
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Zombie Weekend Recap

I know how you feel lil nugget.  That was basically me for the past week but with my eyes open.  Since we're not getting a 25th anniversary party, I wanted something special for us to mark the occasion.  I wanted to put together a photo book of us year by year, if pics were available (sorry 1997), and relay stories of our travels.  I kept out photos with anyone other than us in it because even though it's nice to celebrate things with others, sometimes it can trigger a memory or some situation that you have to roll your eyes about and I wanted the whole thing to focus on us.  (The only exception being our chef friend who cooked for us for our 10 year anniversary because he was the gift that year.)  

Try going through 25 years of old photos that you have to scan and edit and all of your digital photos.  It sounds fun and it is at first.  You think "oh, I'll just make a photo book!"  Bullocks!  Even if you just uploaded them and had them sort by date, there is still so much more to look at and decide.  Once you pick your style of book, then you have to see what other backgrounds, embellishments like stickers, sayings, ribbons and frame colors you may want.  You have decide on font and colors to evoke a certain feeling.  When you're putting together the page on the event or year, you have to skim through the pictures to hit the highlights and put a positive spin on some of the crappier moments because this is a happy book!   (ie- "We made a splashy visit to the Place of Refuge."  Reality- the Mr got too close to the edge of a tidepool where he was filming (for our work), fell in, waterlogged our very expensive camera (that no one would dare sell in the islands), blew out his shorts, was bleeding and we still had 10 days of filming left we had to do and no camera to do it.  I was on with insurance for two days trying to get the claim moving and yeah, it wasn't a great day...or a great few days.  So see..."splashy visit!"  Glaze over it, we both know what happened, nothing to see here!)

I was working on it for 11-14 hours a day depending on the day now that I'm looking back at my start and finish times.  (Sometimes 2:30am quit times.)  Some days I forgot to eat and hours would suck away like minutes.  It's the most work I've put in on something I wasn't getting paid for!  😂

Unfortunately, when you copy and paste your paragraphs into the text box, it removes ALL punctuation that isn't a period or sentence ender.  SERIOUSLY!?!!  Someone needs to be fired for that one!  So I had to then go in, try to correct it all, copy what was in the box, re-paste it back into my document and then have the Mr read the Word doc so he didn't see the book.  It was utterly exhausting but I'm hoping we have a wonderful memento to look back on for our milestone.  We've certainly done a lot more traveling than I ever thought when I married him at 21!  

There's still so much more I want to see and do to add to our story and I hope we'll get to do that sometime soon.  That is literally all I've done for days so nothing to really report back other than the little sanity drives we took each day so my brain didn't fry.  (Too late.)  

I've got some lady issues I'm hoping to get sorted out today and Thursday so if you could think good thoughts, I'd appreciate it.  If you need some good thoughts on anything, feel free to mention them in the comments so we can all get on the positive universe vibe train.  Choo chooooo!

How was your weekend?

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  1. Happy Anniversary you crazy kids!
    Prayers for resolution on your issue
    Busy weekend helping a friend paint his house to get it on the market. Had my little over for kitchen fun. Made beignets which were awesom, followed up with a flop on the peeps rice crispy treats. Have a great week

  2. I appreciate all the hard work as I know that it will be something we always cherish, but I sure did feel bad seeing you all beat up at the end of each day so I am glad you got it all done. Now praying for everything to turn out great for you and as big of a celebration 2 people can have!


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