Sunday, February 2, 2025

My Plan for the Week (2/2)

Good Sunday to you.  I'd better still be sleeping when this posts but Saturday night me says good Sunday to you!

Last week was a doozy as we added strength training back in the mix.  I won't lie, in addition to the soreness, it brought up a lot of feelings about how atrophied my muscles are - most of it wasn't in my control.  With all of the vein procedures last year, and having to wait a month in between each one, I couldn't get back into a routine literally from May-December.  Why?  Because my witch ass doctor's office was using the WRONG CODE for every procedure except the last one meaning I didn't HAVE to wait for that long.  Meaning I could've literally been done in 2 months (July) instead of seven and you have no idea how much that pisses me off.  The way I hold weight now is different all of a sudden and I have already been medically declared to have a slow metabolism (thanks BodPod) so losing all of that time to throw my resting metabolic rate even further into the abyss is very soul crushing.  Not to mention it could've helped with keeping some of the weight gain at bay from stress even though my body reacts with massive inflammation when I do add strength back in which I'll have to figure out but still.   I know I can only look forward from now but that's almost a year of my life I lost to doctor's ineptitude. Shocker.  Friggin' shocker.  

Here are the workouts from last week:

Sunday- Floor Bike (60 minutes- 6500 steps)
Monday- Floor Bike/Walk (12K)
Tuesday- Floor Bike/LIIFT 4 Back/Bi's 50/50 (10K)
Wednesday- Floor Bike/ LIIFT 4 Legs 50/50 (10,300K)
Thursday- Floor Bike/Walk (12K)
Friday-  Floor bike/Walk (13K)

Tuesday and Wednesday were when we threw strength back in and we started small.  If we went back in on week 1 Back and Bi's, it would've killed us.  We've been down this road before and doing full circuits will burn us out for DAYS and since we had potential wallpapering on tap for the weekend, that wouldn't have been smart.  The 50/50 days are half weight lifting and half modified HIIT.  I know we both would've been doubly sore had we chosen the other way so even though I could  wash my hair with a few winces Thursday, I still consider it a win.  If we hadn't done 50/50, we would've had to wash each other's hair in the kitchen sink.  Tuesday I was 500 steps away from 10K steps before so I walked them at the end of the bed before conking out.  Wednesday because of strength, my steps were 2500K off after the workout and dinner so I had to hop back on the bike while watching the tube.  I guess this is what dedication looks like or something.  I also had to tell myself that the bike is going to have to be my thing regardless of what "results" it gives me.  I have a tendency that if I don't see a plan or activity that is supposed to be working, isn't working outwardly then I stop; never knowing if I gave it long enough to make a real difference which should be like what, 3 months or something.  Especially at my age.  😒

Water was decent after Sunday.  I still didn't do the watch thing but I guess I didn't need to.

Sun- 64 oz
Mon- 118 oz
Tues- 126 oz
Wed- 125 oz
Thurs- 125 oz
Fri- 123 oz

It's still technically a little under what everything says it should be but I need sleep and I'm already peeing twice after midnight so that's going to have to be good enough.  Given it's twice the amount I used to get on a good day, I'm going to consider it a win.

I began adding more psyllium husk up to 2 teaspoons last week but because of the statins I now have to time everything with ninja-like precision.  Vitamins have to be taken 2 hours before husk to have with breakfast to soak up peanut butter fat then I can't take my refrigerated probiotic until midday.  Then husk with dinner and 2 hours before statin and then I can't take my magnesium within 2 hours.  I need to get off this shit ASAP.  The amount of crap that interacts with this med is ridiculous and do you think my dipshit doctor or the pharmacy lists them?  NOPE.  "Don't eat grapefruit."  Literally the only thing either of them said.  Do you think I can take my morning Ceylon cinnamon with my oatmeal to keep blood sugar stable?  Nope?  Why?  Because it could give me "severe liver damage" according to Dr. Google.  I friggin' give up.  This is supposed to be saving my life right now, right?  Anyhoo.

