
Friday, June 7, 2013

Frantic cleaning and impending refreshment

You know, it happens every year, we come back from our trip and June bombards us with gatherings making us feel like we haven't had a vacation by the end of the month.  Don't get me wrong, they're all good gatherings...a birthday dinner and a get together with friends every weekend of the month.  I misunderstood one friend as to the get together date and when looking at our schedule and theirs, it seemed this weekend would be the only time we'd have to hook up without going out like 6 weeks.  So last night we busted ass and cleaned up.  The only problem with living in a small house is a little clutter looks like a lot and a lot of clutter looks like a bomb.  We were at a middle ground.  We still have some work to do today, especially outside and little things like wiping down cabinets and the bathroom.  As much as cleaning sucks, it takes a load off of your mental plate.  I know I feel a lot more stress when the house is a mess.

Dinner last night was fish tacos (applewood smoked mahi, arugula, hummus) and grilled zucchini.

My shave ice machine should arrive today. (affiliate link) 
I'm looking forward to giving it a spin and see if the syrup takes to that better than the food processed one I did.  It was so bad I threw half of it away.  If this doesn't work out then I'll send it back and use the syrups to make freezer pops or something.  Fingers crossed it works.  It'd be a nice addition to a few of the gatherings this month and for the summer.

We did well on workouts this week.  We switched up the order of our workouts.  I hope the scale is down with that.  I've done pretty good on my water, maybe missing my minimum 2 days.  I still need to step up on the weekends water wise, I'm slacking and I think it's messing me, "system wise" all week.  Calories have been spot on.  I'll be honest, I've had a lot of sweets cravings this week...none of them acted on of course but I'll enjoy that bit of sweet treat tomorrow a little more than usual.

Got any plans for the weekend?  What's the condition of your home right now?  White glove clean, a quick pick up required or call in the hazmat crew?

(Affiliate links were used in this post.  A few cents will come my way if you decide to buy through them)

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  1. We needed a good reason to do a thorough cleaning and this is a good way to get ready for the other company we have coming later on in the month.

    Can't wait to find out if the shaved ice is as good as it claims to be from that machine.

  2. ooh those tacos look good:) shaved ice machine..interesting..let me know how it turns out...
    WEekend is a trip to DC to show hubbys parents the national mall..after this if anyone wants to see DC< i will put them on the train and a map...hehehe

  3. The rooms in my house are tiny, so I can definitely second your thought about a little and a lot of clutter. It seems like if I slack for one single day my house (esp the kitchen) looks like it's never been cleaned. Right now it's not too bad, but if I don't put in some effort today tomorrow won't be pretty.

    Hubby's niece is here for the weekend, and we've got a birthday party for one of little guy's friends Saturday. I'm hoping Sunday for the first trip to the outside pool for the little guy.

  4. I still haven't caught up on the housework after my pet-sitting break. I wish dust would stop accumulating when I'm not here.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Most of my house is in good enough shape for drop-in company, which is definitely not white-glove clean, but if I say 'pardon the mess,' they scoff. My office, however, is a different matter. Just have to close the doors on that. My filing system has spread to about 4 square feet and six inches or so high. I can still see a little of my desk, though, so it's not as bad as it used to be.

  6. Had to share with you two miscommunications that happened to me yesterday, since you had a problem with a date you were trying to set for a get together with a friend.

    Got to the doctor's office for my June 6 appt., and they couldn't find my file in the ones that were out for the day's appointments. The receptionist asked me how to spell my name and looked me up in her computer, and said, "Your appt. is next Thursday, June 13!" So I pulled out my little appt. card from the last visit and clearly it said: JUNE 6! She apologized and changed the date for me. Oh to be fair, she volunteered to squeeze me in yesterday, but at my last appt. I waited about 45 minutes and I was scheduled that day! It's an Ob/Gyn practice, and I know they get called out to deliver babies, so I said, "I'll come back next week."

    Later, I stopped to get my nails done. I picked a pretty pink color, and she started working on my nails. I do acrylics and the prep work takes a while. Then she started putting on this hideous yellow polish. I kept asking, "This is an undercoat, right?" Because she had already put on a clear undercoat. She just nodded. I had my g-daughter with me yesterday, since her dance recital is this weekend I decided she should get a manicure too. She said to me, "They must be talking Spanish." She's only 3, but recognized they were NOT speaking English most of the time and even though their English is much better than my Vietnamese, her lack of skills in English yesterday about caused me to walk out of there with Mustard Yellow fingernails! Finally she said, "You like color?" Finally realizing this was the color she thought I had picked, I said, "NO! It's hideous!" She went and got the card of colors, and I pointed to the pink I wanted which was right next to the yellow. She painted over the yellow and all is okay, but that was CLOSE!

  7. This weekend I am going to see my parents. They live in the same state, but still a 2 hour drive. Excited though.

    Oh and I'm one who likes it hot (I know, hate me, its all good) and its 102 out at my parents house. Woohoo!

    Have a great weekend.

  8. My house in white glove condition? ha. With 12 kids still at home, along with two kitties and a dog that sheds, ha. I just wanted to pop in and say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Seriously, I can relate to so many things, and you totally crack me up sometimes. I love shaved ice too, can't wait to hear how it turns out.


  9. I always joke when someone brags about their house being so clean you could eat off their floors...I say mine too! You'll find all 4 food groups down there at some point. =o)

    This morning a very dear friend came into town this weekend and we met up for a lovely breakfast. Then it was off with the hubs to walk the dogs down at the river and through the conservatory, after which we ran several errands buying birthday presents for mom. He just finished cutting the lawn while I did the dishes and laundry. Our house always looks cluttered. I have no storage space whatsoever so even when the house is clean, there is always something out of place.

  10. My house is normally drop-in ready, it took me years to get out of fire alarm mode. It helps my stress levels to do pickup daily.
    I hope you had a great time!


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