
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bust a move

The other day I had The Talk on in the background.  My ears perked up when I heard a workout segment come on with Angela Parker.  I'm always looking for new moves to incorporate into our rotation.  One that caught my attention was this one...

If you want to see it in action, you can click here and watch the whole workout.  This is the last move...Angela's Beach Body Cruncher.  You get in the position below and start with your arm with the small weight in front of you and your leg straight behind you then crunch it to your side so the weight in your hand touches your toe and repeat.

I was kind of excited to show the Mr the move because it seemed hard and something we could throw in pretty easy but it never occurred to me that I couldn't do it.  I kind of did it to demonstrate it but quickly lost my balance.  He just starts busting 'em out like he's been doing them for years.

I wanted to punch him.

He tells me to keep trying and the more I try, the more it goes to hell.  This is how it always goes for me.  I find some awesome move to show him and he excels and I tank.  I swear it's fat distribution.  I still have tree trunk legs and he has solid, fit legs.  Rat bastard.  :-P

I'll master it some day.

What exercise move would you like to improve on?

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  1. I know you will master it one day. You will definitely rock that move! It's definitely a tough one too and I can already feel it this morning.

    1. I hope so. I think I need a lot more weight off in my legs to be able to do that one. :(

  2. I don't think I could do that one on my best day. Fortunately for me, I don't really feel a compelling urge to do it. :)

    I'm working on my pitiful side planks these days. Not sure why they're such a problem for me.

    1. know you wanna try it! ;)

      I like/hate side planks. Definite nemesis material!

  3. Heheheh..isnt it always the case....its a fun move..thanks for sharing

  4. Your comment about legs really made me and remember and laugh - I've always had really 'heavy legs' even when I was skinny. It made me think of this joke:
    When God gave out brains, I thought He said trains, And I said I'd take the next one.
    When God gave out looks, I thought He said books, And I didn't want any.
    When God gave out noses, I thought He said roses, And I ordered a big one.
    When God gave out legs, I thought He said kegs, So I ordered two fat ones.
    When God gave out ears, I thought He said beers So I ordered two long ones.
    When God gave out chins, I thought He said gins, So I said, "Give me a double."
    -= God, am I a mess. =-

  5. That looks like a challenging move, but one that could be worth doing.

    I'm not working on any particular exercises right now, but I'm always trying to increase my endurance.

    1. I think so too. One day I'm gonna do it, dang it!

      Endurance is a good thing!

  6. I'm always looking to better my yoga poses.

    Don't feel bad about not having great balance in this pose. I tend to have strong balance (can do side plank and all that) but that position (on one knee and same side arm) kills me balance wise. Try kickstanding your supporting foot out a bit (to the back). That's what I do when I'm in a similar yoga postion.

    (it's so weird that I'm better at balancing on less surface)

  7. I never give myself enough credit - but I was thinking on my way into work this morning that I really need to try to improve on a side plank. I usually just dismiss that I "can't" do it...without even really trying. So that's something I want to work on!

  8. Moves like this are tricky for me since I have a short torso and heavy legs. Even when I was trim, touching my toes was difficult because of the length of my torso compared to my legs.

    My boyfriend would be able to do these no problem since he's proportionate through his torso and legs, and he can put his palms on the ground. It IS frustrating. :) I feel ya.

    I'm going to try these when I get home. I predict I'll fall over.

  9. I had to laugh at your term of endearment for the Mr., lol, and I'm still laughing. But my favorite part of that story was "it never occurred to me that I couldn't do it." Do you realize what a breakthrough that is, mentally? I love it!

    1. He laughed too...thankfully he knows my playful terms of endearment. ;-)

      It's a good mental advance with a bit of being knocked down a peg when I discovered I couldn't. I'm sure I'll get it eventually but next time I'll test a move out by myself first. HA!

  10. Love this move thanks for sharing, and just remember to keep your tummy and tush really tight ... you will get it :-)

    1. I'll try. If I try to concentrate on too much more while doing it I might implode! :)

  11. I would like to definitely improve on my core. I am sooooooooo weak in that area and it affects the other exercises I'd like to do (such as the plank, which is more like a plunk). This may sound funny, but during the day at work I hold in my belly for 1 minute while breathing like usual, and I do that repeatedly. Lemme tell ya, my abs are a shaking mess after about the 5th one!! My balance sucks (I have practically no proprioception) and I'm sure some of that is due to a crappy core. Pilates is SO hard for me, but I keep giving it a go.

  12. Yeah, um, I don't think my body has the ability to contort itself like that. :) I'm so uncoordinated that I wouldn't even know where to begin to get into that position...


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