
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bring on the funny

Yesterday the Mr had a vent session about work and I was happy to listen even if I wasn't happy with what went on to make him gripe.  (He rarely does)  We went down and had a pretty kick ass Turbo Fire session where I scorched off 1100 calories.  (Yay)  But we still felt a little beat up by life afterward so we decided to rent a movie.  The only good prospect was Friends with Kids.

This past week or so we've been going through movies we own that are kind of like "why did we buy this one?" to see if it's worth owning given how little DVD space we have left.  So after watching a few, we kicked Girl Next Door, Anchorman and Old School to the curb and Hitch made the cut.

Our back up to Friends with Kids was Spaceballs because it's mindless, funny and low brow.  Sadly, the one we rented wasn't necessarily funny all the way through (actually kind of a downer sometimes) so we should've deployed the back up.  There are times you just need to bring the funny to lift your mood and not get mired in life's poo traps.

What is your go to funny movie?  (You can name three if picking one is too hard)

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  1. Ghostbusters. Best.Movie.EVER!

    Haiku Tunnel and Slums of Beverly Hills are also some funny favorites.

  2. I love Princess Bride, Willy Wonka (70's version) and Spaceballs and 3 Amigos run neck and neck. Totally silly and make me happy when watching them.

    I want a bean feast!! NOW!!!



    1. Willy Wonka is so well done. The Burton version was an atrocity.

  3. Spaceballs is awesome. I like a little dark with my humor so Army of Darkness makes the cut and I consider all three Tremors movies humor (even though I'm pretty sure they're not meant that way). I like Harold and Kumar way too much for good taste. And... Probably Better Off Dead would have to be my number one go to for a good funny. Hubby doesn't like it as much as I do though so it's been a while.

    1. "I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!"

      The Mr loves Better Off Dead as well.

  4. Eddie Murphy's two Nutty Professor movies are my favorite. Also now I'd have to include the Tyler Perry Madea movies.

  5. NOOOOO. You got rid of Old School!

    1. Yep. We really didn't need to get through half of it to know it was going in the donate pile.

  6. Go to funny movies for me include: Groundhog Day, It's Complicated and Planes, Trains & Automobiles (amongst many more ;) )

  7. My girls just watched Ghostbusters for the first time a couple weeks ago--funny to watch it with them! We're not big movie watchers but all of us love Princess Bride.

  8. Night at tthe roxbury and superstar.
    I know. I'm a teenager! Lol

  9. I watched Summer Vacation the other day and forgot how funny that was. I'm more of a TV show kinda gal and Always Sunny in Philadelphia cracks me up every time.

  10. First of all--thanks for your tough words of encouragement yesterday, I think I'm back on track now. I hope so.

    Funny movies? guys (3 sons & hubby) LOVE the guy flicks, you know the ones with lots of slapstick, those kinds of movies really make them laugh. Movies like Jack Ass, Slapshot, Caddy Shack and Bull Durham. Sometimes I just find them tiresome, although Bull Durham is endurable, just not for the 50,000th time since we watch it every time it's on anywhere, plus we own the DVD! I prefer the movies that keep me thinking for days afterwards. Classic movies like Gone With the Wind, ET, and Camelot are some personal favorites. (I'm showing my age here.) That being said, I do like a few funny movies, like 40-Year-Old Virgin. That scene where Steve Carrell gets his chest waxed makes me laugh every time....when he yells out "Kelly Clarkson" I find it hilarious for some reason. I also liked Big Daddy. It breaks my heart when the little boy cries, "I won't shit my pants," as he is being taken away. But that part isn't funny. I guess I prefer to cry at movies. Now that is kind of sad isn't it?

  11. Goonies, Princess Bride, and Scrooged.

  12. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...clearly.

  13. Mel Brooks all the way--Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, and even High Anxiety.

  14. Liar, Liar (Jim Carry)
    Planes, Trains, Automobiles (Steve Martin, John Candy)
    Shrek (any, but especially the first)

  15. "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I about die every time I see the scene where they are hiding from the siren's only for it to be a wee little bot! OH and "Nothing to Lose". The scene with the fire and the tarantula and the dance.... can't breathe from watching it! And the last movie that I love to watch that's funny is "Yellowbeard". *L* Too much!

  16. Earth Girls are Easy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Liar, Liar are always good for a laugh.

  17. I don't like movies. I'm a freak! But I do watch episodes of Arrested Development on DVD sometimes--does that count?

  18. Planes, Trains, & Automobiles
    Bruce Almighty

  19. Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles and then the Disney/Pixar stuff - Aladdin (Robin Williams' genie wasn't meant for kids!), Shrek and Monsters Inc. There's a short on the Monsters Inc DVD that I think is called The Birds, absolutely great, especially when you're looking for a quick pick-me-up since it's only about 5 minutes long.

  20. I love Old School as well as Romey and Michelle's High School Reunion.... I guess I like the corny humor more! :)

  21. Grandma's Boy is definitely at the top of our list of favorites. Office Space, Christmas Vacation are also some of our favorites. Can't think of any others at the moment.

  22. Oh, my... The Great Outdoors, always does it! Most of the National Lampoons movies. Love Spaceballs and anything mindless like that.

  23. Weekend at Bernie's, Son-in-Law, and Sister Act come to mind off the top of my head but I imagine there are many, many more. I so suck at remembering names of movies and stars, songs and singers. Now books and authors? I can rattle them off by the dozen. lol


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