Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Hump Day Poll: To Jingle or Not to Jingle?

In two days it'll be November 1st and there seems to be a distinct line of thinking on that date now... bask in post Halloween/Fall glow or bust out the Christmas music.

Because it's an election year, I feel like only have I just started this week to see any other Christmas commercials other than the nibby old neighbors Hobby Lobby commercial that's been in rotation for 3 weeks.  So those holiday elements we can't really control but we can control our personal homes and if we choose to fire up Nat King Cole or God forbid, Mariah with Jack o Lantern's barely cool.

I used to listen to Christmas music in July in my teens through my 30's   I would definitely pepper it in in early November before.  Since our house has seemed to be in a perpetual state of reno since 2017, playing it too early just stresses me out because the house isn't usually conducive to decorating.  (Like right now.  I still never got all of my Fall stuff out which ticks me off.)  Last year I clearly wasn't able to enjoy Christmas music at all being a few months out from Mom's passing and it's not feeling much different this year so far.  I'm hoping once this bathroom is finished, whenever the hell that'll be, and we can clean the house that it will shift my headspace.  Right now, I'm not in the mood for it and can't see that being the case for quite a while.

Are you team Christmas music come November 1st and if not then, when?

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Monday, October 28, 2024

When Your Body Talks Weekend Recap

Yo yo yo party people, it's Monday.  I hope your weekend was a good one and you got some stuff checked off of the to do list.  

It's been a week, again.  Thursday at the chiro after debating Halloween candy, talking of our shared love of a particular vintage of TJ's chocolate where he gave me the most doctor answer ever "it might give a little inflammatory response but it's full of fiber, flavonoids, and protein so it's actually healthy for you", I got a talking to.  I'm regressing on my shoulders because I have kicked my strength training to the curb over the past month and the half assed attempt at fixing it sans weights or bands, has been for nothing.   He said I need the weight portion to work against gravity and while what I was doing was better than nothing, I'm not going to see results quickly.  So the Mr and I brought bands upstairs so that we can do rows in bed at night as well as first thing in the morning.  I'm back to not being able to brush my hair or do a ponytail without pain and it's my own fault.  😔

I spent some of last week going through Mom's laptop only to find she really didn't keep much on it.  I'll have to dig a little more but I only found a few things that I'd probably want to get off of it and they weren't pictures or anything like that.  It still really bothers me that there are things I know darn well she never would've gotten rid of paper wise that her sib's spouse likely burned in an attempt to bulldoze their way through the initial load of paperwork which I was pissed about.  They had no right to do that and not get that stuff over to me to look through.  So it stirred up a lot of shit and added to my inability to think/do anything productive.  Also found out a great uncle died and I tried my best to give an appropriate remark instead of the comeback of  'well, the last memory I have of that guy was him grabbing Mom's boob when she was giving him a hug and the look of horror on her face as she recoiled and was unable to smack him in front of everyone like she clearly wanted to."  Oh the things we all keep to ourselves in the name of  'familial harmony.'  (I'm sharing that to get the point across that if someone dies that you know was not the great person everyone made them out to be now that they're gone, don't feel the need to make a big deal mourning them.  You can say "my heart goes out to their kids" and leave it at that.)

One small thing that probably seems silly but made me happy was I got these amber colored mason jars and I took all of my loose leaf tea bags from Harney and Sons and put them in there.  I have a little chalk pen and labeled everything.  Not only will it keep the tea's lasting longer without sitting in a foil bag but it looks a lot more put together and quaint.  At least ONE area of the house can look cute. even if it's the size of two mason jars. 

Saturday we grabbed some lunch and walked the beach like area which has lovely poop logs/bird 'rrhea that we've watched get plowed into the sand for families to picnic on- hence walks only.  

The Mr had another bad headache brewing for the 5th Saturday in a row and I got an ocular migraine.  What is the top contributor to both of these according to Dr Internet?  Stress.  Throw in that I got my second ocular migraine in two days and I knew it was stress and it was also the kick in the butt I asked my grandma for the night before.  I told her to motivate me to get something done but don't make it life threatening and bam, there it was.  So I got to priming the vanity while in the middle of the migraine which is always interesting when you can't see half of what you're painting.  

Then it was time to tackle the medicine cabinet I'd been dreading because I'm going to be wallpapering the back and I've never done that before.  We measured stuff out and then on a practice piece of wallpaper tried this whole 'booking' technique you need to do.  When we saw after the appropriate time that it didn't stick, then we felt better about proceeding with the piece we cut and modified for the medicine cabinet.

(Love this art deco-y paintable wallpaper from Wayfair- on sale now)

So we've got that drying before I start the next part of it and put on the second coat of primer on the vanity and the shelves inside.  I hope it'll help take the stress off of both of us a little bit.  Though I can say that something that isn't helping is the roofer that came out unannounced to 'fix' the sound that's been plaguing us for over two months seemed to make it worse and now we're back at square one and hoping for the HOA to not give us shit over it.  Sigh.

