Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend!  Our Friday proved challenging when the Mr who thought our low water pressure was due to the regulator found out it wasn't.  I took a shower and it wouldn't even blast the bits which a fat lady needs to get squeaky clean.  It seemed for a few very frustrating, weepy hours that the $350 we'd just spent for the plumber to install the new bath fixtures was for nothing and that we'd have to spend that and more all over again.  (Especially when the lady at the plumbing company came out to look at things and told us it was the cartridge.  We found out a few hours later by hooking up the old showerhead that we knew worked was fine so she was wrong about it not being the showerhead.  I am really wanting to support lady owned businesses but this lady does not know what she's talking about in both things she was involved in and we can't trust her for any potential future issues.)  So we went back in my Amazon history and ordered the showerhead that we knew worked but in oil rubbed bronze.  While it's not the pure matte black, it's close enough and no one will ever be using our shower to find out any different.  I just want something, somewhere done.

We decided to do our Easter dinner/baskets on Saturday instead of Sunday.  Because it was going to be depressing being forced to eat in the basement, I wanted to spruce the sad space up just a little and made him stay out of the basement.  Here is our hokey Easter space.

It was actually quite cute once I had it all pulled together and made it seem less depressing.  I cleared off all of the crap on a little storage thingy we have from IKEA and put the food buffet there.  We had our cheeseball (a holiday staple), honeybaked ham, mac and cheese and baked beans.

I kept the mac and beans warm in one of those casserole carrier doodads with the microwave heat pads.  The Mr was more than happy to have our somewhat usual fare and nothing says holidays like the cheeseball regardless of which holiday it is.

Afterward, we dug into our Easter baskets like they were banning candy the next day.  😖

One of my favorite are these "iddy biddy bunnies."  They are so cute and very hard to find.  I'm not telling where we found these because I'm not giving up my source but I can tell you a wasted trip to a drug store across town where they claimed they had them and finally finding them made them taste that much better!

We were beached manatees the rest of the day fading in and out of consciousness.

Sunday we opted for an afternoon tea for Easter brunch.  I did a mix of tea in our little metal tea infuser balls of Harney's New England Breakfast Tea and a pinch of this butterscotch tea.   (RIP Butterscotch Blondie from Tazo.)  I did our usual fare except for some raspberry oranges I tried from Aldi.  Honestly, not impressed with those but still, it was nice to listen to some baroque music whilst noshing.

I was very happy the scones and mini croissants held up well in the freezer from Valentine's Day.  I will have no problem whipping up some currant scones and freezing them for future teas instead of ordering them from the lady in Vermont who upped her price by $10.  Sorry, y'all but you don't get to raise your prices on everything and not cause someone to say 'yeah, not worth it anymore.'

Then we got our dessert tea after that settled a bit.  Aldi has these tiny little macarons (please read that mac-uh-RON as the good Lord intended), these wee lemon tarts from Bonne Maman, a couple mac nut turtles that looks like they shrunk by half and some iddy biddy bunnies.

We enjoyed those with a follow up cup of Harney's decaf Earl Gray.  We chatted a bit and somehow ended up on old childhood memories.  I talked about how I missed dressing up for Easter like when I was a kid with the little set of patent leather shoes, matching purse, bonnet and white gloves.  If only they still made little sets like that for adults.  I would totally grab those.  You know who still knows how to do Easter or Sunday service?  Black women in their 60's and older.  Those ladies know how to do it up and it reminds me of the adult version of the way I loved to dress as a kid but pulled together.  I don't know how they find these awesome hats and coordinate everything to look so good but a tip of the hat to them.  You know how you go into antique stores and find those old hats your 70 year old grandma wore when you were 5?  WHY do we not still have those?  I was in love with that style on older women when I was a kid.  The brooches, necklaces and earrings, gloves, etc.  Le sigh.  I know I'm in a very small minority but I miss dressing up like that.  You know what I wore on Easter Sunday?  Inside out capri pants in case I painted with an old ratty Kauai Na Pali coast shirt from 1999 with paint splatters all over it.  Maybe I should've thrown on some rhinestone earrings to spiff up the ensemble?  So as you can see, it was a classy afternoon tea in my finest grubbies.

How was your weekend?  

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  1. It was a perfect Easter spread and I'm thankful that we got the opportunity to enjoy the holiday. You made it easier to forget about the rest of the house because the basement dining area was so festive and fun. I really appreciate the lengths you went to in order to make it special and it was wonderful. Thanks again for everything!

  2. It was a very busy weekend with a lot of running around and house stuff. We did not have an Easter celebration because the hubs worked. I did make him a small dinner that was waiting for him on the stove when he got home. I opted not to eat and ended up falling asleep early. I did go to a fabulous toe-tapping church service though where the pastor's wife was indeed dressed up and had on a great hat (she's a southern gal) and Easter regalia. And it was nice to see kids everywhere around town dressed up and playing outside for the first time in years since it was around 70 degrees, which is rare around here for the holiday.

  3. Had a great weekend, visited 2 aunts, 10 cuzzos, 3 farms and over a hundred goats!


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