
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rough patch

Oh my Lord, last night's workout should've been so easy.  It was an old Tae Bo we still do but so much of the weekend was still hanging on my body that I felt like I was a lead weight.  The easy speedbags I do to jack up my heart rate while Billy Blanks babbles between exercises felt like I had another 10 pounds tied to each arm.  It was so hard to get through the workout and when I did I was ten calories away from 900 and I was kind of pissed about it because it felt like I should've burned more given how hard it was.  I can only hope that the workouts get easier as the week progresses.

The nighttime cravings have also hit an all time high, which sucks because I can eat my snack and still obsess whether or not I can fit anything else in.  (I can't.)  Last night, despite wanting to dive in to various things scattered about the house that would make workouts even heavier, I opted to make green tea for us.

I hate it when I hit patches like this and it's typically this time of year, just like everyone else.  This year feels a little more out of control than previous years though and I have no idea why.  Because of this, I will likely not be doing a 12 Days of Christmas recipe countdown this year.  I just can't trust myself having that stuff in the house in mass quantities, even overnight until they go to work with the Mr the next day.  I usually have that stuff done and photographed in October and I just don't have time to make that many recipes, photograph, edit in time.  I'll have to think up something else to do.

I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment right now.  I feel I'm barely hanging on by my fingernails, wait, I've bit those back to nubbins so I guess by the skin on my fingers.  Thank God our exercise schedule has kept up but I'll be honest, the thoughts of "ugh, I don't want to" pop into my head much more than I'd like to admit.  I'd like a lot of snow right now so we can go snow shoeing and skiing.  I'm desperate for new workouts to do so I need to go through Amazon streaming or something online until Christmas.  I asked for a few workouts so I'm hoping I get a few to throw into rotation.  I just saw Amy Dixon has a new kettlebell workout (affiliate link) that comes out today so I'll get that one after Christmas for sure since I'd like more kettlebell options.

Am I the only one in a rough patch or anyone else feel me on this one?

(This post contains an affiliate link to a workout that looks pretty kick ass.  Should you buy through it, I will get a nominal kickback and you might get some great ab, back and core strength.)
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  1. We are definitely in this rough patch together. In a way it's helpful that our struggles in the past have taught us what to look for when we really start to slide and I think that is keeping our heads just above the water line so far. We know what we need to do but given the amount of time we've spent spinning our wheels in this plateau it makes it hard to stay the course and maintain our edge. I intend to keep up as much as possible this month and hit it hard in January like everyone else does. The difference being that I know I will not stop after January but keep going because I know for sure that I am going to find a way to break this plateau!

    1. Yes, I'd say keeping our heads above water is about the right description...more like our nostrils come up like a dorsal fin on occasion. I hope to be up to a full head above by January or we're in serious trouble.

  2. I blame the lack of sunlight. It really affects every aspect of my life. Less sunlight makes me want to hibernate (eat tons, move little) which makes me all emotional ("I'm such a lazy pig!"). Even my skin is all worked up. My psoriasis HATES this time of year (so it flares up big time, which add to my "I'm gross" feelings) and just to add a nice bit of insult to injury, I'm having crazy breakouts on my chin. I'm too dang old for ZITS!

    I say we all get a big sun lamp and bask under it. Lord knows it can't make anything WORSE.

    (man, just think how great spring is going to be once we suffer through this crapola!)

    1. Well considering this patch started in the summer and this is my favorite time of year, I can't blame it on that. I get more energized in the winter with the cold, the light that does come through reflecting off the snow so no "SAD" issues for me. I meant more that fact that the holiday time of year is more acceptable to have crap in the house you wouldn't have any other time of year.

  3. For me, it's this time of year. I love being out in nature, walking, biking, running, etc. When it gets cold, all I want to do is snuggle up on the couch in a blanket and eat. I found myself wanting to do that this weekend, even though I wasn't hungry!? I feel your pain. Just keep battling, you'll make it through. :)

    1. I'm completely the opposite. I love getting outside this time of year because I hate the heat (summer is my hibernation especially over 84 degrees). I know, I'm a weirdo. I just wish we'd get more snow so I could put the snow shoes to work asap. A great way to burn 1000 calories while having the trails pretty much to yourself except the birds, squirrels and raccoons. :-) I have the same problem lately, that wanting to eat even when I'm not hungry. That's danger time. I'm fine through the week but the weekend is becoming a big trigger for me. :-\

  4. well its these phases that come somtimes..nothing motivates u or anything...I hope u get out of the funk..well atleast u have the MR. for support..u can do this Anele!!!

    1. Me too. Glad I have him for support too but it's bad when we're on the same bad page which seems to be happening more and more lately. No bueno.

  5. I always feel like I'm part bear this time of year. I only come out to forage (food/Xmas gifts).

    I always appreciate your 12 days of Christmas treats and I'm sure you are disappointed not to do it. But have you considered focusing instead on decoration inspiration or a couple of crafts? I enjoy those posts as well.

    Of course, I suspect your other readers are like me: content with whatever you choose to share with us. So please don't take this as pressure. Just an alternate suggestion to keep your mind off not doing the treats.

    1. LOL...I couldn't help but picture you as a lumbering bear. I'll probably throw together a few easy recipes and other Christmas cheery kinda things. I'm working on a craft now, maybe I'll whip out the camera.