The biggest joy I got this weekend was I made a sale of my cat lover candle so that felt good.   There's a sale going on until the end of the week if anyone is interested.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, October 25, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #43

Howdy do all and happy Friday!  Did the week treat you well?  Ours was a tick less chaotic than last week's which I'll take but only a tick.  The Mr was in forced, poorly organized training well past quitting time for the last two days.  I had my second appointment with the new therapist and she proved despite her bouncing off the wall default that she can handle the tough stuff.  With about 8 sessions left to me, I'm not starting over so I'll continue with her for the remainder of the year.  Mom's sib also stopped by unannounced again which drives me absolutely insane.  They've been driving around with Mom's laptop in their car for like two months and they stopped by when we were gone before and the other night when we were having dinner.  Look, our house is torn up and ain't nobody coming in here.  So now that I know I don't have anything other than a box of pictures, Imma have to train them that if we don't make plans, our door doesn't open.  That's been our rule for 29 years and it ain't changing now.  I know they know the story about us refusing to let my dad, his new girlfriend and grandparents in the day after our first Christmas when the house was a complete wreck because they all talked about it for years.  Still applies!!  Grrr.  Anyhoo so nothing like a box of grief bombs being unexpectedly dropped at your door.  (And dog hair.  FFS vacuum every once in a while.  Mom didn't have dogs yet her pillowcase and towel are COATED in dog hair we're both allergic to.)  

Oh we also got another 24 hour heart attack as our bathroom project manager emails back after the Mr left him a message asking for an update (we were supposed to start this week) and says "I reached out to the manufacturer and they're running behind.  Your stuff is scheduled to ship 11/4-1/8."  I had to reread it like three times as my brain tried to compute.  The Mr was like "what's wrong?"  I stuttered and read it to him and my body just shut down.  My head was spinning, I was pukey, weak, and felt faint.  The idea of having to push this into the new year was just not happening.   In my head I'm thinking "we're going to have to get a refund for what we already paid and start this effing process all over again.  We've been without a sink for a month and are at our limit there and nothing else can be done until the shower conversion happens first."  I told the Mr he needed to call him since I was at zero capacity for words and who knew what would fly out of my mouth.  Of course the guy didn't answer and the Mr is like "we're really hoping January is a typo."  It took a full 24 hours of me being almost incapacitated by adrenaline before he called back to confirm it was in fact a typo.  🤬  Now just because it comes in in two weeks doesn't mean that's when it starts.  I really do NOT want to be doing this crap over Thanksgiving especially when our original deadline was Halloween.  No bueno.  That doesn't even cover still having to order our countertop for the bathroom vanity which will take a month minimum as well as the carpet for the bare stairs.  

So this crap is all clearly going into next year.  FML yo.

That about catches you up.  Now let's catch up with:

'I Can't Tolerate Gluten In The U.S., But I Can In Europe': Experts Unpack The Phenomenon (This is why I use Italian Einkorn flour.  Lower carbs, gluten and no pesticides/genetic modification allowed.  It cracks me up how an American doctor is like 'just walk more and stress less' as his answer.  Mook)

The training technique that’s turning back the clock for older adults  (I know I'd like to roll back a decade or so!)

Common condiment may increase risk of stomach cancer by 40%  (Good thing I make sure we watch it 6 days a week.)

The Sugar in Fruit Doesn’t Make It Bad for You, Despite Some Trendy Diet Claims  (You'd have to pry bananas and apples away from me.)

12 Weird Symptoms Endocrinologists Say You Should Never Ignore  (My mom had #11 for 40 years and the symptoms due to the unknown cause ended up costing us a closer relationship due to personality changes.  Yet one more way doctors failed her.)

The Cheapest DIYs To Finish Your Basement Ceiling While Keeping It Accessible  (Will it keep your neighbors pot from leeching into your space?)

Before You Pour All That Maple Syrup on Your Pancakes, Here’s What You Should Know About It  (We love going to Bragg Sugar house in VT and grabbing the Dark/Robust, similar to this one.  I use it in my pumpkin muffins.)

Ted Danson & Kelsey Grammer Settle 30-Year ‘Cheers’ Dispute: “Stuck In Both Of Our Memories”  (That right there is called emotional maturity.  May we all learn it before it's too late or we miss out on 30 years with someone.)

Oh and it looks like some of those pop up flower bouquet cards I was talking about in Monday's post are still on sale if you're interested.   Ooh, I actually just saw a few of their pop up pet cards are on sale.  Dammit!  I've got a cousin with a milestone birthday next year so I guess I'm giving them more of my money.  

