
Friday, February 3, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #5

It's Friday finally!  Woot!  We've flipped the calendar which seemed like it was never going to happen because January was a long year.  But then before you know it, it'll be August, people will be whining about Hobby Lobby's Christmas trees and Starbucks rolling out pumpkin spice and I'll be asking "where'd the year go?"  So maybe January is the only month where you can actually feel every day.  Maybe I drank shroom tea and can smell colors right now.  We'll just never know.  😏

Let's get to know:

"Eat Less, Move More" Doesn't Actually Work for Weight Loss, According to a New Study  (So nanny nanny boo boo to the a-hole docs that have spouted this crap like it's so easy because they need to check a box to say they had a talk with a patient about their weight.)

8 Shoulder Mobility Exercises That Will Help You Move with Ease  (My shoulders have been ridiculous lately so I'll definitely be doing these!)

Study finds spice containers pose contamination risk during food preparation  (You know, I rolled my eyes at this at first but then read it and I know for a fact this is happening because I've thought "oh, I need to wash that" after handling something and never get around to it.  Off to disinfect!)

New Study Links Poor Hydration To Increased Mortality Risk & Chronic Disease  (I've been filling my 25 oz water bottle every night and making sure I drink all or most of it before getting out of bed.  As a water hater, this is big but this study is friggin' scary!)

9 Tactics to Help You Overcome Procrastination (These are actually excellent, doable tips)

Decluttering Tricks That Don't Work and Ones That Do  (Why does it seem like decluttering is never ending??)

Easy Ways to Be More Adventurous in Everyday Life  (I won't be doing any open mic nights soon (ever) but I get what they're saying.)

Amazon will start charging Prime members up to $10 in delivery fees on grocery orders under $150  (Welp, guess we're done with that at the end of the month!  We've relied on this to pick up the slack when our local grocery was out of stock on stuff for the past three years.  It's laughable they're justifying doing this to 'keep prices low' when they're consistently the highest on many items and almost always out of stock.  A lot of the stuff we get is Whole Foods brands so I'm praying it doesn't affect WF.)

10 signs you're a genuinely kind person  (Good, this made me relax a little because sometimes I wonder!  LOL)

Today's 18-year-olds are like the 12-year-olds from a decade ago  (This popped into my feed out of nowhere and the results for the US are seriously eye opening.)

The Christmas 2022 Wind Storm from a Vermonter  (This blog from a sugar house next door to the place we stayed in 2020 for Christmas will give you another idea of what we went through over the holidays damage wise.  Completely heartbreaking.  Mr- this is why we saw the flashing lights up the road when we went over there.)

27 Dads Come Together In This Thread To Share Their Knowledge About Homeowning  (Some good tips (and reminders) about how to keep your stuff in working order.  ESPECIALLY the first one!  I was in that business but not the homeowner side and I never would've thought to list stuff out the way he tells you- should you ever need to!)

Miss some posts here this week?  Click below to catch up!

The Mr had a work meeting all this week so I'm sure he's glad to be past that.  Don't you love it when companies do in person what they can easily do on a video call in the name of 'team building?'   But honestly, it was good for us to have that time apart because when you're together 24/7 for basically 3 years, you get a little twitchy.  I know I will have to work on taxes soon which is always so fun.  Hopefully we've gotten everything we need by now because I want it over with and in the rear view.

Anything on tap this weekend to welcome in February?
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  1. Boy it has been a week! The best word for it I think is intense. One friend's mother died, another friend is in the hospital with internal bleeding, the brutal cold and icy snow made it hard for our old pup (and us on the other end of the leash) challenging, and a few other things that just made for heightened emotions all week. The things I normally take care of on Thursdays I could not do, so today I'll do those and we'll get the grocery shopping done. It'll be a busy day but then I'll be set for the weekend for the most part.
    I hope you and the Mr. have a very relaxing weekend after a looooooong week that was highly stressful. Just think, we're one month closer to Christmas! =o)

    1. I'm so sorry about your friend's mom and praying for your friend in the hospital. We're in the teens but it's a one day special before heading back up to the 40's. I hope you get everything done you want to today and can then kick back and relax a bit this weekend. It sounds like you need it for sure!

      Girl, our Christmas tree is still up! (Though projects rearing their heads say we need to pack it up so some people can come in and do some estimates. There goes any tax return this year.)

  2. TGIF! It has been a demanding week of BS that I had no choice but to put up with thanks to work but I am so glad it's behind me now. Everyone have a great weekend!

    1. Today especially has been a real WTAF kind of day. We need to get out here!!!


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