Friday, August 30, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #35

Wasn't it just the first week of August like yesterday?  No?  Sure feels like it.  Also, am I the only one completely over the 'demure' crap?!  Talk about jumping on something and beating it into the ground in record time.  The second it pops up on the feed of anyone I follow, it's an immediate hide/snooze from me.  I have no idea why crap like that irks me to the core but there it is.  😁

Y'all, I have to give a massive shout out to the Mr for a few reasons.  Tuesday that sweet lil nugget somehow forged ahead, figured out that for the bottom railing we could go back to batch painting and he got ALL of the balusters installed!!  Tuesday was our cut off date for working on that project and it was a miracle.  We also thought we had a solution for the baluster shoe rattle but of course it didn't work.  When I asked if we were going to have to tear them out, his inner Madea said "aww hell no" and he engineered a solution.  We won't be able to get to it until next week and I'll share that when the final reveal post is done.  So big kudos to him!

Everything is coated in wood filler, paint and poly dust.  I feel like every time we walk up the carpeted stairs, it must look like this:


Now let's get to:

8 Tips to Follow for When You’re Walking for Weight Loss  (We really miss walking outside the past few months.  We even got some of these and it helped a little but I still ran a bit humid.)

Effective strategies for tackling ambiguous tasks  (Lord knows I need help with this one!)

Six Tips to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by the News  (For those who still watch it.)

4 Extremely Important Things to Do When Your Power Goes Out (We bought an extra power station to give us about 6 hours on the fridge.  Definitely gives peace of mind)

17 Recipes That Channel the Flavors of Hawai'i  (Sigh...I miss Mark's on Kauai.  Leoda's on Maui.  808 Grill on Big Island.)

Need More Gmail Storage Space? Regain 15GB Without Losing a Thing  (I've been battling the beast and refuse to pay so pffft!)

I've gotta say, we need a BREAK from the house crap.  We're doing just that this weekend for my birthday.  It's a big one and I'm not spending it working my nubbins to the bone.  

What are you up to this holiday weekend?

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How Therapy is Going So Far

Welp, I've officially been in therapy for two months!  Did y'all have a pool as to whether I'd make it that long or quit after 5 visits which is apparently the average?   I do televisits because if I have to physically go somewhere for one more damn appointment, I'm gonna lose it.  Heck, some days even signing on feels like a chore.  I really like my therapist.  She's nice, my age, a professor so I know she knows her stuff and she's not one of those ones who nods their heads and writes everything down never giving feedback.  (I mean she writes a lot down but you know what I mean.)  Like when I tell her what a flaming shrew my MIL is, she drops her jaw, widens her eyes and gives me confirmation that's accurate when I tell her stories.  She also has no problem giving me a different perspective but so far those haven't worked well for her.  HA!  Like she'll give me an example of "well they were probably just with that person and seeing the other person was just a side effect so it seems like they spent more time with them purposely."  

"No, they literally traveled to every show, play, football game, etc.  There was no side bonus, it was purposeful."

So I guess I'm glad that the people pleaser side of me doesn't kowtow and say nothing when what she's saying isn't right or doesn't apply to the situation because of lack of context.  I gots NO PROBLEM giving context, yo!  Obviously I don't want someone who just nods and agrees with me all of the time either because that isn't helpful but I also want her to understand the proof I have to back up my feelings.

The initial session was basically her telling me the expectations of therapy and filling out paperwork in addition to what I already filled out.  She told me to make a list of traumas above and beyond the main ones I listed.  It took FOUR sessions to get through those.  What I did learn is that if I have an agenda of what I want to talk about in my head, I can't tell her if any little blip popped up during the week.  She looks for things in those blips to focus on and then before I know it, 30 minutes has gone by and you only have 50 on most days and then you can't talk about the stuff you wanted to.  After two sessions of getting my in-laws traumas pushed back, she was like "so anything come up this week?"  I'm like "yeah, I'm having a lot of anxiety about how I want to get the in-law traumas crossed of the list and it's been pushed off twice so I've been stressed out all week!"  I am dainty.   No?  

