Hinting much, Memaw?

    Have a great weekend with friends!

  8. That SUCKS that the "e" is out - I can't believe you managed to get a whole blog cranked using the copy/paste feature without losing your mind. It sounds brutal. I've got mad respect for your dedication!

    I've got yard work/washing the dogs/waiting on the A/C guy to install our new A/C (yaaay!) on Saturday. Sunday morning, I'm doing a 5k Color Run event with some girlfriends from work, then I'll spend the next two hours trying to wash the colored cornstarch out of my hair/skin! Sunday evening my hubby and I will be at the race concert/after-party (the Spazmatics are playing - lots of kitchy 80's themed musical fun!) I'll be sore and tired on Monday, but it will be worth it!


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