
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Recovery - Weigh In

I don't know if my body has gone into shock or something from the foot issue, having a cold, me not drinking any water, me struggling to hit way below my calorie range, doing weights 4x week and being the week before TOM that is has thrown me a 4 lb gain but that's my reality for today.  I knew when I couldn't get my rings on it wouldn't be pretty but I also know that's bloat and not to freak out TOO much just yet.

I can't even begin to pinpoint what went wrong with everything because this week has been so terrible as far as routine (not food or exercise) and when I'm sick I just don't want to eat or drink anything.  I ate so little earlier in the week I was weak.  I know, not smart.  All I can do is hope with the cold on it's last leg now and me making a commitment to drink water every single day whether I want to or not.  I think I wasn't drinking because that would mean I'd need to get up and be on my foot, go upstairs, back down, etc and I wasn't up for it...I would've peed myself to not be on it if that was an option.  Well I suppose it was but the Mr would've had to clean it and he's been through enough.

I'm on day 3 of physical therapy and holy...crap!!!  I take back any time I might've knocked someone for doing it based on what I perceived as a "small" injury.  The muscle soreness from building up the proper muscles for recovery is really painful the first few days.  I just took an epsom salt bath for the muscle soreness but my ankle isn't a fan of the heat so I'm using my spiky ball now for soft tissue massage, I've done my stretches warm and now I'm about to ultra sound the heck out of my feet so walking might actually be an option today.  I'm also on day 3 of no overnight nerve firings which makes me absolutely ecstatic.  You just have no idea how horrible it can feel unless you've experienced it and I pray none of you can ever relate.  So while I'm in a painful transition, I believe it's a painful transition to the best possible outcome and I'm going to do everything I'm told to keep this condition away forever!

What's on your agenda today?

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  1. I'm glad to hear that you're at least sleeping better and that you've seen some improvement already.

    Today's agenda is basically all the weekend housekeeping chores plus going bowling this afternoon. I'm really bad at bowling, but it's fun and the little guy likes it.

    1. Yes, me too!

      I think most people are bad at bowling but it can still be fun! :)

  2. It does sound like you have some progress (though painful) happening and that is a great thing. I unfortunately can relate to the nerve issues at night- if I can go a night with no leg problems I am a happy camper. Today is my usual take mom shopping day. It's bitter cold here but just gorgeous out- so we'll have a good day.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. You know, I really wonder if you could benefit from ultra sound therapy on your legs too. I had nerve relief from the first treatment and they're pretty cheap...$65-90. ($65 at Enjoy your shopping day!

  3. Sorry to hear that your foot is having issues, that's terrible! I hope it heals very fast!

  4. I'm so proud of you for working so hard to get better and being the fighter you ARE getting better and that's the main thing...I spent today NOT baking anything! I'm gonna walk the dog and make salmon for dinner (with honey and soy sauce) and then probably go to a movie tomorrow...NO sugar day 4...! Woot!

  5. Hope you're not so sore soon and I'm sorry to hear about the water retention. Sometimes being a woman (regardless of time of month) just sucks. :) Cheers

  6. PAinful bt progress...

    take care

  7. On my agenda today is football! For the first time in decades, our team is in the playoffs with a good shot at getting deep into them, so we're stoked.

    Also, cooking and freezing some casseroles for upcoming need, doing some research on you-know-what, and finishing the edit on the third ebook of my contract. You know, just the usual, lol.

  8. Knowing that the pain is leading to a long-term good makes it a little easier to bear. Fingers crossed you feel better soon!

  9. Your attitude about healing your foot injury is like your outlook towards losing weight and exercise. You will do whatever it takes and keep trying, no matter HOW LONG it takes. I'm not sure that I have that kind of patience, but I am in total AWE of yours.

  10. I'd be willing to bet that 4lb gain is water weight due to not drinking enough mixed with TOM. My weight *always* fluctuates by 3 or 4 lbs around that time. The more water I drink, the less I tend to weigh so I usually drink a minimum of 10-12 refills of my plastic sippy cup a day. It is really hard to do during the winter b/c it's cold outside and ice water always makes me colder! Plus, I totally feel ya with the having to get up thing. Sometimes you just don't wanna!

  11. *HUGS* This, too, shall pass. Trite, I know, and worthless when it comes to comfort, but it's a fact just the same and you WILL survive this. I'm cheering for you every step of the way. I am SO delighted that you are able to get some sleep at night now. That is a HUGE step in the right direction. *MORE HUGS*

  12. I had a rough week, I gained OVER a pound a DAY. But I did throw out my back, so I laid in bed for days. I did overeat (I couldn't make meals even), and I started new medication. All of which didn't help. It really throws you for a loop! I gained about 6lbs this week, but I'm really hoping that they'll just fall off quickly!

  13. I think being sick does weird things to your body. When you feel better, I'm sure you'll shed that weight quickly. And I'm so glad to hear you're making progress with physical therapy! All those exercises can be a PITA, but if you stick with it, they really help.


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