One tool she's been having me use is tapping which some of you who may have gone through EMDR therapy might be a little familiar with.  She's essentially taking a portion of that therapy and having me do it daily to 'rewire' my brain with what she views as my three highest anxieties and basically having me do mantras for 60 seconds per session.  So let's say someone's three are "I am safe- I belong with loving people-I am good enough" then you would say "I am safe" either out loud or in your head while tapping your shoulders alternating, not together for 60 seconds.  Then move on to the next one.  She said it takes about 3 weeks for people's train of thought to start to switch to which my brain responded...'challenge accepted.'  I'm in week three now and I'll say I haven't noticed a major difference yet but I'm also doing horribly on the second part of that which is writing those same things and leaving them around the house to find as a reminder.  The house is SO....MESSY and coated in a layer of construction dust

that I don't even know where I would put them to find.  Maybe on the milk, silverware, on the remote.  I don't know.  So I admit, I'm not doing that part of it yet and I need to.  Bad me.  *smack*

I will say, one thing that gets on my nerves, and I think this is universal, but if I'm told I'm "human" one more time, I'm going to burn it all down.  Yes.  I'm aware I'm human but when you tell me that, you also invalidate my feelings like 'sorry, you're nothing special, we all go through it.'  Like when I said I was the queen of procrastination she said "we all are.  We just tell ourselves we're the worst at it."  Well no.  I can see by your office, which is messy and looks the same every time, that you too have a procrastination problem.  I told her the evidence to the contrary was my friend who talks about running errands, doing her 'chores' (cleaning) and winding down.  I said "chores...what are those?  We have just enough room to prepare meals and/or eat and the house is eating us whole everywhere else."  So see, I know it's not ALL humans who are procrastinating because she doesn't.  My grandma didn't.  I think sometimes the fact that she and I are so alike makes her think that everything she thinks about her own life might apply to me but it doesn't.  BECAUSE we're all human, we're all different.  We all filter through our own experiences, hardships, losses, successes, etc which is why you have neat freaks, weekly cleaners, cleaners when someone will see it but otherwise don't care and hoarders who have a flattened cat they haven't seen in 13 months.  If we were all human in the way she says it to me, we'd all be robots reacting the exact same way.  So yeah, that's about the only annoyance I have.

My goal is to collect as many tools as I can from her this year because once that deductible met period is over, I'm NOT paying $160 per session which is what it would cost based off of the claims.  Nope.  So I guess I don't know if I will get quite what I thought I would out of it as far as answers I feel I need because I fear her answer will be "you're human" or "you're just going to have to accept you'll never know why" or give me an answer about someone she's never met and give a wrong assessment that will just piss me off.  I wasn't sure how that would go but it all tracks.  Who knows, things may change on that front especially if I continue to challenge her when I disagree.  She literally says at least once per session "who is the therapist?  Whose session is this?" jokingly because the things I say are very therapist like or she'll end up talking to me about something of hers.  It's just funny.  I don't know if it's what I thought it would be or not, I think I need a few more months to assess it or bring up very specific scenarios to see her take but I assume I will likely be done by year's end unless some epiphany happens.

I'm glad I'm doing it and my taking that step has empowered one of my friends to do it as well which is a HUGE step for her.  She's dealt with a lot of crap and has opened up a lot to me which has been nice given she's always liked to kind of live in her own world on that front.  So I hope we continue our talks as we both feel it's beneficial for our healing.

Have you ever been in therapy?  Any tips, tricks or questions I should ask my therapist to get the most out of my sessions?

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Are We Done Yet? Weekend Recap


The answer is no.

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend double for the Mr and I because it has been 8 days of non-stop work on this friggin' stair project in the style of one step forward, three steps back.  

source from the greatest movie ever that we need to watch again soon

Ahh, if only it went like the cha cha Chris...if only.

This is how things started off Friday.  The stringer was scraped and shellacked after me working every day last week to get things prepped.

Ol' Wreck It Ralph chonked out the bottom of the rail in three places and I was left to rebuild with wood filler.

Thankfully, I'm good at that but it's not easy and did not make for a happy girl before I saw the magic being relied on came through.  Lord knows the project betrays us on the daily, we don't need to help it along.

He removed the final old balusters on the bottom which left a loverly 8 layer mess for me to scrape.

I believe this sums it up best:

I was able to roll on the enamel paint on the stringer after two coats of shellac and one coat of primer.  Funny how smooth it looks until you open the door and get natural light blazing on it.  We keep the door closed 98% of the time so no worries.  😏

After being in a most painful floor troll position for 90 minutes, I at least got the bottom wood piece scraped and ready for the next phase.  Here's a before and after of the during process:

It was a lot of sanding, scraping, shellacking, priming and such and the Mr got to the baluster installation.  We are clearly no DIY show (except maybe Renovation Realities...RIP) so we only have YouTube and theories to go on.  The confidence in being able to drill a big ass hole into our stringer to put them in the old fashioned way was .001% and that's being generous.  You could find varying shoes for easier install but it would always require drilling one portion into the railing.  We did find these shoes that looked like they would do the job.  

They do the job and everything but as soon as you walk past them, of course the effing things rattle back and forth.  


