
Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello Tae Bo my old friend

(Anyone else got Simon and Garfunkel in their head now?  You should....because I do and I don't like songs stuck in my head without sharing the earworm)

We were doing Tae Bo last night and I thought of all Billy Boy (Blanks) and I have been through together.  We first started doing Tae Bo back in 1998.  When I lost my first chunk of weight (85 lbs.  You know before I gained it all back and then some) Tae Bo was our staple.  We basically just went back and forth between the basic and advanced VHS tapes (shut up) and maybe did a strength or two.

I was thinking about how I could anticipate the moves and such and it was so familiar.  How much easier it was for me now.  I used to not be able to do the squat kicks at the same time like he did, I had to do one or the other but I did last night.  I used to not be able to do the jumping jacks but my super duper sucker pants enabled me to do them without pulling a fat roll.  I used to dread this side/front kick combo that was preceded by this song that sounds like hammers and I would get a pit in my stomach.   Now it's one of my favorite moves.  (Side note:  why is it whenever an instructor says "if any of you know karate", dudes feel the need to morph into faux Bruce Lee and show off their highest kicks when you know they've pulled a groin muscle?)   We used to stop halfway through and declare ourselves done because we had to work up to the halfway point at our heaviest.  It amazes me that this is now one of our "easier" workouts in the scheme of things given how hard it used to be.  I got the chance to thank him 12 years ago in person for what he helped do for us then and literally the crowd parted when he said "come here" and gave me the biggest hug.

Tae Bo is one of those workouts I will likely always do at least a few times a month because of variety but also because it feels like an old friend.  One that is there for you in all forms whether it was our worst form or  our current best.  (3 more pounds and I'll finally be back to the weight I was when I lost it all with Tae Bo in the late 90's)  I'm thankful you're still around old friend.  I'll never ditch you for a newer cooler friend.

What workout/activity will you always have as part of your workout regimen regardless of its popularity?

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  1. Yoga is here to stay. I even did it on my vacation (just a quick 20 minutes--a few sun salutes I have committed to memory). It's not only good for the body, it's great for me mentally.

    Yoga is my antidepressant.

    1. I desperately want to like yoga. I'm just not there yet. Maybe I need to find the right instructor. We either end up bored or laughing but I do want to incorporate it!

  2. Nothing I do is "trendy" so I'll never be more out of style than I am right now. I enjoy walking and swimming though so those will always be there for me.

  3. I will always do calisthenics. When I was at my leanest, my muscles were so tight and I had such a flat stomach - it was all due to exercising every day on the floor in my living room. When I delivered my first child I was told it took so long because my muscles were so tight!!! (but that was 100 years ago).

    1. A lot of new workouts are utilizing old school calisthenics so keep at it girl!

  4. As long as my body will allow me, I'll keep push-ups in my workout rotation. When I started exercising regularly, I couldn't do ONE, not even the knee push-ups. I was so embarrassed.

    Now I do 30 or so push-ups as part of almost every workout. I can't say I love them, but they're my constant reminder of how far I've come! Plus, they cover a lot of body parts in one move. I'm all about efficiency in the workout. :)

    1. I don't love them either but there is something satisfying about doing push ups. Makes you feel strong!

  5. I don't tend to stick with any particular video for very long, maybe that should change. But, one of my fave memories of my Grandma was her "working out" (I'm not sure how many calories she actually burned-she didn't work very hard) with Gilad what's-his-name. Lol-she thought he was the bee's knees! She had us set up the VCR recorder so she would always have some workouts available. I've done a few Gilad workouts in her honor (a pretty good workout too) :).

  6. I still have all of my old Firm worktout tapes (yes, VHS) from the late 80s/early 90s. I have a couple of them memorized. I don't even have to look at the screen anymore.

    I'm also the point where I can anticipate moves in Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix #1 (my favorite workout). Certain music cues give everything away. I always get SUPER EXCITED when the music for the horse stance starts up because that's such a cool power move with the blocks. I also LOVE the crazy techno music sequence before you get to the cool-down. I'm usually dead by that point, but I get through it because it's such a great song. Just thinking about it gets my heart rate going.

    1. I do the same thing with a lot of the workouts. My Turbo Fire 55 has a lot of anticipatory moves for me lately so I threw the 45 back in there so as not to wear out 55's welcome just yet. I'm hoping Chalene puts something new out soon (and not that new "Firestarter" pack they threw together. That was awful and cheated the hardcore peeps out of something new)

  7. Tae Bo is definitely an old friend. I am amazed that I can actually do every single move now and keep up. It's actually to the point where I have to add more challenges in or else I won't burn as much but I still love doing Tae Bo every now and then and I wouldn't want to stop completely.

    1. I'm so proud of you being able to do everything. I still have a few I have to modify but I want to be able to do every single move too. Woot!

  8. I find this post funny because I just did Tae Bo this morning and I was telling my boyfriend how the video used to be so hard for me but this morning it was almost easy. I used to dread certian moves but this morning I flew right threw them. I have been doing Tae Bo since the late 90's as well and I most defiently have those basic and advanced VHS's.

    1. HA! That is funny! There are a few that are our favorites and they'll always be in rotation.

  9. I cannot answer this as it will leave me perpetually uncool...and I don't actually do it any more...but I can still remember all the moves to a certain vhs with a frizzy haired guy in the 80's. Argh.

    1. Do you know how many people still do Richie baby? Lots! I'd have to mute him of course but I say anything that gets the job done is a good thing!

  10. Hehehe... I used to have this older guy in our quality assurance group, and he was in some choral group so would sing (usually quietly) all the time. One day I must have been happy or something ;) and was humming some random tune and, next I knew, HE was singing it. From then on, I "planted" songs in his brain! Worked every time! Simon and Garkunkel was planted several times!!! Aren't I evil?
    He never knew what was up!
    I swear by my Jane Fonda ST DVD. It's not the one I used to use, but I can't seem to find that one anymore - not even in VHS which was what I used. Anyway, she may be old-school but her strength training programs are just right at working muscle groups to exhaustion but not damage. I can get afraid to try newer DVDs because sometimes I've frankly hurt myself doing the freaking moves!
    Loved this story, and the parting crowd. You GO!

  11. Great story!!! And I definitely know what you mean...

    Whenever I see Gilad from Bodies in Motion, I feel the same way - like I'm seeing an old friend! My Grandmother was ADDICTED to Gilad and who wouldn't be with those amazing views of Hawaii?? And post baby #1 (oh my gosh - that means it was 24 years ago!! YIKES When the hell did I get old??? LOL) I started doing Gilad too.

    Speaking of...I need to find me a Bodies in Motion DVD STAT!!!


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