Good Friday all! I don't know if it's just me but the week seemed long. I was a tick toward productive when I caulked around the shower system surround. The Mr was psyching himself out so I grabbed the tubes and got to work, so glad to have that out of the way. We unfortunately had a funeral to attend yesterday. My friend I've known since third grade, her dad passed away. He beat a 9 year cancer prognosis back in the day to live 28 years longer. My friend was there for me when Grandma and Mom passed so I wanted to be there for her. I will admit, I still get bitter when I see how much more time other's get with their parents than I got with Mom. Nine. It's one of those shameful emotions you don't want to admit but it's human and therefore normal. I don't think I'll ever not feel that way. The Mr is going through immense daily work stress now and I feel powerless to help him. Please send all of the good vibes you can. My daily tears aren't enough to do much good and it looks like that vow for this to be a less stressful year for our health won't be coming true anytime soon. To cheer him up a little, after I heard him talking about this PrestoMagix on a video he saw, he was talking about how he never got one as a kid. I hopped on Ebay and found an unopened Return of the Jedi one and thought I would get it for him. He was happy and I was even happier that a 40+ year product actually worked!
Now, let's get to:
This Type of Exercise Cuts Women’s Heart Disease Risk in Half, Study Finds (I started incorporating these into my floor bike sessions while eating breakfast)
7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise, from a Doctor of Obesity Medicine (We need to work on #4 especially when it's out of habit.)
7 Snacks to Help You Poop That Aren’t Prunes, According to Dietitians (Some interesting choices here)
I Drank Lemon Water Every Day for a Week—Here’s What Happened (Thought about this anyway since I have a hard time drinking water alone but good info for digestion and heartburn stuff)
You don't need to run or do burpees to improve your fitness—just this 15-minute low-impact cardio Barre routine (Ooh, I want to give this a try)
How to Recognize and Combat Medical Gaslighting (There's nothing worse than someone you're supposed to trust making you feel crazy or like crap because they're a douche nozzle.)
Effective mood management means stopping overthinking before inflammation (I need to get this under control.)
Doom scrolling is linked to worse mental health and life satisfaction (In case you need another reason to stop focusing on the dumpster fires you can't put out.)
9 Life-Changing Makeup Swaps I Made When I Turned 40 (I can vouch for this exfoliant. I LOVE the way it makes my skin feel and no scrubbing. I've got sensitive skin to boot and no issues for me. Always patch test first before slathering it everywhere.)
BBC Archive 1976: Lindsey Buckingham on joining Fleetwood Mac and working on Rumours Album (Super interesting especially if you know how things ended up and his answer about Stevie)
Well, I guess after reading a few forums, I'm going to have to pull back on wearing barefoot shoes on the daily for walks and should focus on strengthening my feet first. Some people say it can take over a year walking on soft surfaces to be able to transition to hard ones. Uhh...twas not in the brochure.
We'll be doing bathroom flooring this weekend which also means switching the toilet. I know he's nervous but we've done this before and the biggest thing is remembering to have the tongue in the flooring facing the right way before cuts because this flooring was special ordered and of course not available anymore. So measure 8x, cut once!! Lord it'll be nice to get those boxes that have been there for 2 years out of the office! I think this is our 'over the hump' project so fingers crossed! Oh crap, I still have to make the medicine cabinet door. 🥴
What do you have planned this weekend?
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