
Friday, February 5, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #5

The end of a nerve wracking week is finally here.  

I want to thank everyone for your support with my mammogram call back story and for sharing some of your own experiences.  It can be a very isolating experience being frozen in anxiety and a whirl of negative thoughts.   People who you think will support you in the way you need may not.  Even when I used my all clear as a reminder to get checked yearly on my personal social media, all I really got were a few "likes." Three people did leave comments which I greatly appreciated but I won't lie, it made me sad.  No one messaged me privately including people who had been through the same situation and biopsies or even cancer themselves to acknowledge that even if it turned out okay, it's still scary to go through.  Maybe I'm overly sensitive, I've been there for people in the same situation but there you have it.  If you find yourself going through the same thing, pick a girlfriend you know you will understand your concerns and who will listen to you.

But enough about all of that, lets get to...

The 8 Daily Habits of Wildly-Happy Couples   (Good things to remember!)

6 Things That Happen When You Don't Drink Enough Water  (Haven't had that problem this week...pee machine!)

How to Know If You Actually Got a Good Workout  (Yep, getting in some good ones lately)

The 10 Best Stretches For Better Flexibility  (Don't skip stretching!)

Why "Living in the Moment" Is Bad Advice  (This is some deep shiznit)

9 of the Craziest Behind-the-Scenes Secrets From Chain Restaurants  (Oh my Lord, this is why I don't eat out much)

Speedy Recovery: 10 Ways to Ease Sore Muscles  (Sooo doing this today)

15 Trader Joe's Grocery Staples For Busy People  (Yo Joe!)

Watching These River Otters Sliding Around In the Snow Is Pure Joy  (I. HEART. OTTERS!)

9 Things Your Fingernails Reveal About Your Health  (Good to know)

This Man's Beautiful Memorial Museum to His Late Wife Is the Definition of True Love  (Oh you sweet, sweet nugget)

The Paraglider Who Got to Float Among the Northern Lights is the Luckiest Person  (This is so beautiful, I just sat there and bawled.  How beautiful is the world we live in?)

We've got some cleaning to get done.  I've got an afternoon tea planned with a girlfriend the middle of next week and I don't want to be stressed out with a bunch of cleaning in addition to shopping for and making everything.  We're both trying to be good so I'm going to make some healthy nibbles.  I don't want to throw off my efforts mid week so it'll be fun to challenge myself.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. I am so thankful this situation is behind us and now we can get ahead of spring cleaning and make our home environment nice and stress free as well. I definitely need to read all the links today but especially the one on how to tell if you are exercising properly. I believe the fitness blender workout plan is working wonders and most certainly pushes the limits in a good way. That doesn't mean I don't grumble while doing them of course!

  2. I'm really happy you're ok. I didn't comment on those posts because I don't have any experience with it. I had a coworker who went through a scare back in 2011 and she's the one who started a team to walk the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I'm the only one who keeps walking, April is my 5th walk. As awkward as it is, I'm gonna text my mom and make sure she's got hers scheduled.

    This weekend, I'm hoping for a run outside but it's snowing currently. So it might be a snowshoe session! xD

    I'm stopping at the animal shelter to drop off a bunch of food for them. I can't have a pet due to my lease so I donate to a local shelter. I'm also sponsoring a cat but I'm not responsible for the medical care... The one I had picked to sponsor passed away this week and I hadn't gotten to meet her yet... I'm meeting a new kitty to sponsor this weekend though.

    I'm also volunteering at a local road race for race set up. And cutting bagels, & fruit for the runners. I did last year before I ran the race. I was given a bowing/hunting knife for that task last year. So I'm bringing my own knives & cutting board this time lol

  3. Hope you get all your cleaning done and can look around and feel like it's a job well done! Went to a meeting this morning, then grocery shopping to avoid the super bowl crowd. And we just got back from buying a new recliner. I got me a heavy-duty one that isn't quite a 1 1/2 chair but a little wider than a standard one. It does not rock which was a bummer, but I know that can weaken things over time so I got over that quickly. It has a nice, quiet motor and will be far less jarring than the manual ones that break and pop (my mom has one that goes "doiiing!" when you release the lever). The gal took $100 off because we had to wait for a sales person, so I was quite happy about that. These guys were voted the best retailer in town and a few friends recommended them. They are in our backyard but we still had to have it delivered because it wouldn't fit in either of our cars. But they will haul away our old rickety loveseat and set this one up so it's worth it! They are looking for delivery people so the hubs grabbed an application. The recliner will be delivered on the 17th -- yippee!! We got it in light gray which is what they had in stock and it's a nice soft color. Nothing in our living room matches, so this fit right in. LOL I am so happy to have gotten something for ME that is good quality. Now, what the poor dogs are going to do without that extra seat to lay on I don't know. I guess their precious gams will have to get used to the actual dog beds on the carpet! LOL


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