
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The wrong time

When we were at the height of our girth, I was 494 lbs and the Mr was 455 lbs.  We were both in 5x tees and believe me when I say finding shirts in that size period was a feat much less finding something fashionable.  Big box discount stores in the men's big and tall or specialty big and tall stores were the only places that would have some various colors of the same plain t-shirt to cover us.

One thing that always scared us was when we would go on vacation.  We made sure we packed at least 3 outfits in our carry on so that God forbid our luggage got lost we would have something to get us through those first few days.  Lord knows that if we were on Kauai and having Wally's and The Big K as our only shopping options, we were going to be screwed.  At that time, they barely went to 4x so we were going to be in serious trouble if something happened to our clothes.  It was a problem that weighed on us for at least four to five trips.  As we lost weight and got closer to "normal" fat sizes, we noticed that even our beloved Crazy Shirts was now carrying an occasional 3x where before they never did.  When I got down to 2x's, we started seeing more 3x's in stores and even a couple of 4x's thrown in.  Now that we're at XL and the occasional large depending on the store, we see 3, 4 and 5x's everywhere!!  Hawaii doesn't have an abundance of shopping choices but they have adjusted with the times (or the obesity epidemic) and you can find those "big kahuna" sizes at your local Hilo Hattie or even a local store like Jungle Rain.

The Mr and I commented on this the more we saw it.  Larger selections of tees for the morbid and even super morbidly obese like we were.  While I admit, I'm glad that people that size aren't getting left out in the cold anymore in being able to partake in proper souvenir buying for themselves or someone they know, we were also a little miffed that while we're close to the smallest we've been in 20 years, that oh nowwwww they accommodate that size.  Just our luck!  I told the Mr that as usual, our timing was off...we even picked the wrong time to be super morbidly obese!  ;-)

Do you see this trend of carrying very large sizes in the local discount store a sign that larger people are now considered the norm and/or being accepted instead of shunned?  

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  1. I too am very glad for others out there who need the 4 and 5X sizes. But it does just figure that it would become easier after we no longer need it. Yet I don't think it actually means fat acceptance has increased from a social standpoint. I still see a lot of fat discrimination online and to an extent in person as well, but the retailers need to make money and that is ultimately why they are now carrying larger sizes than ever before.

    1. Yeah, I don't know that it's compassion motivated over money motivated. Just figures when WE needed the bigger sizes readily available, they weren't and now that we don't, they're everywhere.

  2. I suppose that might be true; never thought of that!

    And I LOVE Crazy Shirts! They last forever! :)

    1. Crazy Shirts are awesome! We still have some from well over 10 years ago and they look brand new. They might cost a little more up front but they do last forever!

  3. I remember shopping in INdia as a kid and never finding my size in kids wear..I was told to shop in the adult section when I was motivated me to lose weight..but then realized..the stores now cater to all sizes and I wasnt even at the highest spectrum growing I guess they cater to people's needs and to make money as the Mr. said...

    1. I don't ever remember shopping in the kids section! LOL I remember being in like 4th grade and needing to shop in Misses like size 7/8 or something. I swear I skipped over the whole 6x-12 in kids sizes.

  4. YES! I've seen more and more of this. AND the stuff is getting cuter! NOW, when I'm trying to find cute stuff in my size, they're out of it. One size up, one size down, but not in MY size... It's sad that people are getting bigger, but it's great that they can be comfortable in the clothing styles they have to choose from.

    1. Yes, some stuff is cuter and then some stuff is like "here, this was the most hideous fabric we could find and thought an obese person would like to wear it." (Cough*Avenue*cough)

      The same thing happens to me ALL the time with not being able to find my size. It's like whatever size I'm in, no matter what that is from 30/32 to 18/20, that is always the size they're out of! GRRRRRRRRRR!

  5. I think the stores are starting to carry items to meet the demand. I don't know if it means more acceptance or not, but at least it's one less stressor to contend with...but only if you are lucky enough to live in an area that is following this trend.