So begins my search for a solution because God forbid the solution for one problem doesn't need a solution of it's own!  I ordered a 1/16" rubber sheet and felt tape to see if either of those were going to work for us or not and I'll give you one guess as to whether they did.


No they didn't.  Sorry hon...back to the Big Orange Machine for you.

I had grand illusions that this was going to be able to be done this weekend but of course as you check the balusters (that are a year old), you see that basically every single one had a scratch or nick so what did I get to do?  Repaint them.  All of them.  Sometimes twice.  That takes an hour to dry.  Now this was fine when we were able to have the Mr measure and batch cut six at a time.  Then the farther we got, obviously, a problem presented itself where we had to do one at a time.


So this was my little idea that didn't fully work the way I wanted it to because, me but it got the job done for spray painting.

The other bane of my existence is this demon part on the ceiling.  See where the arrow is?

We had to add that.  I wood filled, attempted SO. MANY. TRIES to get it all level which is chronically pooping the bed over and over because we need that slab there for the install to be possible with these short rails at the top of the staircase.  It is utter madness but I had to prime and paint that part to get us ready to roll though now at a much slower pace with the rail distribution issues that were happening.

I mean we got a start...

...but it was nowhere near what I thought we were going to end on this weekend.  I stupidly thought if I pushed my body to the breaking point all day every day last week that the reward would be to be done with the baluster installation.  The Mr did a kick ass job but we could only go as far as the challenges would let us and I have a real issue with that because it makes me lose motivation.  We've also got a forced break coming up and I dread potentially feeling relaxed and then be thrown right back into chaos.  I knew this was going to be challenging for us but as history predicts, it's a bigger nightmare with crap you just can't even anticipate.  

Also, if you see the newel post up there, I've got a plan to totally chonk it up and add some character so even when the baluster portion and all touch ups are done, we still have that to contend with.  So yeah...a looooong way from done but I think we're giving ourselves today and tomorrow before we call an audible and attempt to clean the house because it's just friggin' overwhelming and crappy to look at.  If we're FINALLY at a point where construction dust shouldn't be an issue then it feels like we could green light that and maybe I could actually decorate for Fall which my soul desperately needs. 

Somehow in between there, I was able to squeeze out a few designs.  If you're in the mood for Fall, I've got you covered and yep, even a few Christmas/Black Friday designs.  There's a Labor Day special going on right now and it's one of the few times I can offer a discount.  So head on over if you need some retail therapy!

How was your weekend?

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Friday, August 23, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #34

Ooh look, it's my favorite sassy pants, clicking over to see if the Mr and I have been up to shenanigans!  I hope you're ready for a good Friday and have your weekend vibes rarin' to go.  You know we've been up to no good all week trying to get this friggin' house in some kind of order but it continues to fight me at every turn.  I've got my work cut out for me with the bottom rail and have to repeat the whole process I've been doing since last Saturday.  That's right, 6 full days (well, five because my body broke Wednesday) but my Etsy production partner crapped the bed so it's not like I got a break.  I really wish there was a house fairy that was free that would finish everything to your liking because this DIY or pay some schmuck who will probably eff it up and charge you for the privilege crap is for the birds.  

Sending out big hugs to my bestie who unfortunately had to send her pup to the Rainbow Bridge.  My heart aches for her and her hubby.  It's been a physically and emotionally exhausting week and a few hours ago I was snotting in bed until I couldn't breathe repeating "I want my Mommy" until my eyes swelled shut so that should about sum things up all around.  👍

Now let's sum up:

30 Moves to Make the Most of Your At-Home Workout  (Lotsa good ones here if you want to do a whole routine or throw in some exercise snacks during a binge watch)

I’m from Japan, home to some of the world’s longest living people: 8 foods I eat every day  (Hmm, I could maybe do half but have no idea how they would mesh together without tasting like butt)

4 Ways to Add 10 Grams of Protein to Your Breakfast—Without Protein Powder  (If you add cottage cheese to egg whites and bake it up, you've got a heck of a protein bomb!)

15 Reasons Why Your Feet Are Absolutely Killing You (Yep, still going through this BS 8 months later but I'm getting better about using my slant board lately so there's that?)

The Experiences of U.S. Adults Who Don’t Have Children (I mean... have you seen it out there?!  No thanks)

I Felt Pressured To Go Through Menopause In Secret. Here's What My Friend And I Are Doing Instead  (Yeah, y'all know I do everything loud.  Just wait till we throw that shizz in the mix one day!)

