
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

15 Years Ago Today

I married the man of my dreams.  Our road has always seemed to be us against the world but there is no other person I would rather travel that road with.  We have been together since we were teenagers and been through many changes from having lost weight to gaining weight to losing some to regaining LOTS of weight and now we've lost over 340 pounds together over the past 3 years. 

We are celebrating this year in ways we never dreamed possible and ways we wouldn't have been able to at 494 and 455.  I am excited for the future we are building and I know that every day whatever I face, I never face it alone.

I love you honey!

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  1. Congratulations guys! My 13th is coming up this summer.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I wish you many more.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and the Mister! May you enjoy another year of happiness and health as much AND MORE than all the ones before!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! (Ditto Kristen, I'm not feeling eloquent today and she said it very well!) You both are a wonderful inspiration of what two people who love each other can accomplish.

  5. Awwwww that is so cute! I hope I find my very own MR so I can be as happy as you are! Congrats on another anniversary and I wish you guys tons more. Not that you need that :)

  6. Congrats!!!! I hope the two of you have a wonderful day together. I hope that the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past together.

  7. Happy anniversary to you and your one and only Mister. I wish you many more years of health and happiness!

  8. Happy Anniversary! I have to echo Browren thoughts, I can't imagine a nicer wish for the two of you! May you enjoy this one to the fullest, may you have many, many more and may they be healthy and happy years. Best wishes, Arlene.

  9. Yay! Happy 15 years and 1 day Anniversary to you both!!!

  10. So happy for you both. You're darlings,the both of you. I hope your special day was spectacular and that the year ahead holds more and more and more discoveries of love and health and fun for you! *HUGS*

  11. Happy Anniversary to you both! You've created some pretty amazing years together as you've both grown from being teenagers (and all that that entails) to where you are today. I wish you all the joy and happiness you can bear as you continue on another 60 years!!!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you both! You've created some pretty amazing years together as you've both grown from being teenagers (and all that that entails) to where you are today. I wish you all the joy and happiness you can bear as you continue on another 60 years!!!

  13. Lots of love and good wishes to you and the Mr.!


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