
Monday, June 10, 2013

German, Asian and weekend eats

Guten morgen!  (No idea why I lapsed into German, sorry 'bout that)

Our plans got cancelled for Saturday since one of our friends was sick.  I'm glad we have at least one set of friends that are considerate enough to and I quote "not be a dick and come over and spread my germs."  So since we found ourselves free, we wasted most of the morning then went looking for garage sales way too late in the day.  We did go in to a tag sale but I think stuff was picked over by the time we got there.  We've never been to one before so it felt kind of weird.  We're pretty sure the lady died and it was like "here, let's rifle through her stuff before the relatives get here."  If I had room anywhere I almost talked myself into a bookshelf for $12 that I would've repainted and distressed but I have nowhere to use it and no one I know needs one so had to pass that up.  We went shopping a bit too.  We headed to this Japanese market I've been wanting to check out.

I was hoping maybe they'd carry my roasted green tea for when I run out but no such luck.  I always like perusing Asian markets, it makes me feel like I'm in Hawaii.  Since we were the only crackers in the joint, the Mr looked like a scared tourist and I told him to stop holding his hands together like he's new to the experience.  So funny...he's whiter than white sometimes.  

Here's a peek of some of our eats this weekend.  

I did a hybrid of my spicy chicken and pancakes and maple chipotle biscuits and gravy and made spicy chicken biscuits for us.  I was craving Stouffers mac and cheese bad and this felt like naughty KFC.  It was more calories than a typical day but we crafted our calorie bank around them so it's all good.

Sunday we had filet mignon on the grill and twice baked potato half with chipotle cheddar.  Got it in just before the rain hit.

The Mr likes his like this.

I do not.  Mine was a little over done, I like medium well but you cut into it and blood comes out and I'll yak.  Bleh.  He seemed to love it though.

I nailed the water this weekend.  I really wanted to do well with that since I slacked last weekend and I did so woo hoo me!

We've got a dinner out tonight...I hate when you have to go somewhere at a sodium bomb restaurant and choose the least "bomby" of their offerings.  But I have the calories and sodium as controlled as I can with the rest of my meals today.

That's about it on my end.

What did you do this weekend?  How do you like your steak, if you imbibe in the occasional moo cow?

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  1. Guten Morgen to you too! Another weekend that kind of went by too fast. June is already in full swing and no signs of slowing down. Thanks for some amazing cooking this weekend, as usual. That steak broke da mouth!

    1. Yes it did go by too fast. What's with that? You're very welcome. I wish I would've taken a picture when you saw we were having biscuits. It's like you thought I was a magic cooking fairy for whipping them up so fast! The steak was pretty dang good! :-)

  2. Yum!! Im craving mac and cheese doesnt feel like summer..Raining all day!! :)

    Went on yet another DC tour on Saturday ?(everytime someone visits we have to with in laws)...Dont know how much of it they understood..but I know they loved the indian food in the union station...hahaha..
    then spend Sunday cooking, cleaning and working (bleh)...but overall a decent weekend..

    1. Yeah we've got rain here too. I'm down with it though, Mother Nature can water my flowers today. :)

      You're the DC tour guides! HA! Sounds like a decent weekend even with sprinkled with some of life's necessities.

  3. We spent the weekend trying not to be frustrated that we had not been able to get the garden dirt delivered so that we could work on transporting it from the driveway to the garden. That will have to be done by wheelbarrow, since the passage way is just barely wide enough for that. Woohoo! ST and cardio both! Looked at 7 bank-owned properties so I can make offers, and ate more junk than we should have.

    I like my steak like the Mr.'s. Please come over and grill some for us...I can't seem to get it right! (DH likes his like you like yours.)

    1. Yeah that will make one heck of a workout. Often 'round the house projects end up being the best kinds of workouts! I need to remember to put his thicker cut on about 2-3 minutes prior to mine. I always take the thinner cut but forget to time them out right. We were in a weather crunch. I usually sear mine first then finish them off in the oven. You can always pull the more pink one out first to rest while the other one cooks a little longer.

  4. My weekend sucked because I was sick, so I mostly rested and caught up on laundry and other house chores that aren't too labor intensive. The foods look yummy! I also like my meat medium well, and can do with medium, but not when a bunch of blood comes out. EWWW

    1. Boo for being sick! It sounds like you got a lot done though. I wish they made medium between medium and medium well. I might be able to do a burger that way. It rarely comes out medium well, it's either medium or charred. If blood comes out, I retch. LOL

  5. I don't like steak. Not even a little bit. Go ahead and all me a weirdo, that's fine. It smells amazing on the grill, but actually eating it isn't so amazing. I like my burgers and chicken WELL done. I may be the only person in the world that prefers them dry and almost burnt to cooked through and juicy.

    A birthday party for one of my little boy's friends and a trip to the pool were the highlights - otherwise mostly a lazy weekend with some chores thrown in.

    1. I don't like tomatoes or strawberries so I'm a weirdo too.

      Lazy and productive is a good combo!

  6. My foodie friends roll their eyes when I order my steak well-done. Absolutely NO pink. And don't even ask what I have them do to a filet. LOL (The good news is that I have steak out somewhere about once a year.)

    Big water woo-hoo to yas!

    1. I used to say "burn it." Then it was well done. Now it's medium well with the light strip of pink. If there's red, it goes back. (Politely, I don't want a side of spit) Honestly we RARELY eat steak out because I do it so well at home and it's SO much cheaper! That dinner would've cost us $75 at our favorite steakhouse and that cost us $15. Yes please.

  7. I'm with you on the medium well thing. I can't stand meat more rare than that. Didn't do a whole lot this weekend. I was planning on cleaning my spare room in anticipation of my Ma coming late in July but that will have to wait. I did get some new flowers and a new plant. Can't wait to see how they get growing. Glad you had a good one.

    1. Yeah, no mooing for me either. Good luck on the green thumb! :)

  8. I used to hate rare steak, and still order it "medium." But that steak of the Mr.'s looked about perfect to me. I like the juiciness of an UNwell done steak.

    Did you share the GOOD weigh-in this week and I missed it? Just curious...and nosy!

    1. Yeah, it wasn't rare, I won't cook a steak like that but that's a solid medium which is how he'll order it at a steakhouse. Hard to time those to cook properly for our differing tastes.

      Weigh in's are at the end of the month.

  9. I'd want mine just like the Mr's...and the older I get the more rare I like it. Pretty soon I'll just slap it on the plate right out of the package! ;)

  10. Mac & cheese? OH that looks so good. And now I'm going to crave it for the rest of the week.

    I love going to the Japanese market! I always stock up on the big jugs of Ito En tea, because I can't find them anywhere else around here. And fine, maybe I buy Pocky too. :P

    1. Yeah. It was quite yummy and I was surprised you could get the burnt cheese effect in the microwave. (Like I have 53 minutes to wait around for an oven!)

      Yep, they had quite the selection of It En though if you have a World Market close, they carry it too as well as Pocky in case there's a shortage. ;)


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