Friday, April 26, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #17  Come here.  

A little closer.


It's Fridaaaaaaaay!!!!

Wee doggies!  

Okay, that's way too much excitement given we've got nothing warranting that much excitement planned for the weekend but still, some weeks just be that way?  You feel me?  

Now it's time to feel:

Benefits of Spinach: 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating More of This Superfood  (We love it and throw it in whenever we can.  Don't forget to give it a wash!)

8 Great Lower-Body Exercises for People With Knee Pain  (Good stuff because no one wants to make knee pain any worse!)

A Quick ‘Fart Walk’ Might Be Just What You Need to End Your Day  (Pssht, in this house any time of day is the right time of day for quackin ducks.  I wonder why we don't have visitors?)

Not Sure What to Talk About in Therapy? 12 Things to Consider  (Good points to remember.  I'll be starting my quest to find someone I match up with later this year.)

Can I Use My RMDs to Transfer Money Into My Roth IRA?  (Ugh, why is retirement so hard and confusing?!)

The film fans who refuse to surrender to streaming: ‘One day you’ll barter bread for our DVDs’  (It's true.  We've got over 300 DVD's and buying the digital copy means you don't own it!)

'The Crow' soundtrack turns 30: Looking back on the album that defined an era  (Truly one of the best soundtracks.  I'll never forget seeing it several times in the theater.  I was obsessed with the movie and Brandon.)

15 Facts About ‘Twister’  (One of our favorite movies and quote it incessantly.  It was out when we were married and we saw the marquee for it in Waikiki.  I wish I'd taken a pic)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below!

I'm aiming for an equal amount productivity and shenanigans if I can find a balance between the two.  I'm hoping to get some stuff arranged and where it needs to be to take some stress off.  Why does it seem like the quest for having a clean, tidy home from top to bottom is never going to happen.  Instagram lies.  (Which is why you're here...I make you feel better about the messes in your home.  You're welcome!)

Any plans for the weekend as we wrap up the month?

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  1. I like the idea of balancing the shenanigans with the productivity. Let's shoot for that and have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like a good plan for the weekend! We have no big plans. Will finish work today, then we have an appt this afternoon. Work tomorrow morning, then get cracking on how stuff and doing some returns. Our beautiful white blooms are probably going to be off the trees by tomorrow because we're due for rain this afternoon with high winds. It sure smells nice out there with their fragrance right now though! Have a super weekend!


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