Also, a funny moment from the chiro's office yesterday was listening to Dido's Thank You come on and the new Gen Z receptionist saying "wait, did this song come out before Eminem did it?"  The woman was like "yeah, this was first" and she must've gone on for a full minute about how "wild" it was.  Uh, it's been done for decades sweetie.  Poor girl would have no head from her mind constantly being blown from all of the songs she thought were original that have been sampled or remade.

I hope for us to get out for a bit to actually absorb the last weekend of October and the last glimpse of peak colors, and then I'm sure trying to get the house in a state that will not feel like it's swallowing us whole.

What's on tap for you this weekend?

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Monday, October 21, 2024

Brain Dump Weekend Recap

Howzit, y'all.  I hope you had a great weekend.  Ours was less full of stuff we should've been doing than it should've been.  Well, I should say on my part it was.  The Mr washed, waxed and clay barred both cars for the winter.  I have to say, if you don't clay bar your car, you should.  It protects your finish and makes it look like the day you drove it's depreciating ass off the lot!   He also installed our new kitchen faucet.  I primed the inside of the medicine cabinet.  First with oil based primer after sanding the damage on the MDF and to seal it, let it dry a day then bonding primer over that after I glued down the new 1/4" plywood bottom.  We checked out our new wallpaper for the bathroom since we finally received it.  The cost made me want to yarf so it'd better look friggin' amazing when it's done.  I think we're both at the mental limit after having to wash our hands and brush our teeth over the tub for a month now.   Despite that, I am stuck in a cycle of functional freeze when it comes doing what I need to on that front.  I am so overwhelmed that anything feels like too much.  I do have to thank the Mr for taking over the final coat of mud in the bathroom because I was literally having anxiety attacks every time we were in there and I finally blurted out to him I couldn't do it.  I seriously have no idea how it looked so bad and every video I watched were these people making it look like it was so easy and I felt like an idiot.  Thankfully, his skill is apparently leaps and bounds above mine and it looks 100x better.  Our bathroom remodel was slated to tenatively start this week but we haven't heard boo from anyone there.  Like, an update would be nice or how about getting the rendering we asked for well over a week ago.  I hate when stuff starts coming back to you about why you said you wouldn't go with a specific company after you already signed something.  I remember having this same issue before.  The Mr called and the answer was 'they expect to receive it soon.'  Thanks for the non-answer.   We're having to undo something we installed because it created another issue and that means more effing holes to fill and now a whole new paint job on an area I had zero intention of doing anything to.  Yay.  

Another attendant at the life party lately are flashbacks to Mom's death and the circumstances around it.  It doesn't help Hobby Lobby and Hallmark are hitting the heartstrings early just reminding me of what I'll never have again which then forces me to re-examine how long before that it all started changing, blah blah blah.  I've got a therapy appointment tomorrow with the hyperactive therapist and I honestly don't know if I can spill any of that stuff to her.  She reached out to me saying she could get me on the calendar and I wasn't going to but I did and they ask what you want to talk about and I said ADHD update and lots of grief dust up.  I hope she surprises me but I don't have a lot of faith going into it.  I also know that means me having to regurgitate everything in chunks that I already told the other one and ugh.  I am going to get to reading a book a dear friend got me when Mom passed and I knew that it was one I'd probably need if I got into this pattern.   I also am having a hard time with a shitty comment when I tried to talk to my friend about having a hard time grief wise when we'd been leaning on each other all spring and summer.  Her response was "it's a new week" and then turned the conversation back to her.  Oh okay, I guess our time of being there for each other is done.   So when it was time for her mom's death-iversary, I doled out the same as I got.  Yep, I'm petty.  It gets very tiring feeling like you're giving more than you're getting.  Oh yeah and are thank you cards after a wedding not a thing anymore?  I know, that was a random subject change but it's been hocking the Mr and I off that 4 1/2 months after my cousins wedding and not getting so much as a text thanking us for the $200 Amazon gift card we got them.  It makes it really hard to want to drop anything on a baby gift if that's the next step.  It just goes along with being ticked off not getting the same effort you give.  I know not to expect you from other people and all that BS but I don't think 'thank you' is too hard.  Now I'm having deja vu and feel like maybe I already griped to you guys about this.  Sorry if I did but clearly it's still seriously ticking me off. 

Anyone else ready for this effing election to be over?  I'm not going there on the presidential side, I'm talking about the local yokels who are spending their money slinging mud instead of sharing their plans (because they don't have any) and making me want to frisbee my damn TV.  We stopped paying for the 'less ads' tier at the wrong time and I cannot wait to just be bombarded with...oh wait...Christmas commercials.  Never mind.  Mute button constantly it is.

