
Monday, November 9, 2015

Going mad, boot scootin' and shopping machine

Happy Monday all!

It was a pretty good weekend.

I'm kind of in the middle of a midlife crisis and I got so damn tired of my hair, I sat at the table and hacked 4" off so now it sits just sweeping my shoulder.

If I didn't want to look like Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl, I needed to layer it slightly.  Nothing major.  Then I dyed it.  I HATE the look my hair has at the end of the summer when it's been all tinted by the sun.  I like dark chestnut locks year round but in the summer, my hair ain't having it so I have to dye it once a year to get it back to my real color.  Man, I remember when dark hair was the last thing I wanted and I used Sun In and a hair dryer to get blonde hair.  It looked more strawberry blonde and brassy and my hair has paid the price even 25 years later.  It's like that shizz altered my hair DNA so now every summer a little bit more seeps out into the follicles or something as you can see above.  But I ended the night feeling rather sassy and even if the Mr is just pretending to like it, I do and that's all that matters.  Pffft.

I admit Saturday we went a little buck wild on the shopping front. I had some cute new boots to break in and spent the day feeling quite stylin'...

Kohls!  If you like them, make sure you shop on Ebates (affiliate link) for them because they've got cash back!

We went to lunch and I wanted to go to World Market to see if they had anything worth going back for because of course I forgot my coupon at home.  They had some cute stuff for the holidays.  The Mr and I both aren't feeling the holiday spirit just yet.  The local radio station is playing Christmas music as are the cable music choice stations but I just can't quite get there yet.  Maybe because it was in the 70's last week and we were paddling?  I don't know how you people with no snowy winter get in the mood.  There's just something about walking around town when the air is crisp but hasn't gotten to 'biting' yet.  The kind of weather that forces you to wear a scarf for more than fashion purposes.  Then we hit Ulta since I had a coupon and picked up some gray eye shadow I'm desperately missing.  (Thanks for going poof Bonne Bell.  Sigh.  So sad my favorite palette is no longer in stock)  I grabbed some Loreal Alcohol Free styling spray to see if it makes a difference.  I also grabbed my Insta Dry clear coat because there is just nothing worse than waiting forever for a French manicure to dry.

We had to swing by Hobby Lobby and of course I got more than I went there for but not too bad considering what I wanted to buy.  I grabbed some wrapping paper (to go with my 15 other rolls), a big cookie tin and some non breakable ornaments for our dogs grave Christmas trees.  (Our pup and my fur sister who are buried next to each other.)  The ones I had on there were apparently breakable and need to be re-decorated.  We stopped by Avenue to look at a sweater I had my eye on but sadly it was 100% acrylic and my skin said "I don't think so babes."  Glad I didn't order it online and went to see it in person.  We headed down to Old Navy to check out this one sweater I saw online and it looked awful so I saw a plum color in the style I already have in 3 other colors for $18 and a sweet pair of earrings.  The Mr found a snazzy coat he liked but they had the right size in the wrong color.  So he called another location that had it and we picked it up there.  $25 one day special, regularly $90!

*booty shakin' dance*

Then it was off to a Christmas open house at a store we frequent.  They had some cute things but nothing I *had* to have so we chatted for a few minutes with the owners and headed down the street to the health food store to pick up some Andalou Naturals CC Cream (affiliate link) since it was 20% off.  (Now that I see Amazon's price, I got ripped by $2.50.  Face palm)  I love that stuff.  Not a heavy foundation...light, sheer coverage and when we were in Sharon Springs NY and I forgot to apply sunscreen, everything got burnt but my face which had that on it.  I'm not suggesting go out in the sun for 8 hours and not reapply to your face but it saved me so I will always buy it now!   I got a note from my aunt with a few more ideas from my mom (who has been very sparse with ideas much to my dismay) so I went right back out to Kohls with a coupon in hand and got one of her presents, a thank you gift for my aunt who always hosts the holidays and the Mr found a rare Star Wars action figure he wanted there.  No one ever looks there so if you have kids into Star Wars, go there and you'll have better luck than Wally's or Toys R Us since the collectors tend to go and buy 10 at a time to ruin it for the parents/kids looking for them.  Then we settled in for some football and didn't get to bed until 3am for some reason.

