
Monday, June 3, 2013

Impulse buys, distressed windows and weird dreams

We had a pretty decent weekend.  We went grocery shopping and I forgot that because of the trip, we're thrown off of schedule so we tried to only buy stuff to get us through the next week to get back on schedule. How we ended up spending about the same is beyond me.  Oh yeah, they're called impulse buys.  My obsession with shave ice kicked up a notch when I was making the frozen lemonade for us last weekend and discovered how to make REAL shave ice (not that snow cone crap) in my blender.  So of course we had to buy like five different syrups, reusable snow cone holders since they don't have the true Hawaiian shave ice holders here and now I'm biding my time to throw it into action.    Don't worry, it can all be fit in our calories on occasion.  

We went over to give my mom her birthday present since it's too big to lug to the dinner we usually go to.  I bought an old black window she approved back in January or February and because she likes that French Country crap I do, I fixed, sanded, painted and distressed it.  She makes scrapbooky stuff so she wanted to use it as a display board or something.  We ended up staying there until 1am and when we left, we got stopped at a light where the guy who tripped the light to turn was happily taking a wee behind his car in the middle of the road.  We just kind of stared at him like "are you serious!?"  It takes all kinds and seriously nothing surprises me anymore.

Our grilling extravaganza continued when I grilled those little TJ's bambino formaggio pizzas on the grill along with some corn.  I kept one plain and fancied the other up with red pepper, red onion, pineapple and basil from the garden.

I had a meltdown that wasn't pretty.  The Mr got the brunt of it.  I apologized via Hello Kitty valentine and treaded lightly the rest of the night.  I'm mentioning that as an added apology so I can shame myself for the masses.

I had a weird dream the other night that James Van Der Beek was helping me crown cut pork ribs that were from Bob Eubanks pork farms.  The way you know they're from Bob Eubanks farm was because a slab of fat had been branded with a horrible likeness of Bob on a fat tab that came with every rib roast.  When I woke up, I wanted to email a guy I used to work with that is an autograph collector and an avid Bob Eubanks fan.  I would like to say I'm pretty sure Bob does not have a meat farm and I'm thinking James VDB was a leftover from Friday's Criminal Minds episode on A&E.  Um...yeah.

What did you do this weekend?  Have any weird dreams?

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  1. I am surprised that we got fewer groceries and yet pretty much spent the same amount of money but we did get quite a few extras that will be worth it. It was actually kind of a busy weekend for the most part. The weekend went by pretty fast.

    No worries on the meltdown. It's one of those things we can help each other with from time to time.

    Your dreams are some of the most detailed I have ever heard of. I barely remember most of mine and even when I do they don't have quite the detailed plot lines that yours have.

    1. Yeah, they'll be worth it in the long run. I might just practice my shave ice Wed or Thurs for our night snack if we have one.

      Thanks. *blush*

      I know! I hate it when I have like 10 in a row but then I can't remember them and then there are some that really stick with that heap of weirdness.

  2. Nice..those pizzas look delish..
    I for once Slept the whole of Sunday away..what with SIL and husband visiting for 10days. they finally left sunday morning..I was so exhausted I didnt even say bye properly..Just slept straight through Sundya..woke up to eat and then grocery shopping and slept again..Hehehe...better so I am prepared for the week...My MIL and FIL are here till end of definitely will have more sleepless days to come..and when i do sleep Im so tired that I dont dream...hehehe...Back to routine from today..1 hr gym and eating healthy...

    1. They were. :)

      Good for you! You obviously needed the sleep! Back to kickin' butt.

  3. I am now hooked on your barbecue chicken naan pizza recipe. I bought some Naan bread a couple weeks ago, and the first time I made an assortment of 4 different kinds of pizzas. But my favorite was the barbecue chicken one. I didn't have any hummus however, so it was all barbecue sauce, but still delicious. Today I'm going to make me one for lunch with hummus, since I bought some this weekend. Of course NOW I want to try TJ's bambino formaggio pizzas. I didn't see those. How many calories in one? I LOVE pizza!

    Those was one crazy dream. I've got nothing to compare with Bob Eubanks!!

    1. We love those things. We have them on the days our calories cycle a little higher but usually once a week. I'll dress 'em up a little more if we have one over the weekend. The pizzas are 250 a piece and not too bad on sodium. They're pretty straight forward but you add some veggies and stuff to them and they're pretty awesome!

      Yeah, don't know where he came from! But I LOVED me some Bob E back on the 80's version of The Newlywed Game!

  4. The weekend here ended up pretty tame. Shopping, housework, a trip to the library, and those were pretty much the highlights.

    No weird dreams lately, but I do have a recurring zombie dream that I don't like very much.

    1. Ours was busy so I think I'd trade places!

      Stocking up for this supposed zombie apocalypse in your dreams eh? ;)

  5. That meal looks yummy! That gift you made for your mom was really nice and thoughtful! I love receiving gifts like that.

    Sometimes I have a huge meltdown and my husband gets it too, because he's there, and because he is very patient. Sometimes I don't know how he puts up with me. ;)

    I had a nightmare last night! I slept terribly after that. In the nightmare I woke up and heard the garage door opening and when I went to the door and opened it, someone was standing there. It scared the sh** out of me, and I woke up and was sweating, and even went to make sure the garage door wasn't open. I am so tired today. blah

    1. Thanks! I wouldn't have made it without her having mentioned she wanted something like that. I used to receive gifts from people who thought they knew my tastes. A resin monkey in a hula skirt just because I like Hawaii is not a good idea. HA!

      The men really put up with it sometimes, huh?

      Oh girl, I have been having these lucid moments in the middle of the night where I see someone standing beside my bed and they disappear as my brain de-fogs. Sometimes I know for sure I'm half dreaming and other times I gasp or scream. There's nothing worse than that feeling someone is in your house. Good luck ever getting back to sleep after that too. Ugh.

  6. No weird dreams here, but I'm thinking if I'm really, really lucky and concentrate, I might dream of Shemar Moore tonight. *fingers crossed*

    1. I just happen to be looking at Shemar Moore right now! :) (Um on TV, if he was here in person I likely wouldn't be on the computer! HA!)

  7. I don't think there was a weekend, I'm sure it was cancelled here...we are in pre-wedding craziness. Only a few more days to go.
    I have become addicted to these little italian ice things they sell in the store. They're 90 calories and are just a perfect little bit of frozen yumminess when I need something late in the day.

    1. I know what you went by entirely too quick. You can take a deep breath once the wedding is all done.

      Italian ice...yum!


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