
Thursday, June 6, 2013

What I'm Reading This Week

It's almost Friday.  You might be restless at work or bored at home and need some stuff to fill your time.  Here's what's been filling my time when I'm not hanging out with you guys...

Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning (on TV)  please read this one if you don't read any others!

Read anything good online this week?

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  1. Those are some great links. I am with you in that I would urge everyone to definitely read the link on drowning. I had no idea what drowning actually looked like so that is good advice for all of us. You did your public service for the day!

    1. Yes, I'm grateful you passed that along to me. I think it's one everyone should be required to read.

  2. Loved the CNN distraction videos. Right after the thundershirt cat were some big cats playing in cardboard boxes. Cats just can't resist a box!

  3. I had to laugh at the Pinterest one. I love it, but seriously, who on earth has time to do all these things on a daily basis. There is a meme that says, "Pinterest reminds me of how poor, hungry and unstylish I am." haha There are some great ideas there, but I am more concerned with how food tastes rather than how it looks, so I am not about to spend hours making all my food look pretty unless it's for a special occasion. I do like to decorate cookies at xmas and I'll spend a couple days doing it because it's fun, but I think so many people waste their time on these sites pinning crap when they could actually be doing something in their own life. Don't you just love all the workout pins that have a fitness model pic and they say 14 days to a flat stomach or some bs. So many people I know pin those repeatedly. Makes my head hurt. I learned a long time ago (on mommy message boards) that many mothers are the most competitive vindictive people. Their kids are like trophies and it's a huge competition to have a cuter kid, husband, or whatever. I haven't read much that's interesting lately though.

    1. Sometimes Pinterest makes me weep. Moreover, it makes me sad that people I know that are mom's feel the need to keep up with this unrealistic expectation in their kids classrooms. I remember when you got a store bought Valentine for Valentines Day if you were lucky. Everyone didn't HAVE to give everyone else one if they didn't want to. Now you've got these goodie bags with a bottle of Kool Aid squeezy drink and a handmade tag that says "You're Kool Valentine" or some crap like that and every kid in the class has to get one. (Then you have have to hope no one has some weird allergy or a mom who doesn't give her kid sugar doesn't go off on you) I've seen some seriously elaborate stuff on there. I think it sets up unrealistic expectations for kids, adults and parties in general. I mean what happened to tissue paper honeycomb centerpieces and confetti and boom, cute table for a shower. Now it's candy stations, fancy appetizers, 7 kinds of drinks with things floating in them, etc. I like to entertain but I also feel like Pinterest can breed an unhealthy competition between people where guests are mentally critiquing your party rather than enjoying it. As you can see, I have no opinion on the subject! HA!

    2. I agree! I like to be involved in my kids' classrooms, not spend all my time making crap to impress other moms. The kids don't care! They have strict rules about food that is brought into my kids' school. A kid who had a peanut allergy died a couple years back, so there is no more bringing in cupcakes on birthdays for all the kids in the class. For parties, there are approved foods, and you sign up. The room mom handles the goodie bags. I don't see a whole lot of that kind of competitive stuff at my kids' school so far, thank goodness. I help out in the class and go on field trips, and to me that is much more important than hand made valentines that look perfect. I have hated in the past how on every holiday the kids get some bag of cheap toys and crap that end up all over the house and they don't play with after a day or 2.

  4. There have always been people who are incredibly talented doing things like what is posted on Pintrest. Now they just have a place to put it out there so the rest of us think there are more of them. While I do know a few moms that go all out like that, most of the people I know in real life are perfectly happy with the store bought valentine and honeycomb centerpiece.

    Or maybe I just want to believe that so I don't feel inadequate.

  5. Okay, that cat in the thundershirt - hilarious!!

  6. I really want to start canning, but I'm convinced I will poison everyone with botulism. My uncle and his partner can every summer, so they're going to try to teach me this year. :)

  7. Great links, I looked at all of them. I recently discovered tea-tree oil and read everything I can on this little miracle.


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