This past week we caught up on months of unread stuff on our 2024 One Happy Year.  It was so stressful rereading we had to take a break!  One thing that became very apparent was October (when the bathroom stuff originally started) is when we really went batshit with getting takeout more.  Again, not more than some people but more than we're used to and just stress eating the hell out of every brain melting obstacle we came against.  We looked at each other and were like "how did we survive??"  It was quite eye opening.

Then came Saturday's weigh in.  I told you I'd be doing those monthly because mentally I can't handle the stress of "what if" they're shit numbers.  They were shit numbers.

4 lbs lost in a month.  

Don't.  I know the temptation to say that's 4 lbs less.  (But 8 lbs higher than before I left for Vermont.)  Look above.  Look at my water, my steps, my calories were between 1800-2100 and my "remaining calories" after exercise were anywhere between 300-1000 so nope, don't need to cut calories.  Actually, according to TDEE calculators, this should be my calorie range to lose the 2 lbs per week I've been chasing.

I'm not comfortable going up that high for a month only to find out it screws me.  Actually, hang on, let me average last week's calories a sec.  So my average last week including last Saturday was 2174.  100 over what it claims I need.  So in order for that to even out, I'd need to throw in a 1600 calorie day then keep it to 1900 if we want to still have a higher cal but still cooked by me day on Saturdays.  I guess I'll try that for a few weeks and see what happens there.  

But needless to say that I had a meltdown of mass proportions which I feel horrible about because what did the Mr lose last month?  10 LBS!!  (WOOOOOT!!!!)  While I'm so happy for him, what does that do to me?  Reinforces there's something wrong with me on every level.  I know men lose like they're being paid but he actually does less than I do.  He doesn't do the bike and has a desk job.  So there's another mind effer for me.  I start going on about how damn tired I am about tracking every friggin' aspect of my life.  Weigh your body, weigh your food, how many ounces of water, how many steps, how many calories, how many grams of protein, how much saturated fat compared to your total calories and making sure you're between 7-9% so your heart doesn't explode.  And ALLLLLL of the reminders.  Drink your water, roll your legs, take your pysllium husk, take your vitamins, take your statin, put on your watch, drink kombucha because you have zero microbiome apparently, and on and on and on.  Never mind the flippant comments about reducing stress and getting more sleep like it's just so friggin' easy.  Oh and do all of this in excruciating foot pain you have to push through on the daily because the foot pain won't go away until you lose weight which refuses to come off and do it all as you're going through perimenopause.


I can't stop crying.

But I'm not stopping.

So the only thing changing plan wise for this week is making sure my calories average out to the TDEE calculator and adding lymphatic drainage massage in there a minimum of once a day since I guess mine are dead otherwise.

Sorry for the rant but real life only here so, you're welcome.

You got goals for the week?

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  1. I hear you and I feel you! Hubs can decide to drop twenty pounds and boom it's done. I lost over sixty pounds in 2019 through blood, sweat and tears, then the plague happened and a few other things and I've slowly put some of it back on. My mind goes from "you can do this, you did it before, plan, track your food intake, drink water," etc etc, then my mind laughs hysterically and says "what's the point"? It's a daily battle and I'm so frustrated right now. On a positive note you're taking steps to improve and that has to count for something, right? That's what I try to tell myself, after I've finished beating myself up for not doing better.

    1. I am happy for him but it is so friggin' frustrating and completely deflates me when I have to work so much harder and maybe I get a bone, maybe I don't. I totally get how your mind starts that old tape based on past experience too. Yesterday I wanted to quit and not look at anything but that is the attitude that got me here. (And even then quit is a relative term. It's usually pout, still track but just not care about water or whatever.) Hang in there, you are clearly not alone!

  2. Rants and crying are helpful sometimes. I admire your tenacity. I have to take a medication that makes me gain weight and it’s totally messing with my head. I hate it!
    Hang in there; you’re doing the right things.

    1. Aww, thanks! I'm trying but man it's hard. I hear you on the meds. I think my side effect showed up for my statin in the form of constipation. (Sorry!!). Which is awesome to take someone who already has that issue and make it worse. Have you talked to your doc about a different version of the same med that might not mess with your weight?


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