Paulina Porizkova, 59, Opens Up About Older Women Feeling ‘Endless Freaking Shame’  (People under 30 act like getting old isn't the goal and we should all be dead by 49 so they can have our houses.  I've literally seen that written many times)

The longtime LA home of the late Paul Reubens has sold for $3.8M  (I really hope whoever bought it will keep that gorgeous mid century vibe.  I mean, look at it!)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below:

So that DIY house fairy thing...did anyone get on that or did you just read links?  Read links?  

Welp, guess I know what the Mr and I are doing this weekend!  

What are your big weekend plans?  Wanna come watch two amateurs attempt balusters on a slant?  Popcorn available.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Much Needed Retreat?

If you're a long time reader, you know that since 2018, the Mr and I choose a marriage self help book and typically pick someplace off of the beaten path with land to get away from people.  We cancelled last year due to Mom passing two weeks before so between the year we had just trying to recover from that, normal noise stress from having the neighbors from hell, the stress of starting a new business and having no life for three months basically neglecting the Mr trying to churn out designs, to say we needed the break was the understatement of the year.

Finding a place that fit the description this year was challenging for some reason.  The places we've stayed in the past that may have been available had reasons we wouldn't return like no AC in the bedrooms that was never mentioned, or people who share the property with you that weren't mentioned.   There was this one place that kept catching our eye but it was "downtown" in Podunk but friggin immaculate.

I kept looking for anything else because I just had this nagging feeling with it being at an intersection, it could be trouble.  The point of retreat is to get away from people but nay, the allure of a meticulously designed house with no other real options had us hitting "book" last year.  

I should've known when I got the lengthy pre- check in email a few days before check in (and long after the cancellation window) with an equivalent flowing paper scroll that would equal Santa's shopping list, that this was going to go sideways.  It included making sure we turned on the fan when cooking anything because the fire alarm in the kitchen is "sensitive" and will trigger them all.  Welp, that about killed any want to cook in the house so I pre- cooked several meals we could basically microwave or bake now that a new anxiety had been unlocked for my already sensitive ears.  The other attention grabber being that we were not allowed to use the propane fire pit we booked specifically for s'mores to "grill chicken or marshmallows."  1)  Not mentioned in the listing anywhere 2) who da fuq is grilling chicken on a damn faux log when there's a grill 20' away and 3) thankfully for us we roast our marshmallows, not grill them.   

The day before, I got another email saying to make sure to check the hot tub and fire pit to make sure they were in working order before 5pm. Here's a tip, maybe your effing property manager should be doing that or your cleaning crew before they leave for the day?  So that just set a tone of potential regret before we even got there.  (Oh and the Mr did check them before 5pm and apparently the people from the chick's getaway the day before left the propane on for the fire pit so when the Mr hit the ignition switch, it was like Uncle Gus lit the fire at the Murphy family BBQ.  "He'll be alright, roll the child around." He lost a lot of arm hair and to quote Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters "it smells like barbequed dog hair.")


When we did get there, we were immediately impressed by the looks of it and were thankful it lived up to listing photos.  It was also immaculately clean which I can tell you has happened maybe twice before.  I unloaded the coolers while the Mr unloaded the car and he was in awe of the place which I was happy about.  I know my happiness faded a bit when on a Thursday, the traffic was unrelenting for an offshoot tourist town at 4pm.  The Mr assured me it would die down.  It 9pm.  So all of the typical relaxing stuff we try to do at the house was going to have the dull roar of what one can only refer to as a secret logging and construction trucker super highway blaring on two sides of the house from 5am to 9pm daily, it turns out.  So much for the break I needed from getting my ears rubbed raw on the daily with earplugs.  The other delight?  While outside, we heard what can only be described as an alarm that would go off at a nuclear power plant.  We gave it time and went out a few hours later.  Oh... dueling the tree beside the house... and we've discovered their hive.  It sounded like this but with no break and it was right in the back patio area we'd been looking forward to in the yard shared with a dog and child.  The other thing I always forget is how low they make couches.  When we got our couches, the first thing we did was put 6" legs on them.  This couch?  Which beckoned me with it's cozy look was so low to the floor I had to cross my legs Indian style to sit on it and getting up from it with bum legs??  Pssht.  I was Randy from A Christmas Story in full snow suit trying to roll off.