Oh, before I sign off on my cheerful update, I thought I'd share something that rarely goes on sale that I snagged this morning because I'm a cart watcher.  I snatched one of these Christmas tree cards from Freshcut Paper Store that is $3 off.  I'm going to use it as a centerpiece but if you have someone who doesn't typically decorate for the holidays anymore whether due to grief, older age or just not really caring one way or the other, this is a super cute way for them to still get into the spirit of the holiday without having to store something since it lays flat.  I got my friend this one and I was happy with the pics she sent me of it.  I've gone through and found a few others that are on sale right now if you're interested in snagging them.  (Seriously, I've only seen them on sale for Black Friday and not really for less than they have them today but without the sell out threat.)  They have a few others on sale today too.  I'm partial to the poinsettia one, super cute!

Okay, there's my weekend update...

How was YOUR weekend?

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Friday, October 18, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Sup y'all.  The Mr thanks all of you for your birthday wishes here and on FB.  It really helps especially as the cards dwindle as you age but luckily I have a few really good friends who make sure to include him so shout out to them.  I wish his birthday went off without a hitch but as seems to be par for the course, the old school bakery we got his cake from was terrible.  When you can't identify what flavor the cake or icing are, tis not good.  One of his birthday presents I got within 4 minutes of him sending me the link a few months ago was baited and switched by a popular old school home video game company.  I'm in the process of a dispute with them but if they don't refund the money, I'm definitely outing them.  So that ticked me off.  Luckily he had a good steak and the pizza he wanted so that part at least seemed good.  We were able to go to a park he's wanted to check out for a few months and we lucked out with a rain storm that cooled everything down.  We chatted about life lessons and just enjoyed chilling by a pond after a walk.  Don't think I didn't look to see if that horse farm was open that weekend!  

We were dreading this week and it delivered.  We are currently without gas during a cold snap and had to evacuate the house yesterday.  Actually, let me just list stuff.

Monday- Mr's chiro appt

Tuesday- Mr's cardiologist appt

Wednesday- My vein follow up and touch up to what she's screwed up putting me back in the stockings, later that day eye appointments back to old doctor and the reason we left him is because his staff is always sick.  This was no exception and why we're still masking indoors.  Really don't want to go back there.

Thursday- My annual with gyne and a cloud of 3 people's creeping crud in a hail of mucus around me in the waiting room.  There had been a 4 month threat of "removal" of something down below which has had me pukey for that length of time all for her to say "it fell off."  Serious??  Then she called in the wrong prescription so now I have to deal with that.  We've been waiting all damn week for this plumber to get out to replace our gas regulator because we have a gas leak and had to evacuate.   The knocking noises we've been hearing for 2 months?  Oh, just loose flashing on the roof flapping all day and night and it only took one sump pump replacement, 4 plumber visits, two HVAC visits, one water heater replacement and a partridge in a pear tree to figure that out so now we have to wait for an HOA to get off of their asses.

So yeah...eff this week.

Now let's eff around with:

A Guide to the Muscles You Forget to Exercise  (This is a great reminder and I need to get on it as well.)

What Foods Can Boost Your Metabolism? (I'll take what I can get!)

Aging Gracefully Can Be Scary, But Psychologists Reveal How To Shift Your Narrative  (Put on your Ramones tee with a blazer over it, slip on your Chucks and get your finger ready for gesturing should anyone question you.)

3 Ways To Support Your Skin During Hormonal Shifts  (Does anyone take collagen supps and if so have you noticed any improvement?  I tried this before but don't know if I gave it long enough to do anything.)

What Were We Thinking? The Top 10 Most Dangerous Ads  (Be right back, I'm going down some sugar and douche with...)

I have no capacity to form final thoughts so byyeeeeee!

What are you getting into this weekend?

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Friday, October 11, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Howdy do?  We're rolling into mid-ish October so you'd better get to enjoying all of the Fall things because November first they're going to pull every trace of pumpkin or cinnamon and full blast it into Christmas and peppermint everything.  We haven't gotten to enjoy the season nearly as much as I like to which sucks.  I need some fall color to soothe my soul!  Instead our soul has become much like the Grinch I suppose with an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!  Oh yes.  We had the sump pump replaced Monday where the adhesive in the pipes was SO disgusting it drove us out of the house and I thank God we had good weather to leave the back door open most of the night.  The next day was an appointment with a financial advisor who gave us a consultation and we're basically doing better on our own than we would with him based on returns.  (Not like we're rolling in it by any means but I'd say 6% more than their highest return isn't too shabby for doing our own research.)  Essentially he said all he could really manage for us were two tiny accounts so it wouldn't be worth going with with for that but it was nice to see our calculators were all on par with his.  Wednesday was getting the gas valve replaced on the 18 month old water heater to get rid of that God awful knocking.  Welp, after he left, it made the noise again.  🖕  He went around with them about getting it replaced and the person who squeezed us in yesterday was giving the Mr a hard time about it and he had to put his foot down saying replace the damn thing, Rheem already okayed it.  It was essentially all afternoon of dealing with that crap only to find that didn't fix it.  While the tank was being changed out, the guy said cold water was coming back into the tank which means a cartridge is out in a single lever faucet.  The Mr changed out the shower one and it didn't fix it.  Of course our kitchen faucet is discontinued so a new one will be here Sunday but in the meantime he shut off the water to the kitchen with the theory if the water can't flow it will be like mimicking a kitchen cartridge replacement.  We should know this morning by the camera we have down there if he's on to something or not.  I got an art piece I'm using the for the bathroom project and of course because it came from India to the US then decided it wasn't ready to be delivered and went to China then Japan and then BACK to the US, it got damaged.  Sorry but I've now had more misses than hits with Canvas Champ so I can no longer recommend them and they don't want to refund my money and want me to wait two weeks for a friggin' replacement.  No.  So off to dispute the charge I went.  Thursday was a chiro appointment.  Today was supposed to be round two with the new therapist but she's in Florida and ya'll know about that so we cancelled.  I likely can't do next week because of 20,000 appointments and the bath reno could potentially start the following week so who knows if I'll ever see her again now.  


