Happy Memorial Day

We got our fill of cookout foods from a burger to Beyond brat, corn, beans and the like on Saturday. We didn't get the patio together in time so it was sticking indoors until we went driving to get out of the house. We managed to get one geocache in out in the boondocks but it was too crowded to do many of the park and grabs around the area. The past few days we've been getting into the habit of taking turns on Reddit's AITA (Am I The Asshole?) threads to read them to give our opinions and see what other people have to say. Oddly, it's a good way to end up in conversations of all different kinds which has been kind of fun. Sunday we lazed around a little then I made brunch while the Mr returned an Amazon item. Tried making amends for the previous day's sodium bomb with some fruit salad, eggs, turkey links and protein bread. (That seeded protein bread is God awful. Yarf.) Then we did absolutely nothing all day. We decided after ...