
Monday, October 14, 2019

Mr's Birthday Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend full of Fall goodness.  We certainly enjoyed the cooler temps.

It was the Mr's birthday, and we had a road trip planned to one of our favorite mom and pop restaurants.  He had his mouth set on fried chicken, but the last-minute realization that they had prime rib meant things changed.

I stuck with my turkey dinner, and it was heavenly.

We walked around the town a little, which was nice since everything was at peak fall from temps to decorations.

We went to a local grocery store before heading home, so the entire day wasn't spent on the road.  (Too late.)  I gave him his cake which the grocery store people thought I was nuts for asking for half chocolate and half white icing, but it's marble cake...he didn't want to pick icing either...get onboard people.

I wasn't super happy with the weird way they didn't center the message between the balloons or put piping around the edges so I asked the Mr if he wanted an outline of his favorite, plain M&M's and he was all for it.  After a slice of cake, it was time for presents.

The Mr has been lamenting over how hard it is to come up with ideas for birthday and Christmas.  I am not a fan of wasting money or getting stuff we could just pick up if we wanted to.  I did a little search to see if his favorite band was up to anything, and the lead singer was doing a promo tour but not in the States.  I decided "screw it," saw there were some tickets left for the Canadian show and grabbed two, and booked our hotel and dinner at our favorite restaurant in the area.  I got two things off of his wish list and wrapped the reservations separately and finally the tickets to a show in the biggest box.  It was hilarious watching him open the dinner reservation first because he knows it's out of the country, and he's like, "huh?  Oh yeah, you did say there were other locations, right?"  I went with it.  Then he unwrapped the hotel reservations, and now he knows something big must be in the next box.  So he was quite surprised that I was able to pull off a coup like that.  I think it took him a few minutes to realize what he was looking at because he was kind of quiet.  I found a trailer for the show, and he got really excited.  I told him I wasn't sure if he saw that was going on, and he said no, and he even follows them online.  Sure enough, by a stroke of luck, they did do a post, but he never saw it.  It feels nice to be able to pull off something like that, especially in middle age, where nothing excites you the way it did back in the day.  We watched a truly horrible Friday the 13th, but it's what the birthday boy wanted, so that was on him.  LOL

Sunday, I needed to get cleaning the house a bit, not just for us, but my friend was coming to town that day.  Her mom moved in with her brother last week, and he called her and said her mom's declining fast, so if she wants to see her while she's well enough to know her, she should probably come asap.  She said she will need me, so I wanted to be ready for her if she wanted to come over while she was in town.  They postponed the wedding again.  I knew when I visited her mom at the beginning of the month that the likelihood of her being here at the end of the month was going to be slim, and there was no way I was telling my friend that unless she asked.  I made out my sympathy cards to her and her brother so I could have a level head and not be immersed in my own grief.   It's good to have the house company ready.  I have a crap ton of stuff to do today and tomorrow, so I need to get on the ball because deadlines loom hard.

As promised, it's reveal week!  So stay tuned this week for the basement reveal with shopping lists at the bottom of the posts if you see anything you might want yourself! We are thrilled with how it's turned out and we're going on 3 weeks of using at least the workout space and it's been amazing.  I did my first full battle rope workout Friday and while it stinks we can't both do it at the same time, its something that wouldn't have been possible in our previous space.  I was bummed not having the old weight bag a week or so ago when I needed to punch out some aggression and the battle rope workout certainly filled that void, for sure!  I can't wait for you guys to see it!

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Can't wait for the reveal! I got home on Saturday and my hardwoods were done! I love them, the 60 year old floor looks brand new! I can't put my furniture in until tomorrow so I painted my closets and hung my wall stuff up. Have a great day!

  2. You are such a creative and thoughtful gift giver! The way you take care of your friends and family makes my heart happy. You are just a breath of fresh air in a world that is becoming increasingly frustrating because people just don't seem to care. Have a great week!!

    1. Aww, thank you so much Sarah! I am all about surprising people or giving gifts in extravagant ways because let's face it, birthdays as adults are way less exciting than when we were kids! We're all entitled to that magic!

      (My favorite though was back when home theater systems were coming on the market, the Mr wanted one SO bad but we didn't have much disposable income. I saved on the side and when he was away on a work trip, I went to the store and got it. it was HUGE and heavy. I wrapped it and it took up most of my closet. When he got home, I told him not to freak out but there was a wood chest from my mom to my aunt I was keeping for her until Christmas, 3 months away. He forgot about it and I gave him a card after his other presents that said "by the way, that big box in the closet isn't for my aunt." He tore up the stairs and ripped it open and almost exploded with glee. He asked who helped me get it up the stairs and I told him just me. It was 100 lbs with the huge subwoofer. LOL I will never forget that. That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!)

  3. So happy to hear the Mr's birthday weekend was fantastic! The food looked yummy, the cake adorable, and I'm thrilled he was over the moon about his presents! And all with perfect fall weather...happy sigh.
    Weekend was pretty good. The hubs had to work so I went to a meeting then grocery shopped. Got three loads of laundry done on Saturday so I was thrilled about that. Sunday finished the last two loads of laundry, then we went to buy a new tv for the living room with the hub's anniversary gift card, then bought a new mattress for the bedroom, which will be delivered on Friday. Busy week this week, but the temps will be in the 50's so that's an improvement from last week so hopefully I get can some mowing down before more rain this coming weekend. I still haven't made it to the apple orchard yet. Yeesh.

  4. I love my birthday weekend and the presents blew me away. I also don't care how weird the bakery thought my cake request was, I loved it! Thanks for a great birthday!


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