
Monday, June 17, 2013

An unexpected walk, pork and movies

 Hope y'all had a nice weekend!

We had a busy one.  We made it down to the farmers market a little late so a lot of booths were out of their stuff but luckily the one farm still had the Mr's lettuce.  It was HUGE!  It looked like a pom pom.  I asked if the vegan bakery we were getting our sweet from was within walking distance and we decided to give it a go.  We kept saying, "I think it's just past this bush"...nope..."it's right around this corner, right?"...nope.  It turned out it was a mile away aka 2 miles round trip or 28 city blocks total.  I was actually proud of us for walking it and I think we burned off most of the cinnamon roll with 90 minutes of walking.  We had lunch by a babbling brook, took a drive in the country, stopped by a friend's house who lives in east Bufu but they weren't home, went to an antique store in their podunk town then to a pet store on the other side of town and loved on a little chihuahua.

We also picked up a nice freebie...

I can't remember how I found out about it but I signed up with Honeybaked Ham to get a voucher for a free pound of ham and voila, they sent one a few days later!  I've been wanting to make chicken cordon bleu so this came at the perfect time!  Based on the price, we saved $12.08.  Score!  We had a nice ham sandwich on Hawaiian bread Saturday night.  Yum!

Our plans fell through for Sunday and we went to a few open houses after we worked out.  I got in a nice 1000+ calorie burn.  We bought our produce refuel for the week and whilst at Trader Joe's I spotted some good frenched pork chops and since that reminded me of the weird dream I had with James Van Der Beek, I decided it was a sign and we had them for dinner.

I have to say, these were some of the best pork chops I've ever had!  I usually stay away from pork chops because I overcook them but I got those babies spot on and got a chair sink from the Mr so I might just get those once or twice a month.  I doctored up a tablespoon of BBQ sauce with some pineapple preserves and the baked beans?  Homemade.  BOOM!  It was my first real go at those.  I'll tweak the recipe a bit and post it.  

I found some obscure on demand channel and we watched The Rage: Carrie 2.  Oy.  On a good note, the night before we watched "Here Comes the Boom" with Kevin James.  I know, I thought the same thing but I think this movie actually got saddled down with a bad title because it was actually pretty good!  Nice when you can be pleasantly surprised.  At least they both were free!  :-)

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I was so proud of us for walking. It was definitely worth it too. Also a nice way to take familiar territory that we drive all the time and see it in a different way by walking it. It was kind of a day like that too where we just kind of went with the flow and saw where it all took us.

    As for those pork chops.... Ohhh my! Those were awesome. Definitely pat yourself on the back for those. Oh and those beans! MMMMMMMMMMMMM

    1. Me too! I think if we'd said out loud it was a mile down the road we might've just drove it but once you start walking, you wonder "if I walk back and we drive would it have been one block away from where we turned around?" LOL But we just helped walk off what we ate so all the better and it was interesting to walk that area.

      The pork chops were SO good! Can't wait to have those again!

  2. Just how big is your farmers market? Miles of farm stands? amazing, ours is just 5 blocks long. Its packed but no miles of walking for us.

    1. I wish! That particular one is only a city block, the bakery was just in the area. There's one up the street that is about 2-3 blocks long and it's SO crowded that there's no way I could leave there without cuffs. People stopping to chat in the middle of the crowded sidewalks, cutting you off, stopping with their dogs so they can be "seen", it's ridiculous. It kind of sucked the joy out of shopping for us so I either want a tiny one or one that's at a fairground or something so you aren't squashed into a claustrophobic space.

  3. That walkw as worth the cinnamon roll...Woman u are the BOMB!!! that pork chop looks drooling here and its 9am...heheh but never too early for pork chops!!!! Im coming over!! hehehe

    1. You have no idea. TOTALLY worth the walk! LOL Come on over, I'll grab the chops. :)

  4. I've been on those "just around the corner" walks; congrats on a good walk!

  5. I can't say that I did a whole lot of anything this weekend, but the highlight was babysitting my four year old nephew. He is so much fun to be around and has me more active than just sitting in front of the tube.

    Lunch by a babbling brook sounds delightful. I need to get outside more. Glad you enjoyed yourself and score with the free ham!

    1. Oh babysitting a toddler/pre-schooler is quite a lot. I remember babysitting and coming home exhausted! :)

      If it's nice outside (aka-82 degrees or less) then we're outside if we can be. Free anything is always a good score, right but ham!? YEAH BABY!

  6. I bought some of that Honeybaked ham a couple years ago and it KILLS Hormel Cure 81 Ham, which is my old favorite. I'm thankful the Honeybaked Ham store is across town--cause it's too delicious to resist. Although as lean as it is, I bet the calories aren't too bad. The salt however.....OUCH!'s pretty pricy, but SO good!!!

    With hubby's cancer, we no longer eat anything that is cured, the nitrates and nitrites feed cancer tumors, so that's no longer on our menu. I did find some microwave bacon and regular bacon at TJ's, that is NOT cured, i.e. NO nitrates or nitrates. I also found some nitrate-free honey ham, but he doesn't seem to like it much. He was never fond of lunchmeats. I think 20 years of ham sandwiches for lunch at work everyday might have turned him off of deli ham.

    1. Yeah we don't have one close to us and is too rich for our blood to buy...ever. (Both financially and from the sodium "bank")

      I don't buy anything cured or with nitrates. We have 1/4 slice of bacon with our brussels a few times a week but it's nitrate free and not cured. Same with TJ's chicken dogs so we can still enjoy the occasional hot dog with no guilt. I love ham but usually only imbibe 1-3x year.

  7. Whenever I feel the urge for ham, I go to the honey-baked store for one of their box lunches. There's usually enough ham on a sandwich for 2 meals!

    I always mix in a bit of pineapple, apple, or orange juice into my bbq sauce. So good!

    1. I love getting their sandwiches on occasion. Haven't done that in ages, might have to consider that again when we want to do a picnic!

      Orange juice in BBQ sauce is how I recreate Chi Chi's chicken el paso. Sooo good!

  8. I worked this weekend, which is what I'm doing every weekend lately. Sigh. I want to see a picture of your pom pom lettuce! :D

  9. This was a great meeting with a meeting Saturday morning before mom coming over for her birthday. We put up a tent so she could take multiple pictures to sell on Ebay when she is ready. Had a lovely dinner and dessert and good conversation. Sunday was busy with errands and cooking. It was a busy weekend, but a very good one.


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