
Friday, March 5, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #10

Hey there, hi there, ho there!  A happy Friday to you, party people!  

Random Thought- Anyone else feel stalky when they're expecting a delivery and they're all like "wanna see where your driver is?" then you click the link for your Amazon Fresh delivery, see their location and feel like a creeper?  Just me?  

Fun Fact- You may receive a letter from the IRS in your Informed Delivery email.  Before freaking out until you're able to read it, just know it is most likely a letter from them informing you that they paid you relief money back in, whenever that was.  Just figured I'd hopefully save one person anxiety or stress trots.

Sad Note-  On a walk around the hood this week, we found out that a favorite canine nugget passed away at the end of last year.  We could never seem to sync our walks with the owner's usual time and just a week or two ago I mentioned to the Mr that I hoped everything was okay with them.  When I saw her from behind only walking one dog, my heart sank.  RIP Barnaby, I forgive you for mistaking my forearm as a bone on our first meeting and remember the last time we walked together, you walked beside us and nudged us to pet you.  You came a long way in becoming a gentleman.

It's been a week.  I got word that due to a health situation, they will be selling grandma's place and is there anything of hers I wanted if it's still there.  They moved there a year before we moved to our place.  I remember how excited she was we'd be living right up the street.  (Not that it made much difference, I don't feel like we saw her more than I did when I lived at home 20 minutes away.)  I knew it was coming at some point but this will really be the actual end.  No place to go that was hers anymore, not that I could go there right now anyway for a few reasons.  I really would love to go in on our own and go through the place but their timeline isn't jiving with our timeline so I won't be able to do that and something tells me I wouldn't want to see it in its current state anyway.  I gave mom a list of a few things if no one else wants them and I just hope they're still there and his catfisher didn't sell Grandma's belongings.  At this point, I'm just glad I took the stuff that was absolutely the most important to me when I did.  So disappointing on so many levels.  I hope none of you ever have to go through the crap we did after her death.  

Enough of the crap show, how about some eats?

Monday was General Tso's grilled chicken over cauli-rice and veggies and a TJ's bao.

Workout was two laps around the hood.  Not sure why we can't seem to get back up to three before our hips wave the white flag.

Tuesday was pineapple glazed orange roughy, sweet potato gnocchi (last one...I know what that means) and garlic green beans.

Workout was ChaLean Extreme.

Wednesday was BBQ Chicken Pita Pizza and veggies.

Workout was 2 1/2 laps around the hood and socially distanced chat with neighbor.

Last night was Pepper Jack Cheese Grits (made with bone broth) and BBQ Shrimp.

Workout was Tae Bo.

I need to get some new recipes.  I'm just going off muscle memory right now because after the past two weeks, I kind of needed it.

Now let's jump into...

7 Microworkouts You Can Do at Your Desk  (Every little bit helps!)

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Spicy Food  (All the good stuff.  Bring on the heat.)

28 Free YouTube Fitness Channels to Keep You Moving  (Always love finding new to me exercise!)

Let It Out: 14 Ways a Good Cry Affects Your Body and Mind  (I'm always down for a good cleansing cry!)

Trader Joe’s Faces Backlash After Allegedly Firing Employee For Raising COVID-19 Safety Concerns  (Wish I could say this surprised me.  I haven't been happy with their handling of Covid at our store.  Employees blocking aisles restocking (four at a time and sometimes sprawled all over the floor), employees with their masks down or under their noses, etc.  We now go every 6 weeks the last half hour they're open because we don't feel safe in our location anymore between employees and entitled d-bag customers not following rules.  Sad.  We used to love going there.)

Private studio footage of Barry Gibb and the Bee Gees recording 'Tragedy' is phenomenal  (This is the Barry I swooned over before I even knew what that weird feeling in my gut was)

This weekend, I will just be happy to not have to have my face buried in the laptop for 13 hours a day working on a project.  I feel like I owe the Mr a weekend!  It's supposed to be sunny so I suppose getting out in some form will be in the cards.  

Anything wild and crazy going on for you this weekend?

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  1. I am ready to get out for sure. I don't even care what it is as long as it is not sitting there. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. It's so hard when the door to the house closes for the last time. I still remember standing there looking around and feeling all the memories. Seems like that "click" of the door was incredibly loud in all that silence. I hope you are pleasantly surprised and your mom is able to bring you what is on your list.

    Very emotional week and busy too with very little sleep. I have to take one of our dogs to the vet for blood work and pick up prescription stuff for the other one. Then a couple of small errands to run and might be able to bring the pooches with me. The hubs took half a day so he can chill after working numerous days in a row. We will grocery shop tomorrow and I have GOT to change out the shower mat and liner that I've had sitting there for way too long. Then it's working the rest of the weekend. Busy week next week with some medical appts, so hopefully I can get a little rest this weekend.
    Have a great one and get out and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!

  3. Absolutely nothing exciting this weekend. Yesterday I bonded with the couch and cleared my dvr - woo hoo. I got the IRS letter last week and panicked a little. This is the last week of the quarter at school, so that's always fun. Have a good week.


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