Appalling dump heap.

Now let's soothe your soul with:

Hitting A Plateau? Inadequate Protein Intake Could Be The Cause  (Always something to keep track of.  I know I'm lower on it than I should be.)

How Long Does It Actually Take To Speed Up Your Metabolism? An MD Explains  (Not sure why it's not mentioned here but also strength training from everything I've read.)

5 Drinks That Make You Poop Immediately, From a Gastroenterologist  (I drink two of the five that do nothing for me so we'll see if anything else helps.  And yes, the one you suspect is on here.)

Five Ways to Improve Flexibility  (I desperately need to work on this.)

If You're Waking Up With Dry Skin Or Congestion, This Could Be Why  (Yes I do and no I'm not stopping that or I'll be a raving monster every morning...more so than usual.)

The 30 Most Brilliant Cleaning Hacks of All Time  (Some really great tips I know I'll be using!  I can vouch for #8)

Stop making these 3 dangerous laundry mistakes  (It blows my friggin mind when I hear people don't wash their new clothes before wearing them.  So. Gross.  I second the solution for dryer sheets but don't forget a few drops of your favorite essential oil on them a few minutes before you use them so you don't get oil on your clothes)

Here’s Why There’s Soap Scum Buildup in Your Shower—and How to Prevent It  (I'll need to follow these when the new doors go in because our old ones laugh at my efforts)

5 Signs You're Dealing With Unresolved Grief  (Maybe because I identify with all listed but I don't feel based on conversations with others especially a little over a year out that this indicates being 'stuck.'  I think it's just the process especially if the death was unexpected.  You unfortunately have a lot more to process than if you were dealing with someone who had a lingering illness.)

This weekend is the Mr's birthday!  (Let's make a party in the comments with well wishes... don't be shy!)  So I'm not sure what tomfoolery he'll want to get into, if any, but hopefully I'll have something fun to report Monday.  You know us Gen Xer's, we like the rip it up, yo.

Sorry if this was riddled with typos, I forgot to run it by my proofreader before bed.

What tomfoolery awaits you this weekend?

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Do I O-ffend? Hormone Edition

This is friggin embarrassing but when has that ever stopped me?  So like, your aging pits... do they get like some stank ass power at 45 to laugh at all deodorant?  Because y'all... I can get about 3 hours out of a natural deodorant and I would say 5 hours out of a regular antiperspirant that before would last me all day!  Now this also coincides with the beginning of the pandemic when 1) my stress level went through and have stayed through the roof and 2) when all companies decided they were going to screw us all and give less for more.

Is this an age thing?  I don't want to be the Baroness of B.O., Lady Chicken Broth Pits and the like.  

If you've encountered this as you've aged/gone through perimenopause, please share even if by message if you don't want your stinky secret out there and what, if anything has worked for you.  Dove was always my go-to for serious protection and now it laughs at me and no natural deodorant has ever worked.  Too many people in reviews have stated that Lume "smells like ass" so I don't want to replace one nasty smell with another.  Even Dove Clinical isn't working which always worked so I'm up for suggestions.

Pepe Le Pits

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Unmotivated Weekend Recap

Top o the Monday to you, my lovelies!  I hope you had a fantabulous weekend and are recharged for the week ahead.  


Friday was a batch of chaos.  Well, let me back up a little.  Last week, the Mr tried to get the plumbers who put in our hot water tank and re-piped the house last year to call us back about the mysterious noise that's been plaguing us going on two months.  When it was clear after emails and calls no one was going to do that, he had someone else come out.  Well that was a waste of time because they couldn't find their ass with both hands, said they've never heard such a thing and since it's still under warranty, the original plumbers would have to do it.  No, you just don't want to do your job.  I was so mad I grabbed my phone and left a pissy message on the original plumbers voicemail that my husband has emailed and called, no one has called back, we had another plumber here that said since it's under warranty they had to be the ones to take care of it and someone needs to call one of us back and get this taken care of.  Well, I must've sounded pretty pissed because within two minutes they called back and said they'd be out Friday.  We both laughed at how fast a man calls back when he's getting politely reamed by a woman.  I told you that to tell you this.