The other immediate issue was it had those blinds that gives the illusion of privacy but at night, you bet your sweet bippy everyone can see everything you're doing.  Y'all know the ones I'm talking about.  If I can see Willard picking a wedgie during the day across the street through these lowered shades, you know dang well anyone passing by can see us if we have the lights on.  Well, the other problem with that is for someone who needs blackout blinds to sleep, the second the inkling of a butt crack of dawn greets the day, I will be up.  (Eye masks don't work for me.)  I did not account for the blaring street lights surrounding the property which lit up the room when the lights were off.  The Mr looked for light blankets to tuck into the window valances and got it to an acceptable level for sleeping.  At least the wall mounted fan would provide some white noise.  We turned it on and it was like being in an airplane hangar on high so we grabbed the remote.  Dead battery and not a common one.  FML

One I did to myself is I was too lazy to strip the sheets the second we got there and wash them in our free and clear detergent which bit me in the ass immediately.  My body was itchy and by 5am when I discovered when the loggers come through, my throat was burning.  Ahhh, relaxation.  We walked the 'downtown' area for 45 minutes and it started out okay but halfway through the feet were really killing me and we needed to grab some stuff from the grocery to take back which was a bit of a detour.  Even though it was cooler than the previous weeks, the sun was beating down pretty hard and the new to me sunscreen was failing.  So it was pretty much just heating up what we brought and relaxing because walking wasn't happening.  We did some geocaching and got a lot more in than usual so that was fun just seeing parts of the area we might not have.  

We went to go out back and enjoy the outdoor area in the evening and heard this incessant thud every 30 seconds.  We couldn't tell if it was rifle shots, someone practicing for their cornhole competition at a furious pace, axe throwing or log splitting but it was constant...for 3 hours...every night.  So if relaxing outside was already ruined by semi traffic passing every 3-5 minutes and dueling nuclear alarm cicadas on the regular then the whatever the hell that noise was from 5-8/8:30pm every night put the nail in that coffin.  While we liked the house, there were just too many elements atmosphere wise as well as things in the owner's control that don't vibe with what we need for retreats.  (The Mr reminded me the water pressure was crap which meant no proper cleaning of the giblets when you're used to a hand held that will blow your hoo ha into next week.)

When we finally did get to the book I got for it, it became clear after 2 chapters that 1) they were going to keep regurgitating everything they already said 2) they have ZERO credentials other than they're still married and 3) the male portion of the writing team basically only had input on the first chapter then dropped out and the stories told about him were less than worth emulating.  That sucks to pay for something that isn't what you thought it was which is why I'm not going to recommend that one.  I'll recommend this one from a previous retreat.  But that book did give us some good talking points for things we've needed to discuss so there's that.  Unfortunately because of how much we I was trying to unbunge my irritation with all that was wrong with that place and why can I never seem to get the relaxation I need (remembering the house we rented in May being bombarded with construction on all sides) meant the retreat portion felt rushed.  It was us trying to barrel through the book in one day.  We did talk about it a little the next morning too before going out for the day.  At that point, we felt that last day-itis where you try to cram everything in before it's over.  Once we were able relax to some degree, we did enjoy our time together.  We found another rental by the same place and while it looks good on paper, there are warning signs once we drove by it.  Looks like it could be quieter but there's a hotel parking lot where buses park about 3 doors down as well as a byway that runs past the backyard and I don't know that's going to give us what we need.   Regardless, it was nice for a change of pace even if it wasn't what we were hoping for all around.

The search for the next one begins.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Primed, Painted and Poly'd Weekend Recap

Good Monday morning to you.  Another weekend hath come, Riverdanced on my ass and gone.  I hope that you had a good one and got some much needed R&R.  We did but ours stood for Rueful Railing.  I don't know what deity I owe penance to but I reaaally feel like I'm squared up now please and thank you.  Before retreat, I triumphantly did the happy dance at how I'd finally conquered the railing after a bazillion coats of everything and all I needed to do was poly it upon our return and start painting the stringer.  Well we all know how it do in these parts, don't we?  I slapped on the first layer of poly and as it dried it was clear the layers hid streaky secrets.  Despite me doing the exact same thing to the downstairs rail and it worked, this one said no.  There was only one difference and that was that I used liquid wood (I refuse to mention that devil ass product here) to give it a clean surface to cling to.  It's like it rejects any stain and they even slap a sticker on your package that says it may take 6-7 coats of stain that's not theirs that is not listed when you buy it.  You can bet your booty I sent it back for a refund. 

Time to pivot.  I made a poor man's liquid wood (water and Gorilla wood filler into a thick paste) which I sanded and it takes stain well.  But I swear the devil product still cursed the whole thing and in a fit of rage, I grabbed the paint scraper and started peeling every layer off of the rail.  Tears of anger welling up and wondering what the hell I was going to do.  The thought of painting all of the rails white again after I worked so hard to strip it off because we don't want that look anymore was more than I could bear.  I furiously searched Pinterest and came up with nothing.  I stared at the patchy, horrible monstrosity in front of me, liquid wood that refused to come off still laughing in my face and thought I'd give one other idea a shot.