We spent a lazy Sunday in bed until we just couldn't put off getting up anymore.  There were a few open houses we wanted to see so we went to those.  One of them had a candle lit when we walked in which always tells me they're trying to hide something.  They were.  To quote Macklemore and the Mr..."smells like R. Kelly's sheets....pissssssssss."  Not like animal pee either, like human pee and we're talking a stain that looked like they were filming American Horror Story in there.  Barf.  The realtor was nice but no thanks.  Besides, they already had a verbal on it for asking price and the floors were in horrible shape in every room.  One of the upstairs bedrooms had scratch marks dug into the floor.  I was almost afraid to look in the mirror for fear that Insidious dude would be behind me or something.  The other house was one that I had my eye on 3 years ago when it sold but more because of how weird the outside was.  Unfortunately it's a ranch and we're not going there.  No mother's in law coming to live with us, thanks!

Then it was off to walk the historic district for 3 1/2 miles.  It was a nice brisk day and we had a kitty following us the first quarter mile.  It wasn't this one...

Crazy cat.  "They're out of Meow Mix...goodbye cruel world!"

We stopped by the little French place and grabbed 2 macarons.  I figure since they're made with almond flour, they're practically paleo, right?  HA!  We enjoyed our surroundings before heading off to the grocery store...

Refueled on the fruits for the week and I made grilled ham and cheese and tater wedges for dinner.  My mom finally gave me some ideas and I searched promo codes, got $20 off and now she, and ALL of my Christmas shopping, is DONE!  Thank you sweet baby Jesus!

Now we're ready for the week!

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Stop me if you've heard this before. the weekend went by way too fast. Yeah I know I say that a lot. But wow, this weekend really flew by. It was pretty good though. I like the new coat too. Pretty great deal right there.

    1. I know, we sound like broken records but the weekends fly by! That was an excellent deal!

  2. I went to see my folks, and spent Saturday in a class. It was an interesting class though, so a day well spent. I think it's kind of funny how individual hair is - you hate that sun bleached look, whereas I wish mine would stay that way all year instead of fading back to a dull one-tone color.

    Once again I'm envious of your pretty places to walk.

    1. Glad your class went well!

      Just use some Sun In (they still make it) and your hair will never fade again! LOL

  3. Your weekend sounds like fun - I found myself wishing I lived closer so we could go shopping together!

    My weekend was exactly what I needed. Justin and I stayed in, got cleaning done, batch-cooked healthy food to eat on throughout the week, and just spent some time being together. Sunday, we did more of the same and watched some football while doing housework and playing with our puppies. When the weekend ended, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride that we got so much done and I felt recharged mentally and ready to take on the week. :)

    1. I'm sure the Mr would love to kick back whilst you and I went shopping!

      Sounds like you had a super productive weekend! Teach me! Miss you girlie!

  4. LOL - "They're out of Meow Mix...good bye cruel world."

    We had to get new bikes for our boys so they could participate in a ride at a BMX track. I was hoping to make them part of Christmas, but their bikes had to be replaced. Luckily Toys R Us knows that the kids are going to test ride the bikes so the bike section is in the back corner of the store with a small confined area to ride in.

    I am fascinated by those who have hair that changes color due to the summer sun. My hair is dark and it doesn't seem to be affected by the sun, or not enough to see when it grows out. You are a brave woman to take drastic measures and cut your own hair, especially the back. Those boots are really cute!

    1. LOL, yeah that cat was crazy up on a 2nd story balcony!

      Sorry you had to do the bikes early. What a good mama. I think the Sun In is what changed it because before that I don't remember dealing with that issue. I actually chopped the sides to where I wanted the length and then told the Mr to trim the back for me so I'm trusting it doesn't look like a weed whacker got a hold of the back! :-)

  5. Wow it sounds like you had a very good weekend and a busy one! Good for you for getting a new 'do! I'm terrible with doing anything with my hair, so I give you kudos for having the courage to hack some off and still know a good way to style it.

    I hear you about not quite feeling the Christmas spirit yet. We've had an unbelievably warm November (which is awesome) so it doesn't quite feel like the holidays yet. I haven't heard any Christmas music yet, but I also haven't been to the mall or too many stores yet. I still can't believe Thanksgiving is only two weeks away! I have a feeling when the weather breaks, it's going to be cold for a solid four months with no warm days in between. I'm looking outside my window now and the crabapples are starting to blow off the trees because the winds are picking up with this storm that a'comin'. Me thinks I best go take the dogs out now before they get plunked in the noggin with flying fruit!


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