Friday was my appointment with the new therapist.  I chose 1pm because I like having it over with and had been forced into night appointments for the last month because the other one is a professor and had class during the day.  Of course that was the window for the plumber so I'd have to go upstairs in bed and do it with two pillows stacked under my laptop.  I had made clear in my initial note that I was changing therapists because I'd asked for tools for ADHD, was essentially given excuses and I don't have time for that.  So she knew my expectations going in.  So I get on with her and talk about going from one end of the spectrum to the other!  I'm used to what equates to having a laid back chat with your friend and this woman was like a Greyhound being released to chase a motorized rabbit around a track.  


Very fast paced and her mouth going a million miles a minute and in my head all I can think is "close the lid."  I tell you I have a hard time focusing so her yammering and me not getting a word in edgewise felt like I'd made the wrong choice.  She goes on and on for 10 minutes and just when I'm able to talk, the sound of three fire trucks at full blast whizz by and this happens about four more times.  When that finally settles down, I hear what I thought was the multi tool so I figured the neighbor picked the worst time to work on a project or the plumber was here.  Now any of you DIYers know the multi tool used anywhere in your house sounds like your house is going to vibrate apart.  So imagine trying to take notes and pay attention to someone with that going on.  I started laughing and said what was going on and it's just the universal zing of me trying to get help for focus and the world is throwing the loudest possible distractions in my face.  I don't think she's someone I could necessarily hash out familial stuff with unless she brings it way down because I need to be able to, you know, talk.  While she was a bit much for me to listen to and talked so fast that I was exhausted by the end, she did give me some really great tips, visuals, and homework to do.  If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll do a post on it.  

It turns out that noise I thought was the multi tool, was not.  The Mr checked outside and one of the neighbors said someone said it was a gas leak.  (It wasn't)  So he came in, turned off the gas and when he did, the hot water tank was what started making that God awful noise!!  After the shock wore off, he recorded it for the plumber.  That whole process took a while and because it's under warranty and Rheem would rather replace crap part by part instead of replacing the whole tank, we have to start with the gas valve, then the burner and by that time its a new tank and THEN they'll replace the tank if it still makes the noise. 🙄

As the day went on and I thought of all I have to try to implement now that I have homework, my brain waved the white flag.  I felt overwhelmed and we went for a walk.  I had plans for Saturday between maybe doing something and then working on our home punch list.  Well, neither happened.  I woke up for what is apparently my new tradition of an early morning wee at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep.  I tried the grounding/visuals she gave me and I kid you not, I couldn't focus on them for a solid five seconds!!  I told myself I wasn't going to get on the phone but by 6:20am I was so frustrated, I grabbed it to start my scroll.  4 1/2 hours of sleep it is.  (Which she was horrified by when I told her my normal amount of sleep.)  The Mr bought pumpkin donuts and coffee up and we had that in bed and chatted until noon which honestly was better than going anywhere.  I looked up stuff to do around town and there was just nothing appealing.  We're not going to go to an orchard and pay $30 for what I could pay $6 for at the store.  People are everywhere and swimming through the masses didn't sound like fun.  I got financials together for a consultation we're having with my friend's recommended firm.  That led to not fun conversations, my lack of sleep caught up with me and I napped while the Mr watched football.  Later we put together a baby charcuterie plate to take upstairs and watch the Hawaii game which was really good.  So on the home front stuff, we did not do anything Saturday.

I knew we'd have to buckle down for Sunday.  I threw together a quick but filling breakfast and we watched the only segment on Sunday Morning that wasn't a downer and boy are we glad we did.  Watch this video and go to the 4 minute mark if you're short on time (though I'd suggest watching all of it).  Watch her talk about her Oscar speech and see the weight of 34 years of guilt and shame instantly lift from her shoulders when the interviewer gave her an unexpected gift.  The Mr and I were both in tears and that man doesn't mist up much.  It was one of the single most transformative examples of how we completely beat the shit out of ourselves for decades only to find we didn't need to.  Seriously, I'd rather you watch that to start your day and come back to this tonight.  

I got to painting the trim for the newel post and the Mr tried wet sanding the absolute atrocity that was two coats of joint compound on the bathroom walls.  It looked so bad that it completely demotivated me to touch it in there for almost a week.  I don't know how it turned out the way it did, it didn't look the way it dried when I put it on so I am definitely not someone who can do anything drywall wise.  (Or not without a serious bootcamp class that would have to be led by a woman because a man telling me how to do it with that pissy attitude they get when they're like "ya just have to do it like this" because they've been doing it every day for 10-30 years ain't gonna fly with me.)  The wet sanding didn't warrant much improvement, which sucked so it falls on me to make it right with the last coat of Plus 3 for the top coat before having to sand and prime it which is laughable given the initial two coats.  I'm not sure how I'm the one that apparently is better at this between the two of us.  