    Hubby is between a 3-4x and last time he needed a few just plain solid color t-shirts I had to order them online because we couldn't find anything at WalMart and they are the only local store that carries men's clothing. I can't even look at what's in the women's section because apparently the buyers think that fat women are also color blind. Some of the tops there just make my eyes water, and no way am I wearing lime green capris to show off my oversized hips.

    I know that other places (even other WalMarts) have much better selections than we do, and I'm happy for the people that have that advantage. I just wish the local store had better stuff.

    1. I'm glad they're carrying more to meet demand. Kinda stinks your local store hasn't gotten on board yet but I suspect it won't be long until they do. For tees, I still shop in the mens section because plus size women's clothes have a LONG way to go. Weird cuts, hideous patterns and cap sleeves so your arm chub dangles out. No thanks!

    2. Agreed. I think it's more about demand than acceptance. These stores have learned that they can make money on the extra sizes.

      I still find that while the average weight in America goes up, people still ridicule, belittle, or simply don't make eye contact with those over 300 lbs or so.

      It also seems like places like Walmarts (and the Just My Size line) have more "normal" looking clothes than some of the older brands that deal in plus sizes exclusively (like Lane Bryant's online and catalog shop, Romann's, and Cathrine's shops) I really don't know women who want to wear collars the size of elephant ears or have embroidered bird houses on their chests.

      And the colors and styles? What? Don't they think there are conservative, working women who wear plus sizes?

  6. You need to apply hipster thinking to this. You were morbidly obese before it was "cool". Now it's all mainstream and OVER. All those POSERS being morbidly obese now. Pfft.

    (major sarcasm there, just in case anyone missed it)

    Really, it's just basic supply/demand. Also, I think pop culture might be playing a small part. Young/not obese kids love wearing those GIANT shirts (with their baggy ass pants). *shakes cane* Durn kids!

    1. That's right, I was totally doing it before it was cool to be super morbidly obese! ;)

      Ugh, my cousins used to wear huge shirts that looked like dresses but that was like 15 years ago. Them durn kids are still doing that!? Wear a proper fitting shirt little men!

  7. What I have noticed about buying clothes is how cheap they are now. Or at least cheaper than when I needed extended sizes. I bought a long-sleeved t-shirt at the Houston airport when we were there for a short layover in April. It was on sale for $6.99. It says "Houston" on the front. Now, I am not a Texas fan, definitely not a Houston fan, (of whatever they've got in that state), but for $6.99, a t-shirt in long-sleeves IN MY SIZE, to cover my bat-winged upper arms is right up my alley.

    1. I don't know that I've noticed that. I know I'm spending less but I just assumed this was something all thinner people always enjoyed and the plus size section got punished with price, pattern and cut. I'm just glad I'm not paying the "fat tax" anymore for a bigger shirt. You'd have places carry bigger sizes but then charge $2,3 4 for the larger size. I get it, more material but I also know they didn't use that much extra from an XL to 2X.

  8. Hi, I love your site! What a smart idea to prevent people from stealing your before and after photos. I really appreciate your smart, healthy approach to eating and exercise. Very inspiring. I'm subscribing. As an aside, I am sooooo impressed you get 30 grams of fiber a day from food. Very impressed. I know I need it, but I get NO where near that. Maybe 5-10, if I'm lucky. I obviously need to change my eating habits. I appreciate your advice to tackle one thing at a time. Makes the change manageable. :) Thanks again!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Yep, 30g is my minimum. Anything less than that and things uh...don't run well! LOL Definitely tackle one thing at a time. I'm still trying to figure everything out even 200+ lbs later! You can do it!

  9. I don't see stores going above 3x or 4x (and that runs small) in stores out here (mainstream stores that is), but maybe it's coming. I don't know that it's because obesity is considered more the norm and/or accepted as much as it is they've figured out they can make a profit off of it. The cost is generally more because there's more material, so I would imagine their profit margin is pretty good. I still crack up at the stores that consider an 18/20 to be the "big girl" clothes and that's the largest size they carry.


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