
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013 all!

I hope you all had a fun NYE no matter what you did last night and I hope you're looking forward to making `13 your lucky number.  I know I am, no matter how much of an uphill battle I seem to be facing given the current predicament.

I'm not a resolution person so all I am "committing" to for this year is recovering from this stupid tarsal tunnel syndrome and looking at it in my rear view mirror as soon as humanly possible.

Do you have any goals for the new year?

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  1. I want to reach my goal weight. I have somewhere around 35-40 pounds left to lose, and I don't know why, but it seems so much harder now. I can't seem to get out of this cycle I've been in for months where I lose and gain the same few pounds. So, I am trying to figure this out. On spark there was a 30 day fitness challenge where you do their strength videos and your own cardio 5 times a week and I joined. Maybe this will help. I've gotten out of my routine a lot with the husband on vacation and kids home from school, so I am looking forward to tomorrow when things get back to normal.

  2. Happy New Year! My goal is to stop dwelling on the past and looking too far into the future. I'll be living One Day at a Time and doing what I can in those 24 hours. 2012 was a year that I lost myself with the deaths in the family, mom's cancer, car accident, etc. I realized that I spent so much timing looking back and looking ahead that I never really knew where I was in any given moment. So that's my be present in my daily living, and do what I can in those hours to make the best choices for myself.

  3. To accept what is and move forward, recognizing I am not perfect but can be better than I have been in 2012.

  4. Happy New Year! I know it will bring many surprises to us all, and hopefully they will be the good kind.

    My big goal for the year - lose 52 pounds in the 52 weeks of 2013.

  5. This year I am going to focus on being HAPPY. I know if I actually put this at the top of my priorities, do what makes me happy, be what makes me happy- I will see the positive results I want to see in 2013. I agree, let's make this our lucky 13 year! Best to you, Anele, and I hope this tarsal tunnel will clear up and let you walk away from it pain free.

  6. 13 IS my lucky number, so I'm hoping this will be my year! Resolutions seem to work against me. The only thing I'm committing to is getting back on the wagon that I threw myself off of on my birthday. It's been 13 days... I guess that's a sign = ) Happy New Year!!!

  7. Happy New Year to you! I know 2013 will be a good year for you--it will be! :D I spent my NYE up late with a hacking cough. And I have a feeling that's how I'll be spending tonight too...

  8. Oh yes, goals--I has them. Some I'll do, some I won't. My main goal is to have fun while I figure it all out.

  9. Happy New Year to you, Anele! My first goal is to finally ask you how to pronounce your name, hehehe.

    I am a goal-setter, and I don't wait for the New Year to do it, but I did go along with my husband's request not to put us back on a calorie-restricted eating plan until the new year. Through neglect and being 'too busy' to exercise, I've regained around 18 pounds, which is utter nonsense--I vow it will be gone by no later than the end of March. I have a hike scheduled for Friday, the first day that the group is going. I'm on doctor's orders not to get too crazy for another day because of a biopsy, but as soon as I'm cleared, I'll be at least walking daily, and paying attention to what we eat.

    Meanwhile, I'm also planning on going back to work. Just got some resume help, and will be scattering them around town as soon as the final product is ready.

    1. Happy New Year! It's Hawaiian so it's NOT pronounced Uh-nell like in Steel Magnolias, it's UH-NELL-AY. :)

      Hope the biopsy is nothing serious!


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