Monday, March 29, 2021

It's Monday...Weekend Recap


Howdy do Monday?  And howdy do to you too!  Did you have the most awesome weekend in the history of weekends?  Us either but hey, dare to dream!  Just a note that my proofreader is in bed so I'm positive this post will be a victim of my usual "fingers got ahead of my brain" syndrome.  

It was a low key all of them.  We watched some movie on Netflix Friday night with that demure chick from Sex and the City and the dude from My Best Friend's Wedding.  You ever watch something and you've seen the actors before and you're like "I know they're capable of better acting, I've seen it.  What is wrong with them in this??"  Some of it was bordering on so ridiculous that we were indifferent when it was over.  What a fun way to spend Friday evening and since it was #3 most watched, I guess other people suffered along with us.  If I hashtagged: WereInThisTogether

Saturday we grabbed lunch to bring back to the house, got sucked into more stupid beach reno shows.  I think I've watched them all.  The other night I literally said, "is this the one where the sister knocks the other one into the sand on the bike?"  It was.  Then we went to Hobby Lobby and grabbed some flowers for Grandma's grave on the anniversary of her kind of death.  (See Friday's post.)  She's all squared away with new Spring flowers.  I only wish I could find better faux yellow roses that didn't cost an arm and a leg since those were her favorite but the ones mixed with the purple flowers which she also liked will have to do.  It was a nice day, if not a smidge hotter than I care for this time of year so we walked the cemetery for a bit of exercise to work off some mac and cheese.  Then it was time to get sucked into paranormal shows at night like Portals to Hell because honestly, what else is on?

Sunday morning, the Mr and I lounged in almost total darkness since it was raining until my back waved the white flag and forced me up.  He got the last of the laundry going and we did a lower body workout before noon so that was nice to have done for the day.  I made a beyond burger and potato which we haven't had in a little while.  We were in awe of how much day we had to catch up on SNL and Sunday Morning and lounge.  We took a little nap for about an hour then suddenly it was dinner time and then our Sunday ritual of watching Escape to the Chateau first with a warm cuppa.  The Mr reminded me I opened my trap earlier about Trader Joe's since we hadn't been there since January 29th.  We'd arrive the last half hour it was open, so I relented.   We were greeted with some idiot who sneezed and a cashier and bagger who kept yelling like we couldn't hear them through their masks.  I'm surprised they didn't pull them down to talk to us.  Keep your yapping to a minimum please.  TJ's vapid small talk rule should not apply during a pandemic.  We were home by 9pm and hopefully won't need to go for another 2 months if we can help it.  How I wish they delivered.  I'd do good to never step foot in one again if I could help it.  As usual, one of the employees is sprawled in the middle of the aisle and like "if we're in your way, just say so and we can move."  


You're literally on the floor, spread eagle with a box fort around're in our way.  I didn't even look to see if anything I would normally grab was in front of him and... aww crap, the lentil spaghetti.  That was half the reason I went and I'm 90% sure it was in front of him.  Just checked Amazon Fresh, I can get it through them.  Word.  I'm NOT going back there.

Then we scrolled for 15 minutes trying to find a movie to watch on Amazon Prime, none of which appealed so we watched an episode of Six Feet Under before the Mr hit the hay.  All that time we seemingly had and suddenly it was bedtime.  Beh.  

I debated even writing this because it's acting as melatonin for me right now so I can only imagine it's putting you guys to sleep too.  These are the weekends of our lives.

Anything good on your end this weekend?

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  1. Getting in a morning workout was a great idea. I just don't know where the rest of the day full of time went. Actually the whole weekend was kind of that in a nutshell. Blech.

    1. Yes it was if I do say so myself. Nothing worse than it getting to be about 3pm and you know a workout is looming!

  2. I got vaccinated Friday morning. When getting stabbed in the arm is the highlight of your weekend you know you're boring. Got some groceries while I was there. Cleared my DVR and watched a crapton of YouTube videos, most of which I couldn't even tell you about. Yesterday I only left the house once, to hit a drive thru for supper.

    1. Woo hoo!! Are you in person teaching? Sounds like our weekends are similar! LOL

  3. My life is boring lol. I did score an antique sofa table free on fb! Cleaned it up and immediately put it in place, score! Worked on my friend's house prepping it for sale. Got my screening this morning to redo my porch, so excited! Also finally hot a shot appointment.
    Have a great week!

    1. Hey, scoring a new table is some excitement! I'm sure your friend appreciated the help. Congrats on the shot appt. We're having trouble finding appts and now that they're expanding to the next group I'm sure we'll have even more trouble. Not for lack of trying, that's for sure. :-\

    2. I found a better site to check based on a tip from the nextdoor app. Someone in Illinois wrote a program that monitors all sites for openings! Might want to check around for your state.

  4. It was a busy weekend with a lot of house stuff and grocery shopping. At one point I realized it was after 3pm and I had not sat down once since that morning. Got a lot accomplished while the hubs was at work both days. Weekend really flew by.


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