Part of the process that worked before was using a "dark walnut" paint from Behr.  It is not dark walnut at all but if I watered down some Cracked Pepper paint, it could give that smoky vibe although a little too smoky for my liking on the test spot.  Okay.  So if I could get that initial color right with paint, seal it with two coats of poly then could I add a thin poly/stain mixture over the top?  

I know... sounds crazy.


But that's where you end up when your project repeatedly throws the whole damn toolbox at you in lieu of just a wrench.  So Friday night I filled in some spots with rage gouges and got ready for what this stupid thing was going to do.  First off, I had to prime the rail because parts of it were not stripping off and I no longer cared about getting back to bare wood.  I also primed the stringer thinking that would cover the bare wood spots since I did so much scraping and sanding to get the stubborn paint flat and level.  Nothing laughs harder than when you think you did something well enough to take a shortcut.  I told the Mr scraping was in my future and after a new blade on the paint scraper, it was easier than the last time I tried.  (To clarify, not easy...easier.)  What I also noticed...the smell of pine.  Yep, the tannins be like "hope you've got some shellac on hand because I'm still alive in here after 28 1/2 years of being covered up.  In the midst of all of that, the Mr sanded, cleaned and bondo'd our front door so we could paint it to match the color of the shutters that were painted last year.  

We've had the paint for a while so priming got done and the first two layers of paint which didn't do much because the primer was white.  We army crawled upstairs, grabbed showers and collapsed in bed.

The door paint smelled GOD AWFUL and circulated all night through the AC which left me with a delightful headache to start Sunday and the Mr was in the same boat.  We got it after some aspirin, banana and tea.  The Mr started sanding and priming the storm door (which would've looked stupid keeping it the same hunter green as the now old door color.)  I got to getting the third coat of door paint on which is the devil when it comes to painting the panels of 6 panel doors.  After that, I threw caution to the wind, and paint instructions, and polyed the railing with a 60 poly/40 stain mix.  It seemed to do the trick even though there is still what appears to be a streaked appearance to me but it's wood grain coming through so I just need to make peace with it.  I figured all remaining poly would be the clear stuff because I didn't want to keep darkening it.  While that was drying, I went out and started on the storm door.  Let me tell you, there is nothing more fun to an introvert than standing on your front porch painting as a zillion cars go by.


There's also nothing more me than taking your drying breaks to scour Zillow to see if a new house has popped up since you looked last night so you can get de fuq out of the house you're trying to jazz up.  
I intended to get started on the stringer but doing all of the layers on the front and storm doors along with the railing took up the whole friggin' day.  Sigh.  I was able to get a call in with my friend which was nice while the paint was drying at one point.   I've gotta be honest, I have zero hope for the storm door.  I can't unsee all of the spots it has the look of bad painting despite being careful but ask me if I care right now.  No one ever visits so we'll just wait and see how long the paint lasts and go from there.  

I'll tell ya, I was thankful I made turkey meatloaf the week before and froze it, bought a bag of red potato oven roasters and nuked some green beans for dinner.  Before we knew it, it was 6pm and I was not going to do a workout.  My shoulders hurt from the day before so maybe we'll double up today if priming and painting the inside of the door doesn't do me in the rest of the way.  Oh yeah, and getting the stringer scraped I had to skip yesterday...and shellac it...and prime it...and hope it doesn't end up bleeding through anyway.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, August 16, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #33

Good morning and how do on this fan-friggin-tastic Friday?  We had a good start to the week because we were gone!  It was retreat time and since we skipped it last year because of Mom's passing, we were in desperate need of one.  As many of you know, we do a marriage retreat yearly since 2018 when things were, well, dicey.  The books we had for this year's retreat was In Each Other's Care by Stan Tatkin and another one that was so beh that I won't even list it.  I will give a formal retreat recap but suffice it to say, with all of the stress we've had on every level over the past lifetime year, we needed to let the grey matter decompress.  Did it happen?  You're not new here.

Now let's press into:

Are You Terrible at Remembering to Floss? It Might Be Messing Up Your Gut Health, Experts Say  (Dammit.  I know they're horrible but I have to use these when I remember or I will be drooling all over myself and missing spots)

4 Potential Benefits Of Kombucha & How To Pick The Right Type (Word up, I have two bottles in the fridge)

Sit All Day? The Open Book Stretch Can Give Your Stiff, Sore Back Much-Needed Relief  (This is literally the twist my chiro does on me when he climbs on top like a spider monkey to get a good crack.  This pose is almost as good if you're super bunged up.)

