
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You break it, you buy it

I got an email from a reader yesterday asking about what kind of mattress we had.  She and her hubby are doing an awesome job at losing weight and are looking to get a new one so she was looking for recommendations.

It got me thinking to our current mattress and when we bought it.  Or I should say when the Mr bought it.  Our previous mattress was well past its prime and I was at my heaviest and basically in hermit mode.  I was what I called "circus freak fat" back then and was just not up for the look of "you break it, you buy it" from the mattress salesmen.  This one was going to have to be on the Mr and boy the look of terror on his face when he was tasked with the responsibility was priceless.  I feel bad for putting him in that position but it was just not in my mental capacity to do it.  I think back on it now and I can't imagine just not emotionally being able to go 1/2 mile up the road, lay down on mattresses and pick one.  Thankfully the Mr did a great job and it's still super comfy even though our butts don't touch anymore, we're able to lay side by side instead of on our sides to both fit and 400 lbs less coming down on it.  Serta pillowtop to the rescue!

Anyhoo, I just had to share that weirdness since it popped up.  I look forward to going with the Mr to actually pick out our next mattress when it's time!

What kind of mattress do you have?  Would you recommend it to someone else?

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  1. I was nervous about being the one responsible for years of dealing with a bad mattress if I had made the wrong choice. But I do like ours and would definitely consider it again next time around. I'm just glad that you'll be with me next time!

    1. Absolutely! I was worried about not being able to flip it but there isn't even an imprint in that bad boy and we've had it since the 'uber fat' days! I'd say that's a pretty good testimonial having 900+ lbs on it and not having a body indent in the mattress! LOL

  2. I have a pillow top mattress and I'll never buy one again. You can't flip it due to the pillow top which shortens the lifespan of the mattress (though my mattress is 11 years old, so it's about done anyway).

    I keep telling my spouse we need to get a new one but he's never in a hurry to spend real amounts of money (meaning more than $100).

    I want to check out memory foam. I've heard good things.

    1. That stinks you don't like your pillow top, hopefully the next one will be better! I researched lots of mattresses and one thing I kept hearing over and over again about memory foam is if you live in cold weather climates the foam can get stiff. I don't know if they've made any kind of advancements in that dept in the past few years or not but something to ask. Nothing like feeling like you're sleeping on cement when the mercury dips. :) Maybe someone else who reads this has one and can comment on that from firsthand experience.

  3. I've staying in hotels with pillow tops and I would definitely consider getting one next time around. My mattress is fine now though and I probably won't need another one for a good long time.

    1. Glad you've got a good one for now. It's so important and you don't realize how much until you sleep in a bad bed!

  4. I go to a local place that makes them custom to your liking, that way if you want something changed they can do it right away

    1. Wow, that's awesome! It'd be pretty cool to have one made to your liking!

  5. We have a sealy posturepedic and it was because of my dh's back issues. He thinks it is wonderful and I sleep well, so it must be doing its job. But your post made me remember when I was a teen (overweight) and visiting family and broke their bed. It was an old wooden framed bed and it collapsed. Maybe it would have done so anyway, who knows, but I was so humiliated knowing it was because I was fat! I've been a little paranoid about beds ever since.

    1. Ugh, don't you just love old school wooden beds? *rolling eyes* I remember when we had a sleepover one new year's before we were married and our out of town best man was there and we were both sitting on the twin bed while the Mr was getting ready and the bed broke (which it did often due to crappy slats...we were that heavy yet). He leapt up when the Mr ran in and was like "nothing happened!" Dude, trust me, he KNOWS nothing happened. We thought it was hilarious he thought he had to explain himself!

  6. Funny that this came up. I HAD the best mattress ever. I don't have it anymore (due to the divorce), and I'm paying for it. I'm literally on day 5 of a stiff neck. Seems to be happening more lately since I bought a cheapy mattress. The one that I had that I loved was latex foam. Not quite memory foam, but close. I absolutely LOVED it. If I can afford one, it will be my next. At this rate, I may HAVE to afford one....otherwise I'll spend just as much in chiropractor bills (this is my 5th "crick" in my neck in the past 5 months......NOT COOL).

    1. It's good to know you liked it and didn't have issues. Sorry you've got cricks in your neck though, that SUCKS especially when it's so nagging. Mine usually have accompanying headaches.

