
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Hump Day Poll: It's a New Year Edition

I used to do them as a teenager and maybe a little into my 20's but I felt like they just ended up setting me up for disappointment.  I suppose I might set an intention or two but I guess I'm superstitious a bit and feel like if I do a formal "resolution" then I'm jinxing it.

Do you do resolutions, do you call them something else or not really give a poo?

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  1. Happy New Year!
    I dont do resolutions but there are things I measure regularly to check progress. Mostly weight related. 2019 is going to be a great year!

  2. I read a great article and am going to try "micro resolutions" this year. One per month, non cumulative. Some may be removing a habit (quit drinking for a month) or adding a habit (5 minutes of meditation daily for a month). I think of it as a way to test drive habits and see what effect they have. Happy new year!

  3. I don't do resolutions. I set intentions and try to track them. I also don't wait until the new year to set an intention. Right now my intention is to get back into the habit of getting at least 150 minutes of exercise in each week. Due to the weather (mostly ice) that will involve going to the gym at work. I had gotten out of the habit when my gym closed in order to move locations/renovations and then the craziness of Christmas hit.

  4. I guess technically I do resolutions, even if I'm calling them "focus points." I'm still resolving to focus on them. LOL I've gotten better with my black and white thinking on this and don't beat myself up about things that weren't quite up to par in the previous year. If I made improvements, then that's a positive. If I didn't, then clearly my commitment wasn't there so that gives me pause to delve into why.


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