Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Hump Day Chit Chat: Shady AF

This week's chat is courtesy of one of the transients our SWAT neighbor had living with him at the time.  One of our Amazon packages was delivered next door unbeknownst to us and was MIA for two days.  We never answer our door.  If we're not expecting you, I don't even acknowledge it.  Since we got our doorbell cam, the Mr has taken to virtually answering the door which no...I do not want people to know we're in here.  Even when he answered it in VT to a shady dude he said he assumed we weren't home and the Mr was like "no, I'm just not coming down."  I guess if you answer it at all people think you're elsewhere.  Go figure.  ðŸ™„

So the dude was returning the package after sitting on it for two days and felt the need to want to hand it directly to us.  The Mr told him over the camera to leave it on the porch and he'd get it when we came home for lunch.  (He was upstairs.)  I was irritated the guy wasn't just leaving the damn thing.  

Aaaaand ACTION!  ðŸŽ¬

I learn a lot of things from Criminal Minds. 😆

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1 comment:

  1. That was a pretty good one and the guy is shady by association if nothing else.


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