Friday, February 17, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #7

Finally Friday!  Whew.  What a week.  

Welp, uh that electrical panel thing turned out to be like 3x the amount we were expecting.  Our panel is almost 28 years old and codes have changed.   We don't currently have a whole house surge protector or AFCI which both is what would be installed if the house were built new today.  Thankfully we don't need a whole new panel to up the amps even if we want to put in an EV charger in the future.  ($2K by the way)  Then we were told that basically all of our switches and outlets need replaced because the way the condo place did them was for speed and not safety.  He said we could do that ourselves but they were fires waiting to happen.  I told ya...projects are choosing us this year.  So they did the panel stuff and installed the outlet behind the bedroom TV.

The Mr stuffed the hole full of insulation and I taped and mudded it.  God I hate that.  You look on YouTube and they're all like "it's easy!"  Maybe for you sirs but I seem to suck at this gene.  Thank God the Mr thinks I'm decent at it.  The thing I didn't like is that the insulation didn't reach behind the TV so what did I do?

The Mr screwed the drywall back onto support wood in the wall and I've got a piece that broke off setting in acoustic caulk and mesh taped that will be my project for the next day or so depending on how many coats it takes.  (Usually three so I'll hopefully be done by Sunday and ready to slap some flat ceiling paint up Monday.  All I know is I NEED to get clothes back in there even if it's just to take them out again every day because the night before last it sounded like the neighbor was slamming IN the closet since it's basically empty now.

Speaking of drywall, that brings us to the cost of drywalling over 430 sq ft of party wall on one side.  Luckily, the Mr and I measured those areas ahead of time so we knew how many sheets of drywall would be needed so that we would know if the person was trying to shuck and jive us.  By eye alone he said 15 sheets which is what I estimated as well.  It was a 5 minute appointment and I did slide in that we knew from pricing it out to DIY that we were in $3K for materials because I wanted him to know WE knew how much that stuff costs.   I won't lie, I felt like he didn't get all of the info but he was just the estimator so then it was a nailbiter waiting around for the estimate because after getting a sucker punch on the electrical, we were PRAYING for some relief on the drywall.  Then came the estimate.  $6100.  That was right in line with what we were thinking after pricing out all of the stuff but the estimate did not specifically mention soundproof drywall or sealant and we had questions so the Mr contacted them and no- it did not include soundproof drywall or sealant and they acted like we never mentioned the other walls that make up the hallway.  This is the same sh*t company we called about the ceilings last year that said "well, you're chasing us.  We're really busy."  I didn't like them then and certainly don't like them now.  He called two other places and while I don't have much confidence, one sounds better than the other but both are making calls so we'll see what they come back with.  Back to square friggin' one.

Now let's come back to:

5 Easy Things to Do Every Morning for Better Gut Health (I need all the help I can get.  I take these probiotics but since there's so much more evidence weight loss/wellness is related to the gut health, I'm down for anything.)

6 Shoulder Impingement Exercises You Can Do To Get Rid of the (Literal) Pain in Your Neck  (I know someone who should do these! 😊 Except that Turkish Get Up because that exercise is just rude.)

A Gua Sha Technique For Easing Jaw Tension In A Minute Or Less  (OMG, grabbing my little tool asap.  My jaw has been in a constant state of clench for years.)

I Tried Lymphatic Drainage Boots & Here's What Happened  (These are similar to the 'leg squishies' I talked about taking on our driving trips but mine are much less expensive.  I do the circulation mode then whole mode on maximum and the legs feel SOOO much better!)

Multiple laundry detergents banned after being linked to carcinogens  (See if any of yours are on the list including the most popular detergent out there and yes, even free and clear ones!)

What to Do About Mold Growing In Your Food Storage Container Lids  (You can bet your butt I checked all of mine after reading this!!)

How to Make Your Showers Feel Extra Relaxing and Luxurious  (I think we could all use a little pampering even if you don't have time for a full on bath.  This is my favorite non stinky post shower lotion to lock in the moisture on my crepey self.)

How to Gracefully Turn Down an Invite to an Event You Can't Afford  (The costs that people expect their wedding guests to pay these days are ridiculous.  You don't want me there, you want my gift and I'm good with sending it in my place.  Introversion for the win.)

How 'check washing' can clean out your bank account if you're not alert | Better Business Bureau  (Seriously, why do people suck??  I immediately bought these pens to slap in the checkbook for those rare occasions I need to write one out but for real- I shouldn't have to do that.)

Why Can't Some People See Magic Eye Pictures?  (Stop shaming me.  😆  The Mr can, of course.)

Miss a post here this week?  Catch up below!

I'm sure there will be some house released BS we'll be dealing with this weekend.  If nothing else, washing every stitch of clothing in the closet since they now contain drywall dust and insulation fibers.  The biggest thing I want to make sure of is to keep the house clean.  It's so rare it is.  I know our track record isn't good but if we have more dudes dropping by to drop financial bombs on us, we can at least not have to scurry like rats to be 'company ready.'

Anything planned for the weekend or any drama you'd like to share from your week?

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  1. What a week indeed. So glad it's Friday and I am looking forward to the day when we can celebrate being done with a lot of the projects that have picked us this year so far. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. That laundry soap one doesn't surprise me. No plans for me. Have a great weekend

  3. A busy week for sure. Hopefully you'll get some estimates real soon.
    Because of the storm yesterday I had to move an appt to later today, but before that we had two grocery stores and script pick up to do. Laundry is all done, so that always makes me super smiley. Tomorrow I have an appt early in the morning, then we take the pooch swimming. Pretty typical weekend overall.
    You guys have a good weekend --get out for a bit if you can!


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