Friggin Monday... how did that happen? I hope you had a great weekend. Apparently the super bowl was yesterday. Never watched it... we're a "record the Puppy Bowl and fast forward through the 87,452 commercials" household. Anyone remember when it was just basically a camera set up in a stadium setting with a ref occasionally stepping in and nothing else? I miss those days.
It was quite the weekend in these parts. Before the weekend started, we had to pick out a new toilet. We decided on a Kohler and it was a one piece that should be easier to clean. Problem is, that mofo was HEAVY. We got it loaded into the SUV and carefully removed it from the back onto a canvas to drag it to the stairs. We grunted it up the three stairs where it sat in the living room. See, we have ONE bathroom so that's why this reno has been a wicked pain in the butt. Never take brushing your teeth and washing your hands post bidness for granted again.
We ran into an issue Thursday with discovering some water damage on the corner of the subfloor. After showering, there was always this rando water trail on the outside of the caulk of our tub that looked like it was just shedding a single tear that our time together was over. Well, over 20 years, that's a lotta tears and it apparently went under our previously installed vinyl strip flooring. The Mr wood filled, sanded then primed it before gluing the old floor back down to be ready for installation Saturday. There was also a new 1" gap between the old subfloor and the shower system that had to be filled in so he cut some plywood, at the 11th hour when I inspected it from the throne, I saw it wasn't level so it needed to be torn out and recut using different wood. Then it was finally ready to roll.
The bathroom is barely big enough for one. It's the kind that would be mocked on House Hunters so two people being in that space wouldn't be conducive to getting anything done without ending up like two feral cats in a bag. So the Mr did the floor alone while I did the dishes, some meal prep and waited to see if he needed anything. He certainly got his workout in running up and down the stairs to make cuts. If we had the saw inside, we would've been breathing in tiny vinyl pieces forever. The Mr masked up and cut as needed. It didn't take him long to get to the toilet so he turned off the water, flushed the tank empty, removed extra water with a big sponge and we syphoned out the rest. We used some gel stuff for what was left but I don't know it reached as far back in the pipe as we needed it to. He grabbed a construction garbage bag and we lifted the toilet off of the bolts and bagged the bottom of the toilet to minimize water dripping. We used press and seal to cover the sewer hole which works like a charm.
We had to walk the toilet down step by step and into the garage where the next day it would seek revenge for being given the boot. That awkward angle was enough to do my back in. Somewhere in there we had lunch, homemade burger and fries by request. He finished the rest of the flooring and of course the last row is always the pisser. Once that was done, I had him take a break and it was time to figure out how to get this monster toilet up there. We opened the box and got the toilet seat and tank lid out but as we lifted, we felt like maybe it would be okay to try to move out of the box instead of in the box with moving men straps and my brute force pushing on the bottom. We slowly walked it over to the stairs and step by step got it hoisted up there, which was a relief. The Mr had been psyching himself out all week about the installation and how it would line up over the bolts and installing the wax ring. It was fine. We got into the best position we could, making sure not to hit the new shower doors, and lowered it just fine. The poor man was a sweaty, beaten down mess so we cleaned up the area a bit and he got a shower and I made dinner a little later. It's so nice to not have that hanging over our heads and thankfully we have a good amount of planks left so we'll keep a few back and get rid of the rest.
Sunday I grabbed a shower, went down and made brunch to thank the Mr for all of his hard work. After an episode of a show he has no interest in, he headed out to the garage to break up the toilet. Bulk pickup wasn't clear if they did toilets and some redditors said no they didn't but break it up and do trash pick up. He broke it up with a hammer in the construction bag and scootched it into the trashcan (my idea instead of trying to get it in there whole and then break it up) while I started work on the medicine cabinet door. He said he needed my help to get the trashcan standing up because all of the weight was in the front and he couldn't get leverage on it. So I was going to push up while he pulled back. As that attempted to happen, the weight of it threw me off balance and I fell into the broken up pile of porcelain. You know how you're like stunned and you know there's some damage and you're scared to look? The Mr came over to try to get me up off of my knees. Blood was dripping down the top of my hand and knuckle. I ran it under cold water and told the Mr to get the Blood Cease we used the other day on his bloody nose because it wasn't stopping. He said there were blood drips on the floor and he asked if I was cut anywhere else. I looked down and my shirt was bloody.
I looked at the bottom of my forearm and it was split open and bleeding pretty bad. The Mr got me an ice pack for under the paper towels and I sprinkled Blood Cease all over. It took a lot for the top of it to stop bleeding but I got two band aids on it to keep on for a few hours before I could clean it up and put liquid bandage on it. I'm going to have to put rosehip oil on it to reduce the redness because there's absolutely going to be a scar from it. 
An inch the other way and I may not be here to tell you all about it. So that was fun. Of course when I ball up my fist (like you'd have to do to, you know, lift a weight), it hurts like hell. I'm sure today will actually be worse because I could just feel the soreness setting in yesterday. Then I did a little food prep with a glove on, made dinner and we got a walk in because I don't think I could've done strength training and I'll have to see how today goes to see when I can add it. Any force, like me cutting the veneer I needed for the medicine cabinet and my wounds were opening back up. 
Good times.
What did you do this weekend?
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Get posts sent straight to your inbox on Follow It. Some posts may contain affiliate links that help keep this blog running at no cost to you. See the Disclaimer page for more info. All posts copyright Success Along the Weigh. All rights reserved.
Yay almost done! But oy on the injury, so sorry!
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for you and the injury. Just thankful you're okay and we continue to move forward as always.
ReplyDeleteExcellent news on the bathroom! So sorry to hear about your cuts though. They no doubt feel tight and stiff today. Weekend was good. Very busy but good all the same.
ReplyDeleteOh no! So sorry you got hurt. I would have NOT cooked dinner after that! The floor looks great!