7 Signs You Have A "Type A Personality" + How To Thrive  (That crazed look in my their eyes?)

6 Painting Mistakes to Avoid Next Time You Do a Refresh  (Now is the time to think about it if you want to spruce up before the holidays kick in!)

I originally intended to, as the Mr would say, go full bore into the stair project.  However, the railing that I thought I had triumphantly conquered prior to our departure decided to shit the bed when poly was applied.  I am going with plan C, formulating a sketchy plan D and I don't even want to THINK about plan E because I will figuratively burn it down before I shellac 4x and paint the rails the white that I spent 2 full days stripping off of them over the past year.  Any goodwill retreat vibes...gone.  😣

What do you have planned this fine weekend?

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Much Obliged and a Little Trick

Thanks so much to those of you who responded here, on FB and message about my poll of if you would prefer morning or evening posts.  It seems y'all either read in the morning or are fine with whatever.  I just wanted to make sure what I did post was at a time that you guys would most likely read.  It doesn't matter to me and Lord knows any of you using Follow It are getting them at erratic times like I do.  YEESH.

For those who are long time readers but have had trouble commenting in the past, try again.  I have the settings as open as a free blog allows and check spam 2x week for any that slip through the cracks.

One thing that did come up on FB was how hard it is to even find when I post over there because it gets buried under a poop ton of ads.  I hear you and even if I paid to 'boost' my posts, they wouldn't boost to my followers anyway just some randos.  There is a little tip if you want to bypass those ads for the most part.  It's a bit of a pain but will allow you to check your phone and wade through some of the BS to see your 'friends' or 'pages'  (dats me!) with fewer ads.  

See below.

I hope that helps anyone who is having a hard time finding feeds.  I'd say go to IG but I don't post over there because they get buried under even more so it seems futile.  You can still get an email if you like, just click below.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Enjoying the Weekend Recap

Y'all... I'm taking a recap break today because we did zero to report.  However, I would like to throw out a poll instead!

If you still check in over here, would you prefer my usual post time at 6am EST or would 6PM be more likely to get responses from you?

I know many are running around in the morning and unable to actually read or think they'll read/respond later and don't.  

The numbers don't lie so before I go taking it personally, (not that I blame anyone, we don't exactly live jet setting lifestyles to report back on!) I want to see if this is more of a time management thing on your end.

Welcome to feedback from my long time readers/lurkers!  I miss you guys!

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Friday, August 9, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #32

'Sup y'all!  Happy Friday and I hope your week has treated you well.  It's been another week of chaos around here.  As I noted last week (I think), the railing pooped the bed with that stupid liquid wood.  WHY did I get that crap again?!  I swore I'd never use it again the last time I used it but I think desperation clouded my judgment since it seemed like there was no other choice.  Welp, there was and it was what I had to do with the basement railing.  I painted a brown regular eggshell paint over the railing, then I took Walnut wood filler and used about 1 tsp of it mixed with maybe 2 tbsp of water.  I painted it on the railing over the paint twice so it darkened it slightly but would also act as a bit of a liquid wood itself when it dried.  The next day I used ECOS dark walnut stain over it and thankfully somehow that did the trick.  I had no idea if that stuff would work but it's worked twice so it's going to be my go to for any kind of staining from now on if it goes sideways.  

Lots of work again which is draining but also a decent outlet for creativity and it feels good to have a purpose again.  That was missing for sure.  Therapy has been going decent but I'll give an update on that soon.  I will tell you that 40 minutes is not long enough.  I say 40 because the 50 minutes they give you isn't totally yours because you spend 8-10 minutes in some kind of small talk and that is such an annoyance to me.  Because of financial insecurity when I was younger, I see everything in terms of money.  When I'm listening to something that I deem is not necessary to the conversation, there's this part of me that checks out and says "there goes $2 to listen to your crap!"  Is therapy going to work for me with that kind of attitude??  😆

Let's work up to:

Happy ever after: 25 ways to live well into old age  (I need all the help I can get as the big one approaches.)

The Trick to Breaking Out of a Weight Loss Plateau, According to an Expert  (Scream therapy certainly doesn't help because if it burned calories, I'd be thin.)

How to Lose Weight by Lifting Weights: Strength Training Workout Tips  (In case you need a refresher course.  Lord knows my biceps are still killing me from back and bi's the other day.  WOOF!)

5 high-volume foods that helped me lose fat and maintain muscle, and keep the weight off for years  (Add cauliflower rice to that as well.  You throw together a bag of that with a bag of coleslaw mix and season it up, chuck on some chicken and filling dinner without much effort)

How To Have A Date Night That Actually Sparks Romance, From A Couples' Counselor  (Hard to remember we need to date each other after a few decades together.)