  7. We have a sleep number been that is around 10 years old now. I don't know that I could sleep on another mattress after having this. It's not true that your back feels fantabulous and you bound out of bed every morning, but I can say that I sleep far sounder in that with being able to adjust the amount of air in it depending on how I'm feeling. And I love that my side is my side and the hubs can lower his how far he wants (he goes to about 25 and I keep mine about about 45).

    1. I've always wondered about those. It's good to know it's still kicking 10 years later. I might give those a closer look when it's time for us to get a new one!

  8. We had a Tempur-Pedic mattress - moved out of state and decided to get a new mattress when we settled. Decided not to spend the money for another Tempur-Pedic. Worst decision we've made. We will be getting another Tempur-Pedic shortly. Best mattress ever!

  9. We had a waterbed for years and loved it, but a couple of years ago we decided it was time to grow up and get a "real" mattress. We ended up getting a memory foam mattress at Costco and love it. Very comfortable bed, no issues with it in either hot or cold temps. The one down side over our waterbed: it's not warm when you crawl in unless you remember to turn on the electric blanket. I do miss that about my waterbed!

    1. My uncle can only sleep in his waterbed but my aunt has to sleep on the couch because it kills her back. I might have to pass that along to them, I know they're starting to look at mattresses.

  10. I don't know why cold would be an issue with a foam mattress unless you sleep outside or with the heat off. We don't have one, but that will be my next purchase. We slept on one for a week at a resort near Phoenix, in the middle of the summer, and it was the best sleep of our lives! I've heard they can be too hot, but that wasn't our experience. I didn't wake up with the arm I tuck under my side asleep, like I do with our pillowtop. And hubby, who sleeps best on the couch due to years of rotating work shifts making that the best option, was able to sleep well without the back pain that he experiences on our pillowtop. Yep, Temper-pedic, just as soon as possible. Wish me good luck on the job search!

    1. I don't know why it would be either but it was a pretty common complaint. I've heard they can be too hot too which wouldn't bode well for me, I don't like to be hot when I'm trying to sleep.

  11. I was just thinking about this earlier today. In summer 2011, we dropped $1000 on a king-size mattress set because we didn't fit in a queen. It's also a very firm mattress.

    Now that I'm 50 pounds smaller, we fit in a queen just fine, and I prefer it since we're close but not cuddling. I hate having all that space in bed. Also, the mattress is TOO firm. It was great when I was heavy and my joints hurt, but now it bothers me because my hip bones ache.

    I'd love to get a queen for our bedroom, but I think B will swallow his tongue when I suggest selling our still-new-ish bed on Craigslist. There's no way we'll get $750 for it, or even $500.

    1. Oh he's gonna love ya for that one! HA! But I agree, we sleep in King size beds on the road and I feel like I have to drive a golf cart over to get near the Mr.

  12. LOL! =) I appreciate the info on the mattress! Ours is completely devastated due to the high weight of the hubs and we are in the market for a new one. Going to a mattress store has me freaked out because I don't want us to lay down on one and break it. Our current mattress, a Simmons something totally sucks and the coil springs broke within a week on my husbands side, so no option for rotation because I didn't want to sleep on a broke ass bed (back injury at age 9). Anyway, the comments here are awesome! I'll keep checking back for more ideas. ~Krista

    1. Hey, I like to get people recommendations! :) Hopefully you can gather some good info from the peeps here.

  13. Mattress shopping is torture. We spent so much time testing them out (which is always so weird! makes me self-conscious!) and we thought we picked an awesome one and then about a month later my husband realized his back was hurting when he woke up in the morning. Sigh.

    1. Oh man, that would stink! I kind of felt the same after about 5 months but it was due to weight. My back doesn't hurt anywhere near the way it did when I was transitioning.

  14. I used to do the same thing Anele. When our kitchen tile at the old house kept ripping up (right in the spot where I rolled my chair constantly), I would disappear when they came to the house and let hubby deal with them. When our toilet kinda got loose on its pedestal I let Hubby deal with the plumber, staying out of sight. My Mr. was a champ, just like your Mr. There was lots and lots of situations like that over the years and my hubby never questioned my reasons, knowing why I wanted to avoid confronting people, and not wanting to embarrass me. He was always so good about it.

    We got really lucky when we were picking the men we married, didn't we?

  15. I love this post! You both have come so far, and it's really inspiring to read. People who have never had a weight issue probably don't think about things like this--the looks of salespeople when you try out mattresses--I love that you shared the experience!


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