
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Results of the 12 Day Challenge

Well it's time to update the 12 Day Challenge results from Good Belly.

I started the Good Belly challenge on November 24th.  As I reported before, I'm typically a 3-4 times a week pooper and have often envied my Mr's clockwork bowels.  When he saw this in the store and we saw there were coupons involved to try this for 12 days, we figured why not?
The results were very encouraging!

Over the 12 days, I "dropped the kids off at the pool" 10 times.  I would say over a 6-8 time norm, that's a pretty good improvement.  A B(M)+, if you will.

I don't know if I'll ever be an everyday girl but I'll definitely take this and since half a serving has worked so well for me, I'll continue that dosage for the foreseeable future.  I've tried three different flavors so far:  pomegranate blackberry, blueberry acai and tropical green.  I like the last two the best and probably wouldn't get the first one again.  I've got mango waiting on me as well.

A pretty tasty way to get regular.

If you want to do your own 12 Day Challenge, go to their website, grab some coupons and get started!

If you have digestion issues, would you do the 12 Day Challenge?

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  1. I am so happy for you. I know you don't like yogurt but it's a good thing to get probiotics in and this is a tasty way to do it. Even better that you didn't have to add a full serving in order to accomplish what you have.

    1. Yeah, yogurt isn't happening...ever, as you know, so this is a great alternative for me! Thanks for spotting it!

  2. I'm not exactly clockwork, but I don't really see it as a problem so I probably wouldn't bother with the challenge. I'm glad it's working for you though.

  3. Sounds like a shitty challenge.

    (sorry, couldn't resist)

  4. Ha! Love the pun! I'm happy that it's helped you so much!

  5. I'm going to try and find this in Canada!!! Thanks for being our test subject! ;)

    1. Good luck! I hope you can find it. If not, you can contact them with the name of a local health food store and ask them to carry it there and they'll try to get it stocked if they can!

  6. Tomorrow is my lovely "PREP" day for my colonoscopy on Thursday, so let's not talk about products to help with bowel movements right now, shall we?

    1. Thankfully your prep and this stuff are nothing alike.

      Have fun!

  7. I'm glad to hear this worked for you! That's very encouraging and has to feel so much better. Woohoo!!!!


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