Study: Grief Makes You Age Faster  (Dude, I am well aware.)

What Is Transcendental Meditation, and How Can It Benefit Your Health?  (As the Mr can attest, I have a long way to go before I can ever attempt this since I can't even get through Tai Chi intro classes.)

I wanted to get a goodly amount of my Halloween stuff up at the shop and I switched over to a fun spooky season banner that I'm oddly tickled about because I'm a nerd.  I think next week is when the last of my Halloween stuff goes up and I have to focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas since I have 2 months for the algorithm to (hopefully) pick up the designs.  Churning out the machine right now.  I'm so close to 100 designs now and to think I was at 30 a month ago.  So that tells you the grind but it helped get me through July. 

The Mr and I desperately need a break so we're forcing one this weekend.  I know I'll probably get antsy at some point but my brain needs to just CHILL.

What are you up to this weekend?

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Monday, August 5, 2024

Run Ragged Weekend Recap

Well hello there!  So happy to see you!  Did you have a good weekend?  All fired up and ready to work your brain into burnout for the week?  😂  I don't know about y'all but around these parts weekends are warp speed these days and somehow even when we're watching some show, I'm still working so I never actually get a break anymore.  I've been up until 2am the past week trying to jump ahead on some things here but still waking up at 6:30 so not great for sleep at all.  I'm basically not weighing in all of August.  I am still working out and eating right 6 days a week, looking to add the bike back in this week.  There are going to be two weekends where a few extra days will be looser on the eating and honestly, I am not up for watching the scale bounce.  Of course, if you're me, you somehow worked your butt off all of July which was the most stressful month ever and managed to gain two pounds for your efforts.  So I'm entering "eff you scale" August for my mental health.  (And don't think that's not a struggle as well.  It's all I've done weekly for 15 years.)

We did a little ritual for the people we love that have passed before working on the railing.  We wrote their names, dates and a message on the railing so they will always be here.  

It's something small but it feels like a way to ensure they stay a part of this house even when I had to scrape them away for prepping the surfaces.  Speaking of which, do you have any idea how maddening it is to go through the time and shoulder pain of scraping 8 layers of original 90's blonde shellac covered by layers of chalk paint and wax only to have to repaint the whole thing with liquid wood to prepare it for even staining and it dries the color of the original 90's blonde?  (God chuckles)  Also right before finally relaxing Saturday night, the Mr was asking about the half wall at the top of the stairs which has also been a poop cabaret so I started scraping the last little bit it needed and realized for any chance at even staining, I was likely going to have to slap liquid wood on it too because of one teeny part.  Blarg.  I don't know what I did, like if I knocked it or what but my ring finger knuckle on the right side felt really sore to the touch.  I couldn't tell if I cut it or something but it didn't seem to clear up overnight so yay, another body ailment to keep my eye on.

Oh and for anyone in therapy, am I the only one who gets radio silence from boomers when you mention it?  (I say boomers because I have no one left from the previous generation, it's not an insult.  Love me some boomers, yo.)  I find it real interesting that the generations above you that are half the reason you're there will consistently talk about every subject in an email reply except the longest paragraph having to do with therapy.  And please, no one defend that by saying "they didn't talk about those things" because I know that but I also know it literally takes one line of saying "I'm so happy you are excited for your therapy journey!"  That's it.  That's all it takes.  Instead, your consistent radio silence on the matter is going to have to be a future subject, that'll be $15 please.  

Sunday morning the Mr grabbed grocery pickup and I reluctantly rolled out of bed ready to tackle the bazillion tasks awaiting me.  I sanded the two layers I had on the railing and put on a third and fourth coat in some places.  As soon as I had two coats on the front of the rail, it promptly shit the bed.

Those would be marks from the previous balusters that had been wood filled, sanded flat and had zero reason to be there, yet there they were and no amount of stain was going to cover them.  I essentially stopped at two coats because I didn't have it in me after our leg day workout to do one more friggin' thing with it.  I know what I have to do if it's what I had to do with the basement rail and I have to PRAY it works because if it doesn't, we are screwed.

I felt really bad because I didn't intend on working on anything but the house Saturday, got into the "one more design" mentality that has plagued me since June and every time I went to stop, I beat myself up how it's not getting views, I'm wasting my time, ignoring my husband which feels shitty and this will never bring in any kind of money for us, blah blah blah.  I ended up doing the same thing throughout the day Sunday and it feels really crappy to work myself to the bone with zero reward.  I know this can be part of the early days but there's also so much competition and it's so hard to even get noticed when the algorithm won't even pick you up.  I just have to keep throwing myself into it and hope for the best.

How was your weekend?

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