Monday, September 18, 2017

Four's Company weekend

Yet another weekend where it seemed to swirl by much too fast.

We had company coming on Sunday and we got most of the house cleaned Friday which was a miracle in itself.  Saturday we went out to lunch at an old-school diner and then shopped our way back up the freeway system to pick up stuff I justified for brunch.  I've wanted a Fall scheme for company since that tends to be when I entertain most and I really only have Christmas placemats and the like.  So when I was done, I had this combo...

I tried to do as much as possible Saturday night so that all I'd have to do is pour and stuff like that. Unfortunately, this is the only pic I got of brunch...

Pumpkin Toffee Scones pre-drizzle mah shizzle of cookie butter glaze.  Those things are SOOO good and I was more than happy to send the remaining four with them for their road trip back home otherwise the Mr and I would've had to step in the octagon for them.  I will definitely be making these again this pumpkin season.  I'm thinking they'd be perfect for an upcoming trip so I might be making and freezing them sooner than I think.

I made Croque Madam with Gordon Ramsay eggs and a homemade bechamel sauce and a sweet potato hash with bacon date jam and walnuts.  I do wish the friggin oven kept it hotter though since it was all "holding" in there while I made the eggs and bechamel at 220 degrees.  Anything hotter and it starts cooking.  Maybe I'll have to tent everything with foil next time.  Sorry...thinking out loud.  It was a wonderful visit and our first time meeting his girlfriend and it's always nice to see a couple that compliments each other.  They're going overseas so he can run a marathon (mad props yo!) and spending a little over a week there and chill at another destination for a few days.  She is really well traveled too which they have in common so that's good.  I know a couple where the woman really wants to travel but the man refuses and it makes me so sad for her so it's nice to see when a couple is on the same page with life goals.

When they left, we started checking email and the food coma kicked in.  I contorted into an uncomfortable position on the couch and we napped for two hours!  Hey, it's Sunday.  Then it was time for a 3 miler in the historic district, a grocery produce refuel, saw It at the movies and that about put a fork in the weekend for us.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. Another weekend that flew by, but we made the most of it. It was great seeing our friend and making a new one. Looking forward to visiting them next time around. Also glad we got a chance to make it to the movies on top of it all. Like that last little bit of summer that we hadn't gotten a chance to do yet.

  2. Sounds like a busy weekend for you. Mine flew too, but I didn't pack nearly that much into it. What did you think of the movie? I saw it opening night (ugh, crowds - but I just couldn't wait).

    1. Well I just saw the original for the first time within the past month and was pretty underwhelmed despite having two of my favorite actors, John Ritter and Tim Curry in it. I made the mistake of watching an interview with the clown dude before seeing this movie so I couldn't unsee that but there were a few creepy parts. All in all the kid from Stranger Things ruined it for me and I didn't feel like this group of kids had the same chemistry as the original though I really liked Ben and the kid with asthma, I thought they were stand outs. I rather liked the way they addressed "floating" as it never made sense to me at ALL in the original but this at least made all of that floating crap make sense. So I wouldn't say I liked it but the Mr wanted to see it and he didn't seem overly impressed either. We're obviously in the minority since it's killin' it numbers wise. Did you like it?

    2. I did like it. I really like the book, even though it was really scary, and didn't like the mini-series. I liked that the movie brought in important scenes from the book that the mini-series just skipped or glossed over. It wasn't a complete telling of the story, key points were still left out, but I felt like it was a more complete telling and that's what I liked about it. I also liked the digital effects on Pennywise - all those teeth.

  3. What a lovely weekend and lovely brunch you had with your friends! What a great way to spend the day. My weekend was so so, as I didn't get nearly done with what I thought I would. But I did get done some very important things, so that's a huge weight off my shoulders. And it's too dang hot here!! LOL


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