I finally pumped myself up to scrape the vanity and we couldn't find the scraper for 20 minutes which was deflating my motivation by the minute.  He found it hiding at I got started while he ran out and grabbed some stuff.  I quickly realized that scraping it was going to be a task designated to those in purgatory and I'm not down with that.  There was no getting around making a sandy mess.  I grabbed this little sander I got for just such the occasion and got to it.  It had to take off 2 coats of wax, 2 or 3 coats of chalk paint and the original factory finish.  Well, for my purposes, it needed to get off the wax for me to be able to be primed.  It was a good hour of sanding to not even be fully done with both doors much less any other part of it.  I had to take a break because my lungs were filled with dust and my eyes were getting dry.  I got in about 5 minutes of attempted relief after looking at new vanities (which I'd have to paint anyway) before the Mr came in and announced he was going to work on the closet door.  Welp, guess no relief for me so back to it I went.  I twisted my back in fantastic fashion and no chiro appointment in sight.  It really doesn't even look like I did much other than scuff it up but the vacuum dust container says otherwise. 

Before we knew it, it was after 5pm and not much else got done.  I don't know how I'm going to properly prime and paint this vanity on the floor given all of the trouble I have being in certain positions.  I don't trust it's not going to look like a hot mess but I guess I don't have choice in the matter.  Ram board is going to need to be put under it for me to paint because Lord knows all that drop cloth did was make things worse when I sanded. I'm feeling defeated and even if I did order a new vanity, they all look basic or over the top modern which isn't really what I want.  Today we get our sump pump replaced, tomorrow we have a virtual meeting with a financial advisor so I suppose we should think about questions.  I'm dreading next week because there are a bazillion appointments between us and that takes us into what is supposed to the week the shower crap potentially starts  and I don't feel ready at all.

What did you get into this weekend?

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Friday, October 4, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #40

What's up, you sexy beast!  I hope you had an awesome week and are ready for a weekend filled with Fall shenanigans.  I know I am ready for some shenanigans!   I have my first sesh with the new therapist this afternoon.  I know it won't be actual therapy though because all of that getting to know you and paperwork crap has to be filled out.  I reeeally wish since I'm going through Headway that they all had access to the notes already taken but I know that wouldn't be good in case of a breach.  All of my sordid secrets would be out.  😆  If only.  People would probably yawn.  So wish me luck that this one is more of a therapist than friend type.  

I have had a real block in getting the bathroom patched.  I know after the patching comes the final coat and there are still bubbled areas here and there.  But I got the big ones, these are going to be primed, covered in panels and caulked so it should be fine.  I want to say 'future me's problem' because I just want everything done to passable levels for crap that isn't going to be seen.  I need to actually make a to do list so we're not freaking when it's time to power through and then have shoddy looking work as a result.  Ugh, the amount of stuff is overwhelming just thinking of it off the top of my head!  I need to scrape/sand the trim around the attic access to be painted, the piece of drywall we cut and painted when we had the ceilings smoothed two years ago has always looked atrocious so I'll need to sand that and prime it before putting this paintable wall paper on it to cover the ragged edges.  I also want to spray adhesive a piece of Rockwool on the back since I don't think we did that but that'll be after the shower dudes put in the new fan.  We're upcycling the medicine cabinet since we didn't want to do a crapload of drywall repair there so I'm going to try to make it into an art project which had better work.  I'll be wallpapering the back of that too.  I have to scrape, prime and paint the vanity.  Buy stuff like new knobs, towel ring, TP holder, etc.  So yeah...a LOT to still do.

Now let's do:

8 Signs You’re in Perimenopause  (Um, this could explain my 10 months of shoulder issues.  But I'm on the pill so what gives?!  That's another thing I'll need to consider but I'm not coming off of it during a big ass reno!)

12 Stretches to Get Rid of Shoulder Tension  (I gots ALLLL da shoulder tension!  As stated above)

Aspartame or AminoSweet, now a ’possible carcinogen’  (Just so y'all know, they changed the name but the alleged damage is still the same.)

Eight Ways to Free Up Kitchen Counter Space  (I need all the help I can get!  I will say little stuff like this helps!)

20 Easy Ways to Update Your Bathroom—No Remodeling Required  (Trust me, when you're adding flooring and not calling it a reno, you're in denial)

Kmart’s last full-scale store in New York to close its doors  (This one is bittersweet.  That's where the Mr and I met.  We went to this location two years ago on vacation and it was just sad in there.  I'm surprised it lasted this long)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below:

OH!  I'mma share this because something super funny/mortifying happened at the Mr's work on a seminar video call that he was attending and it's too juicy not to share.  You know how you're supposed to mute when you join?  (I heard the collective "oh shit's" from y'all!)  Well, one lady didn't and was having AI read a spicy erotic book out loud that dropped the F bomb and there was spreading of stuff involved before the 50ish people in the room and almost double that online including HR heard!  HR wanted them to find out who that was (and her name was visible and shown as 'talking' so it wasn't hard to figure out.)  Can you friggin' imagine?!  I told the Mr I would change my name and put in for a transfer after I recovered from my stroke.

