
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A walk in the park and grilled goodness

Yesterday was the perfect weather day.  A little cloudy with bursts of sun, a little breeze and a sassy 65-68 degrees.  This is MY kind of summer.  I'd be perfectly happy to have 2 hot days for the people that are into that kind of thing, 2 days of rain to water my plants because I'm lazy and 3 days of low to mid 70's with a light breeze.  Last year we were in triple digits for more days than I'd ever like to see again so hopefully this summer can be nice and mild.  The Mr and I decided to go walking at the state park 5 minutes away.  

The last time we walked this trail was the Fall since it's not hooked up to our cross country skiing trails.  It was almost weird when we pulled in I was actually surprised by all of the foliage and green because the last time we were there it was all bare and white with snow.  I'm aware it's June but still my brain was jolted.  As we hit the stairs, the Mr had to bound up them as usual.

Have at it cracker...I'll see you in 60 seconds as I take my moderate walking pace.  Of course at the top is where I usually suck wind but there was a couple up there so I couldn't partake in my 30 second recovery.  Oh the things we do to make ourselves not look like out of shape doofs in front of others.  (Please, don't you runners out there tell me you don't pick up your pace a bit when you see you're going to cross paths with another runner.)  ;-)  I burned about 540 calories which isn't a record breaker or anything but a good burn for being out with my honey enjoying the weather.  Gotta have some varie-tah from time to time.

When we got home it was time to get dinner together.  I grilled some chicken then grilled the quesadillas and brussels and we ate on the lanai.

I love seeing real grill marks!

What variety do you like to throw into your workouts seasonally?  Do you ever pick up the pace of your workouts when you're with or pass another person?

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  1. I didn't burn as much but it was definitely nice to get out and walk on the trails. Variety is definitely good whenever you can get it in.

    Dinner was awesome. I loved the extra grilled flavor that was infused into the quesadilla and there is nothing better than authentic grill marks!

    1. Yep. My ankles are paying for it today but that means we need to do that a little more often so I can get back to pre-vacation muscle strength.

      Dinner was pretty good. I love sitting out on the lanai eating these days. I hope it continues to be nice and not get grody hot.

  2. That park looks beautiful! I'm not a "runner" but whatever it is that I do, I definitely pick it up when I see anyone else coming near me. Too funny!

    1. It's definitely one of my faves and a big bonus that it's so close to us.

      I hardly think you're alone. ;)

  3. That park looks beautiful..awesome weather..yes I like those kinds of summers too...and its nice that its so close to of these days I need to go on a proper hike...

    I need to grill sometime soon..I am waiting for a few months to invest in a nice griddle...and then make some grilled stuff:)

    1. Glad to hear it. I always have people saying "OMG, I have to have it 90 degrees!" NO. THANK. YOU.

      Yes, get on the grillin' bandwagon yo!

  4. Oh I absolutely put on a "show" for other people when I'm out walking. Sunday, Lola and I were walking down the road and there were two people behind us also walking their dog. I walked faster going home than I ever have before. Of course I was also trying to get a ways ahead of the other people so Lola would quit wanting to go back there and check them out. Sometimes when I "walk" my dog, it's more like I'm "dragging" my dog.

    Hmm...Quesadillas on the grill?! Great idea. Those look delicious, I'm going to have to give that a try. I did the BBQ Naan Chicken Pizza for myself for lunch yesterday. Those Naan breads are addictive, although a little high-caloried for lunch. This time I used the hummus and I have to say I could do without, it didn't really add much. I hate to waste calories on anything I can't taste. Of course I bought PLAIN hummus and I think you buy one of the spicy hummus varieties, so that might make a difference. Still loved the Naan pizza, how long do you cook yours? I wasn't sure and didn't find an exact recipe for the pizza on your ReciPage. I think I'm having another one for lunch today--there's half a hunk of chicken breast left-over.

    The park where you were walking is beautiful! I need to take a drive to our nice park, down the road, there's some nice paths there, but Lola is so belligerent and bull-headed and wants to check out everyone she sees, so I might have to wait until she's trained a bit better to go to a more "public" place.

    1. LOL..."Come ON Lola!!"

      I use chipotle red pepper hummus. I don't imagine regular hummus would add more than texture. I usually do my pizzas for 10 minutes at 400 degrees. I do need to do a "formal" recipe but it is under the Recipes section a LOOONG time ago. (Not ReciPage)

  5. I grew up just a few minutes from a state park with a lake and miles of fantastic trails. Of course back then I didn't appreciate it. Now that I live in the land of "outdoor exercise? walking trails? biking trails? sidewalks? Whaaaat??" I really miss all the great trails by my folks' house. I'm having a hard time even finding a place safe enough for my little guy to learn to ride his bike. Sometimes the drawbacks of a small town are surprising.

    I do pick up the pace - but not to show off. I usually walk faster if it looks like I'm going to end up at the same pace as someone else and have to walk next to them for a while. I hate making small talk while walking no matter how nice a person is (that's my me time, and I want to be in my own head) so I'll go faster to get ahead if I need to.

    1. Yeah we rarely appreciate things like that as kids but boy we sure do as adults!

      I understand that. Exercise is me time unless you came with someone.

  6. Yummy food! That path looks like a really nice place to walk. Your idea of weather is how I feel! I like non humid days not over 80 degrees and I also like when it rains so I don't have to water plants. Unfortunately, it's usually pretty darn hot and humid here all summer, but we're having a nice weather day today. I don't try to run super fast when I see another runner and walker, but I do try to compose myself. I hate to run without headphones because I sound like I am dying, so I try to not to sound too loud when I pass someone, if that makes sense.

    1. YAY! Another mild summer girl! When it hits 80 it's like there's no chance for a cool breeze, only a hot one. Bleh. Yeah, I definitely try to compose myself when around the presence of others so they don't ask if I need assistance after coming up those stairs or a steep incline. HA!

  7. I need to try making grilled quesadillas. Everything is better with grill marks, right? :) Love the green in those photos--I also cannot wrap my mind around the fact that it's June!

    1. Indeed! I can't believe it's June either. I am hoping for a mild summer that I can actually enjoy since the ones the past 3 years or so have left me a stinky, sweaty mess!

  8. I love taking walks at the State Park (ours also has a new dog park, so it's an extra bonus for the pooches). When I'm feeling adventures I'll go off the trail and hike up the hills and jump up and down when I get to the top like I'm Rocky. =o) As far as picking up the pace, I can honestly say I don't do that. My legs only go so fast (my friend is a runner and I tell her when we walk together that this is as fast as my pace goes) and I huff and puff with the best of them. I usually smile and laugh a little if I'm really out of breath from doing some jogging and for the most part people do the same in return. I genuinely look like one of the Campbell's Soup kids with big red cheeks, so it's a comical sight!

    1. I bet the pooches appreciate the time out. I would like to see your Rocky dance! If I'm out of breath I won't make eye contact so they don't feel obliged to make small talk as we pass and/or I pass out trying to answer them.

  9. Oh, no-o-o-o, I've *never* pulled off a couple more reps just because the itty-bitty gal next to me did two more than I did. Nope, never.

    (Watching House Hunters today, I spotted your next Big Event for Hawaii: kite surfing!)


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