
Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Black Friday and What I'm Reading This Week

Good day all!

I hope your holiday was wonderful and for those of you braving the throngs...God speed.  I'll sit back and watch the coverage on TV on the parking lots full of land sharks and what fights break out over stuff people don't care about 364 days of the year.  Good times.  :-)

But enough of that, let's get to...

10 Things You Need to Do Around the House This Fall  (Gotta do #5 right now)

The "One Size Fits All" Diet Plan Is a Myth  (Word)

20 Common Phrases You're Probably Using Incorrectly  (How many are you surprised by?)

7 Ways to Make Picking a Health Insurance Plan Less Stressful  (Don't forget!)

This Year's Hot New Toy Wreaks Havoc on Kids Hair  (Oh my Lord!  I'd just shave it and tell them to pick out some fun wigs for a few months)

9 Things People With Sparkling Clean Homes Do Every Sunday  (Or do it today to clean up from yesterday's festivities)

Maybe Don’t Shop on Black Friday  (You couldn't pay me enough anyway)

Man posts inspirational list of everything that makes his wife cry  (I don't know about inspirational but pretty funny!)

The Origins of 15 Holiday Foods and Drinks  (Interesting stuff!)

Jennifer Lawrence Shares Two Most Embarrassing Stories Ever on The Tonight Show and Neither Involves Falling  (Pretty hilarious!)

23 Genius Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Everyday Life  (Good tidbits!)

Why You Won't Regret Taking a Big Risk (So Stop Waiting!)  (This!)

7 Foods That Make You Bloated  (and foods that help you de-bloat too)

5 Proven Health Benefits of Gratitude  (Good to remember this or any time of year)

The Best Holiday Gifts for Everyone on Your List  (Fun ideas)

17 Sneaky Ways to Stay Energized During the Holiday Season  (Gonna put some of these into practice, I'm already feeling some burnout and we're not even in the thick of it yet!)

Today my best friend is coming over for afternoon tea.  Me being me, I went overboard.  I'll post pics I'm sure.  She's moving down south so no more meeting halfway for Christmas merriment.  I'm bummed about it but I know she'll come back to visit family so I'll probably still see her once a year like usual.  It'll still be bittersweet.  I'm sure a tear or two will be shed.

Anyone tackling Black Friday crowds?  Plans for the weekend?

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  1. I moved 150 miles away from my bestie 17 years ago. It was difficult but I think we are closer now because we appreciate the friendship more. It also could be maturity, not sure.
    Used your turkey recipe yesterday and received many praises! First time I have ever been asked how I prepared the Bird!
    Thank you and happy Friday!

  2. I moved 150 miles away from my bestie 17 years ago. It was difficult but I think we are closer now because we appreciate the friendship more. It also could be maturity, not sure.
    Used your turkey recipe yesterday and received many praises! First time I have ever been asked how I prepared the Bird!
    Thank you and happy Friday!

  3. For me, I'm glad the day is behind me now. Very hard, but not unexpected. And it rained nonstop so I couldn't take the pooches out for a drive, which they are NOT happy about. =o) I don't do any shopping in the stores on this day (did it one time at one store and that was enough for me) but I may have to venture out to buy some pumpkin pie. I totally forgot about dessert (he doesn't eat pie) and I was really craving pumpkin pie last night. It's cold, wet, and gloomy out so we'll see how far I venture. LOL

    Enjoy your tea with your best friend! Tears and laughter are good things to share, so create a nice lasting memory to hold on to. She'll definitely come visit on a yearly basis, so imagine all the stories she'll have to share about living down south! I hope it's a wonderful visit for you guys. xoxo


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