Now back to stuff much less saucy than that.

I know some form of house stuff is on tap this weekend obviously but I'm hoping the Mr wakes up with no issues since that's been a thing the past few weekends and we can go enjoy the weather.  (It's probably AHTLS.  Anticipatory honey do list syndrome.)  I would say there's probably scary movies on the list but almost every night we've looked at our server and been like "meh.  Didn't we just watch these??"  The Mr has already gotten his annual Trick or Treat viewing in.  We watched Scream 2 but realized we watched it last year but were too far in to stop.  Maybe Happy Death Day since we didn't watch it last year.  But we save the good ones like Scream, Fright Night and Waxwork for closer to Halloween.  I'm burnt out on Friday the 13th's and Halloween.

Just a reminder that I am adding items to my Etsy shop daily right now.  If you haven't been by, there may be something perfect for you or for a gift for someone else.  Because I can't afford ads right now sales are pretty much nil, I only have this little space to bring attention to it.  I'm sure the lack of sales is why I'm not getting shown in searches which sucks.  I'm not trying to twist your arm if there's nothing that appeals to you and feel like a skeezer even bringing it up but, there it is.  Even if you don't see something now, click the little heart to follow the shop or favorite items to be notified of new items or sales on favorites.  The closer it gets to the holidays, the higher the production time, I'm told.  So, uh...yeah.  I'm such a great marketer, no?  Okay byeeee!

Any spooky time shenanigans on your radar this weekend?  Pumpkin/apple pickin?  Having some p*rn read to you by your computer?

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Midweek update: That's That

Welp, I'm switching therapists.  Since I wasn't getting what I needed by way of tools by dropping hints, I thought if I put it in plain terms. "I've taken a bazillion online tests through medical sites suggesting I have strong ADD tendencies.   Here are the the symptoms going back to childhood, what tips can you give me to help me navigate this and get some focus which is disrupting my quality of life." 

Instead all I got was a professor lecture about types of learning, that I'd need to get official testing to knock out certain medical conditions (thyroid, auditory issues, depression and get on the right meds which I clearly stated in the beginning wasn't why I was in therapy) and then we could strategize.

Mmm, nope.  I'm not saying she's wrong but our deductible is hit for this year and tests like that are months out, when the deductible will not be hit.  She said to be officially diagnosed with ADHD, it usually isn't covered by insurance and is $1500 out of pocket and the insurance companies that do, good luck finding a therapist that accepts that insurance.  She said there were websites and books out there written on the subject that we could delve into later and it honestly felt like she wasn't doing her job and telling me if I wanted to pursue that avenue, do it on my own.

She has way too much on her plate between her patients, her teaching career, her research and having a daughter going through severe health issues that make her have to "present to the world like she's holding it together."  I can assure you that anyone who isn't self obsessed can see you're not covering as well as you think you are.  I deserve someone's full attention, not just what they're able to give after life has kicked them in the ass all day.  You're not effective to me when I've spent the last 3 sessions thinking afterwards that I'm not getting what I need.  I cancelled our appointment I made with her for next week and I looked up an ADD specific one who also specializes in ACT therapy which was my preferred method anyway.  In my assessment questions, I told the new one that I may have the wrong idea of what I'm supposed to get out of therapy but I need someone who will strategize with me to help with the things that are affecting my quality of life right now.

Essentially, I'm not going to get the answers I thought I could get or not with that lady.  I thought the reason therapists took copious notes is because they looked it all over and when I ask 'why do I react that way?' they could point back to specific things and say 'this or that may be a coping mechanism from this event' etc.  Instead I feel like I've been paying to word barf to someone who feels like a friend, get validation that my dad was in fact an asshole and my MIL is a flaming narcissistic douche canoe.  That felt okay in the beginning but it doesn't anymore when I feel we should be well into the "toolbox" portion of therapy if there is such a thing.

Hopefully this next one will be able to help me and I see her Friday which I know is basically a write off session because I'm going to have to go through all of the medical history crap and no actual therapy will be had which is why I scheduled it the same week.  Regardless, I have 7000 self help books I can choose from and focus an hour a week and take notes and just friggin' tailor something to myself like I thought I was paying for.   I realize for someone with a focus issue it's almost laughable but I will have to take notes and be diligent if this one is no better.  I've got limited time so I don't have time to pussyfoot anymore.  (I said pussyfoot.)

For those who have had therapy, do I have the wrong idea?  Shouldn't I be getting homework or tools or something THREE months in??

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