
Monday, January 23, 2023

Next Project and Nature's Surprise Weekend Recap

Good Monday morning everyone!  I hope you got in some tomfoolery this weekend sprinkled with some productivity.  

We started out at our wits end over the neighbor situation.  For those of you who have never lived in attached living- be grateful.  I am on edge 24/7 from these a-holes and moving just isn't an option.  You all know how the housing market is out there and it would be no guarantee we wouldn't have dicks living on either side of us who let their dogs bark, hoot and holler, etc.  We've looked at a lot of soundproofing articles over the years and the best form for existing rooms seems to be green glue behind a layer of 5/8" thick soundproofing drywall.  (Even better if you use the super expensive soundproofing kind with a layer of dbag dampening crap in between.)  Then the Mr played devil's advocate about the corner fireplace wall that is against that same wall where dbag #1 has mounted his TV and occasionally just rams something into it and would we need to put the drywall over that.  (Yes.)  Then our gas fireplace is 27 years old and should we be replacing it and how much are we talking?  We went and grabbed lunch and decided to hop over to the only open fireplace store in the area which was really hopping.  Once it was our turn, we explained the situation, of which three grown men were baffled by and you could see the squeaky wheels turning


He quoted us a price for this dinky ass 26" insert when we told him we had a 32" and what it would cost to remove the old one and a couple hundred for making a custom plate if needed and throwing in some insulation along the wall.  $3000.  About what we figured but that was also for ventless which is not what we have.  They were really steering us away from vented despite the fact that's what we have, how much more energy efficient it is, etc.  The Mr did a little research later and yeah it might be more energy efficient but the stuff that is going out of your flue is now, in a smaller amount, being released into your house.  We just paid $1100 last year to get one deadly gas out of here and aren't really down with replacing it with carbon monoxide in any amount.  So we'll need to do a lot of research but right now the consensus is to add the drywall to the one wall and give the full 45 day cure time on the green glue to see if it helps enough that we're satisfied or if the fireplace is the weak point.  Future us problem right now.

Sunday morning, we watched Lisa Marie's memorial service.  I will be doing a separate post on why she meant so much to me.  I feel the need to put something out there because so many people only know her as Elvis' daughter or assuming things about her because of who she married, etc.  Those who didn't listen to her music don't know her as anything else.  It was an incredibly emotional service and even the Mr who doesn't cry shed some tears.  The entire time, big wet fluffy flakes fell here just as they have resumed back up as I started typing about her.  When the service was over, we had lunch and went to the park to absorb the unexpected gift nature gave us.

We didn't get much of a base for actual snowshoeing so we grabbed our snow sneakers and poles to give a good upper body workout too.

We were right to grab the poles because it was a squishfest on the trail and needed to have some stability.

On our way out, we saw deer tracks over ours so we knew they were somewhere close and we finally spotted 4 of them.

It was nice to get outside and enjoy the snow while getting in a workout too.

Then we wound down with some cocoa and Chateau and tried to mentally ready ourselves for the week.  I've got a lot of improvements to make after a one pound gain after throwing strength back in and freaking my body out.  But congrats to the Mr who lost 5 lbs!  I need to work on water and lunches being actual lunches because I failed hard by pouring cereal every day.  I need to work on that this week and do better.

How was your weekend?  Anything you need to improve this week?

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  1. I'm glad we got out in the snow and it was enjoyable aside from some of the muddy spots but boy am I sore this morning. Have a great week everyone!

  2. I'm so glad you got snow!! What a fun outing for you guys and to breath in some fresh air...and quiet with nary a neighbor in sight!

    Busy weekend with some appointments Friday and Saturday, church yesterday and maneuvering around with the snow as the temps continued to drop. Overall weekend was pretty decent.


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