Friday, October 25, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #43

It's the last Friday of October and you know what that means...

This is my spirit time of year and I plan to roll around in all of the pumpkin patches, kick all of the leaves and wear all of the fuzzy socks!

Now let's roll into...

25 Common Words That Didn’t Exist Until the 1990s   (I'm pretty sure "brain freeze" was before the 90's but yeah)

These Vintage Diet and Food Ads From the 80s and 90s Will Actually Shock You  (Ugh, Crystal Pepsi was SO nasty!)

How to Wash Your Pillows the Right Way  (Ooh, good guidelines.)

24 Hilariously Horrific Halloween DIY Fails  (OMG, these are hilarious!)

Why Was The Amityville Horror So Terrifying?  (We've driven by the actual house- there is something peaceful but eerie about it.)

The Best Halloween Candy to Buy in 2019  (Those Butterfinger skulls are awesome!)

12 DIY Halloween Lanterns You Can Make In No Time  (In case you changed your mind on "general Fall decor" only.)

Halloween Hijinx: 15 Scarily Funny Horror Films  (I was OBSESSED with Love at First Bite as a kid!  I probably couldn't sit through it now though, I don't want to taint it.  Some of these do not count as horror movies in my book but Happy Death Day should definitely be added to the list!)

What It's Really Like Inside The 'Scream' House   (Um, I want to rent it for an event please!)

18 Creative Ideas for Leftover Halloween Candy  (Leave no Reese's Pieces behind.)

I hope you have a great last weekend of October and get in all of those fun Halloween/Fall activities before the hustle and bustle of Christmas sets in a week from today.  (Poor Thanksgiving, it so gets the shaft.)

What are you into this weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday! I'm heading to a friend's Halloween display and out for pizza. Sunday finishing painting my stair risers and frame.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. The hubs has to work, so I'll go to my meeting, then grocery shop afterwards. Then I seriously need to work on some house stuff before we start dipping in to November. Other than that, I'll be spending time with the pooches and going through my mounds of misc notes to see what I can get rid of. LOL

    Enjoy the last weekend of October!


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