
Friday, June 28, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #26

Number 26. 

You know what that means...we are halfway through 2019!

Think back to the first day of the new year.  What were you doing?  (I was at a falconry in Vermont letting a bird of prey eat raw meat from my hand.)  What did you want for this year?  (I wanted to find that passion to push myself and not put in the bare minimum.  It took me a while but I think I found it.)  Have you taken the steps to put those things into motion?  It's not too late.  Every minute is a clean slate from whatever you want to do to better your life in whatever that means for you.

Now let's get to...

Why Diet Culture Is Toxic — Even for People Who Don’t Diet  (Interesting take)

Cardio Burns Fat but May Be Detrimental to Your Muscle Gaining  (Good info to know)

19 Lies You Were Told as a Kid—That You Probably Still Believe   (I know I did)

This Is How Often—and For How Long—You Should Exercise, According to a Personal Trainer  (Yep)

The 20 Best Vitamin K-Rich Foods   (#13 surprised me)

Does ‘Calories in vs. Calories out’ Really Matter?  (Excellent info and hopefully people will stop making it sound so friggin' simple.)

7 Nutrients That Help Increase Muscle Tone  (I've tweaked most of these recently but still so hard for me to get in vitamin E for some reason even with food additions.)

Alison Brie On How She Recovers From One of Hollywood's Most Physically Demanding Jobs  (Pro-wrestling is seriously no joke on the body speaking from someone who was in the squared circle once.)

30 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago  (Preach)

How To Spray Insulate A Shed  (Or a garage?  😁)

34-year-old's Facebook post on why she quit teaching goes viral: 'The filter comes off now'  (Kudos to her, big time!)

It's gonna be a scorcher this weekend so I'm not sure what we've got on the agenda and I'm good with that.  I'm hoping it's the last weekend we will be living life without answers and come next Friday I can feel like we can finally exhale.  It's been too long.

What are your thoughts halfway into this year?  Anything planned for the weekend?

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  1. Wow this year us flying. I gotta dust off my list! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sadly I remember the 26th week of last year and how that doesn't seem like that long ago. It goes by soo fast! I am looking forward to a chill weekend but would like to get out of the house for, something, I just don't know what yet.

  3. At the beginning of the year I had dubbed this year The Year of No, and I'm 50/50 with how I'm doing. No to overcommitting, no when I didn't truly want to go somewhere, do something, answer the phone, etc. No to laziness and putting things off. No to believing the worst about myself because someone else did. For the most part, I've done quite well on that front. The other half is more in line with habits that I've yet to break that aren't healthy for me, both physically and mentally. Lots of old patterns I fall into, and giving up way too easily on myself. So that's my focus on the second half of this year.
    As for the weekend, it's going to be super hot here too with rain on and off. The hubs has to work 10 hours tomorrow and I have a hair appt. Then it's laundry and house stuff afterwards. Sunday is grocery shopping and more house stuff. I told him I'd be cutting the lawn on Monday after my doctor's appt. because I don't want him having to do that with me on Sunday as that's his only day off and he's beyond exhausted. So even though it will be hot on Monday, I can take a break if I need to. If it's cloudy, all the better. LOL Enjoy the weekend and getting out and having a wee bit o' fun!

  4. I can't believe we're halfway through the year, and I'm about halfway through my summer. I only have one room deep cleaned so far, so as usual I'm pretty far behind on my project schedule. Ugh.

    This weekend though we are heading up the the mountains (I should be packing right now) so will miss the first batch of 100+ temps for the summer.

    The teacher one inspired a multi-paragraph rant... so I deleted it. Just know that I both get where she's coming from, and don't get it at all.


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