
Showing posts from May, 2023

Happy Memorial Day

We got our fill of cookout foods from a burger to Beyond brat, corn, beans and the like on Saturday.  We didn't get the patio together in time so it was sticking indoors until we went driving to get out of the house.  We managed to get one geocache in out in the boondocks but it was too crowded to do many of the park and grabs around the area.  The past few days we've been getting into the habit of taking turns on Reddit's AITA (Am I The Asshole?) threads to read them to give our opinions and see what other people have to say.  Oddly, it's a good way to end up in conversations of all different kinds which has been kind of fun. Sunday we lazed around a little then I made brunch while the Mr returned an Amazon item.  Tried making amends for the previous day's sodium bomb with some fruit salad, eggs, turkey links and protein bread.  (That seeded protein bread is God awful.  Yarf.)   Then we did absolutely nothing all day.  We decided after ...

What I'm Reading This Week #21

It's a Friday attached to a long weekend!  Whoop whoop!  I hope you guys had a good week and are ready for the unofficial kickoff to summer.  (For anyone who knows me, that means I will begin my official countdown to Fall which doesn't mean much considering Fall isn't like it used to be so I guess more like my countdown to Thanksgiving when we have a chance of it dropping under 80 degrees but still being attacked by bugs as we try to walk.)   Now let's attack: How Much Protein and Fiber a Dietitian Says Is Ideal To Eat at Breakfast (Yes indeedy, Ally Sheedy !) 7 Healthy Foods for Your Liver That Help It Do Its Job (It's super important to keep your personal filter doing its thang!) Strategies to Improve Intimate Relationships (Very interesting results to these studies) 6 Tips for Getting Deep Work Done   (I know someone who needs to read this.) Is Talc In Makeup Dangerous For Your Health? Here's What Experts Say   (All I know is a family member who ...

Thank you Mrs. G

source We were out of town for Teacher Appreciation Week the first week of May but I still wanted to do a post about a teacher that sticks out in my mind.  I was never a great student.  If I don't have interest in a subject, it's incredibly hard for me to learn; it's like my brain shuts down.  I can't count how many times teachers notes on report cards said "does not apply herself" or "social butterfly."  (I believe my mom said she got the same comments, particularly the social butterfly, so I get it honestly.)  The Mr and I have many conversations about how our education was handled back in the day because it wasn't by either of our parents.  It was "these grades are unacceptable, you're better than that" or I was asked "do you need a tutor?" said in a tone that was more as a threat than presented as help.  1) She knew I didn't want to do more school work than I was already doing 2) the few rare times I asked her to h...

A Much Needed Break

You guys know we pretty much were in reno hell since June last year.  We thought maybe we'd get a nice break for the Mr's 50th birthday in Traverse City but the day after (or half the vacation) we both got sick (not Covid- we tested) from the mold in the waterfront house.  So that wasn't quite what we needed.  As soon as we got back, it was back into the reno and having our vacation countdown clock turn into a 'loomsday' clock and  finishing up only days before leaving for our holiday trip to Vermont.  That trip was going to be the mental respite we needed to recharge from the months of reno failures and pivots.  Instead what we got was a storm warning going into the trip knowing we had two days of having actual fun before needing to get supplies to hunker down then being without power over the days leading into Christmas to then rush to get everything made and then our time in Stowe was over.  We never got the rest and chill time we needed so what's...

What I'm Reading This Week #20

Happy Friday, my lovelies!  I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend.  We have been adjusting back to reality as we were in Maine for two weeks.  It was a desperately needed vacation away from this soul suck of a place home.  I have no doubt we'll be planning our next escape soon because vacation zen is always so short lived upon return. Now it's time to return to: The 12 Best Foods That Help You Sleep   (I'm down with that.  Anyone ever try tart cherry juice?  Seems like it would wake you up rather than help you sleep?) Why Working Out is Essential for Healthy Bones During Menopause (Good info and time to dust off those bands or dumbbells.) The patients who regret laser eye surgery: ‘My life’s stood still since then’   (This and other stories are why I won't get it done as my eyesight gets more blurry.  I can't wear contacts but I don't know a single person that's had it that hasn't ended up with halos, night driving restr...

Quick Solution for Ceiling Fixtures with Drywall Issues

I know you guys know about our current crap fest with the latest drywallers but did you know we still had issues hanging out from our previous drywaller fiasco?  The one from last July with the second floor ceiling, you ask?  No.  I'm talking the week the pandemic started and we had all of the contractors in and out of here and had our first floor ceiling smoothed along with our kitchen reno.   March 2020.  Ahh, the good ol' days.  ( insert panic attack ) What we were left with was a poop show around the light fixtures that due to lockdown, we couldn't get fixed. See it? How about now? And if you think THAT'S bad, wait until the fixture comes off. (They even took the fixture off to do that bad of a job!) source Yeah. At the time we looked at it, we thought "oh, we'll close down for a week or two then get them to come out and fix it."  By the time I had resorted to making our own masks out of T-shirts, it became "we can spackle that ourselves and...

How We Got Green Glue Out of Our Carpet

Did you or the drywaller you hired slop green glue all over your carpet while trying to soundproof your walls?  Well, if you did it, you would likely clean it up pretty quickly with rubbing alcohol because you aren't an animal.  If your drywaller did it because they disrespected your home and didn't cover the area in which they would be working so they could then try to sell you carpet afterward, then this post is for you.  (Clearly you can guess the option we chose given my high level of snark and irritation!  😏) We didn't put anything down on our stairs (but did all over the hardwood and thank God because they would've murdered that) because we didn't want the liability for a trip hazard.   People who respect your home will lay down their own canvas drop cloth to cover the stairs/floors as they work.  We should've insisted on it but didn't want to feel like we had to babysit them.  I don't foresee us ever needing one again but if we ever did...

What I'm Reading This Week #19

Helloooo Friday!  Happy Mother's Day weekend to all of you mothers of two or four legged bebes small and large.  I'm getting a hankering to get the grill cleaned up so we can lie to ourselves about how much we'll use it before declaring it too hot to be outside and then abandoning it.  I don't think I'm doing flowers this year.  It looks like the wisteria and clematis on the arbor are like "nope" which really upsets me.  All I've ever wanted are climbing flowers out on this friggin' arbor and it seems like nothing I do makes it happen.  So if any of you vine growers of anything non rash inducing like morning glories have some tips, I'd love to hear them! It's been a pretty chill week around these parts and I will certainly take that!  Since I don't have stories of mass DIY fails and setbacks to report, how about we just dive head first into: Think You’re Too Old To Start Lifting Weights? Think Again—The Benefits Only Increase As You Age...