  6. I'm definitely in a rough patch. I've put on 15 pounds and need to get it off, but know this is not the time of year to attempt that. My goal is to maintain until Jan. 2, (I never start a new losing weight effort on Jan. 1--that's my birthday!), and then drop this 15 pounds by eating right and moving more. Same old....same old. I sure don't want to have to lose any more than those 15 pounds that I'm clinging to right now, however. I think you are wise to forgo your 12 Days of Christmas recipes, I would never be able to resist that temptation. Anything I buy that I shouldn't, calls my name constantly until it is gone and then it is such a relief. So why do I buy it? Katie (Runs for Cookies) said her sister told her you can make the choice in the grocery store NOT to by that item, or be faced with many tough choices over the days or weeks it is in your house. I'm going to try to remember that and just NOT buy the stuff in the first place. Hang on Anele....we're all out here....going through the same thing and rooting for you and ourselves! We can do it.

    1. I know you've got a lot going on right now and I think maintenance is a good goal right now. We tend to have a lot of last minute things pop up that I need to make something for so this time of year I stock up on the chocolate chips when they're on sale or condensed milk and stuff like that. I don't have it in the house much any other time of year. I'll be glad when the cookies I'm making for others are done and I don't have to think about them anymore. Why I ever said I'd make it an annual thing, is beyond me. It sounded generous at the time but turned into a pain the azz.

  7. Never a's nice to hear that everyone is human!! Shit happens! This time of the year is crazy...keep doing what your doing to get through the Christmas season and maybe a little re-focus will happen soon. Never a disappointment....thank you.

    1. Definitely human here and shit does indeed happen. LOL Thanks!

  8. First, you are never a disappointment. This whole thing can suck the big one sometimes, well, a lot of times... I completely understand where you're coming from and I hope we're both strong enough to crawl up and out of the funk.

    1. To quote Rizzo, it bites the weenie with relish. Hopefully we can crawl out together and intact!

  9. It's not just you; as much as I love this time of year and have been able to show restraint around the proliferation of seasonal treats the last three years, I'm having a much harder time with them this year. Being at home because I'm between jobs doesn't help, either, because food is SO readily available. I put back on about 5 pounds this fall, and I have not been able to get motivated to really try to lose it again. If I make it through the holidays without gaining any more, I'll consider it a major success. Hang in there; the plateau will not last forever.

    1. What is it about this year? Is it because it's `13? I think it's the motivation I really struggle with but I've done it long enough without it so I don't know why it matters so much to me now. Ugh...

  10. I totally feel you on this. Something about when it gets to be really cold and snowy I just want to hibernate. I agree with you about not doing the 12 days of Christmas thing as well. We're doing cookie exchange for work and I looked up "healthy holiday cookies." Not much out there and I don't want them hanging out at my house. We'll keep keepin on!

    1. Yeah, not many healthy holiday recipes out there. I try to lighten mine up where I can but as far as them being healthy...nope. LOL

  11. Oh no, I'm there too. My plate is full and though I know the only way I can continue to handle life is to keep up on my health, I just don't feel like, and I've got crazy bad munchies too:/ Wish I had better news for ya Anele. At least we are in the same boat. Maybe it'll float all the way to Hawaii, lol.

    1. Yes, let's float to Hawaii. At least we can do some kayaking and stand up paddling and have it count as exercise!

  12. Only one in a rough patch??? HA!!! I think I've been in a rough patch for about...oh, 3 years or so! ;-)

    Seriously though, this time of year is tough. Keep on keepin' on girlie!!!

    1. Oh, so you've been in a 3 year rough patch too? I'm glad I'm not the only one! I wish I knew what the proper kick in my ass would be. Never mind, I don't want to find out.

  13. You certanily aren't a dissapoiintment!!! I love your blog, and appreciate that you keep it current even when you aren't feeling like She-Ra!
    I've definately been wanting to cram junk food, candies, cookies & such lately...sometimes I have but I do practice at least some's not easy. I feel like once the unhealthy food creeps into my life it's all the more tempting to keep eating. Are you going to do any craft projects since you're avoiding cooking? :)

    1. Thanks! Yeah, She Ra has been tied up and chucked in a trunk somewhere. I'm about crafted out but can try to come up with something!

  14. I apologize for the last post - the new gmail kept eating my posts. Stupid changes.

    Anyway - I totally feel you. I've been in a slump myself since around September. I had a much deeper post written this morning, but then gmail happened. Sorry you didn't get to see that one.

    All we can do is hang on by our collective fingernails (mine are long enough for both of us) until we can get our heads back on straight.

    1. No prob, I deleted it for ya. I'll need those fingernails of yours and hopefully the rest will fall into place.

  15. I went through a very rough patch this past summer and had to really dig deep to find out what was going on. I came to realize that food still has too much of an emotional pull on me. I'm still viewing food as a 'reward' and I'll never make it long term that way. I rid my email of all the "holiday" recipes that hold so much appeal and don't bring those items into the house. For me, there are certain trigger foods that I just cannot eat. Period. I have to remain abstinent from them because one bite will lead to a binge...if not that day, then down the road. I know how my mind thinks, and I can now acknowledge that I'm not a normal eater, nor will I ever be. And that's ok. Because I can work within a food plan that works for me. And interestingly enough...I haven't fainted because I choose to pass up my trigger foods (many of which focus around those holiday treats). The struggle is still there, but I'm choosing not to give in to it by not setting myself up by having those things in the house. The hubs has zero food issues and can eat whatever he wants till the cows come home and he weighs 180 day in and day out. If I see something in the house that is a trigger for me, but not for him, just by saying "oh, that's his", I don't feel the compulsion to eat it. My triggers are not all sugar/snack related either. Just this week I've learned that hot dogs are a trigger for me! Hot Dogs for pete's sake! So, yes, I totally feel you on this one and can relate. I have to take it each day at a time and have many conversations with myself to overcome. Not easy, but very much worth it by the time I go to bed.


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