Friday, January 31, 2025

What I'm Reading This Week #5

Hello there sassafras!   Happy last day of January.  I know a lot of people complain about January being long but as a winter girl, I'm not ready for 50's and zero possibility of snow.  Tis Friday and the week is hopefully wrapping up for y'all on the work front.  It has been a helluva week body wise as we acclimated back to some strength training and I walked in my Lems for the second time and it really did my gams in.  So I will be doing some lymph work to try to get my body flushing out some inflammation.  It always goes insane when we add strength back in but add that and new walking shoes that are completely not padded and you can guess how that feels!  Here were the workouts for the week:

Sunday- Floor Bike (60 minutes- 6500 steps)
Monday- Floor Bike/Walk (12K)
Tuesday- Floor Bike/LIIFT 4 Back/Bi's 50/50 (10K)
Wednesday- Floor Bike/ LIIFT 4 Legs 50/50 (10,300K)
Thursday- Floor Bike/Walk at Park (12K)
Friday- Floor Bike and whatever my body will allow to get me to 10K

There were two days I had to put in extra at the end of the day because I wasn't going to hit 10K but I got there.  I'll discuss more about that in Sunday's post.

Now let's discuss:

What is Nordic walking? This is how to do it properly, as per experts. (We do this in the winter because Lord knows we usually don't have enough snow to shoe)

20 Best Anti-Inflammatory Dinners  (Damn some of these look good!)

6 Things You Should Never Carry in Your Wallet  (Good tips!  Remember when everyone used to carry around their SS card?  What the hell was that about?! 😂)

How to Turn Off Apple Intelligence on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac  (For those doing the update, AI is automatically turned on)

Just checking, are the Sunday posts being looked at/helping anyone?  It's one thing for me to get it in my head to plan out for us but if it doesn't help anyone else, I can drop 'em.  (I know I said initially it wouldn't be a weekly thing but still checking in.)  I think we're wallpapering this weekend if we get the attic hatch paint touched up.  He poly'd that thing 3x and it still got scratched up.  I will never EVER get $90/gal paint that everyone swears by ever got me Monsieur Williams??  I don't know what else we might get into but we'll see as the day progresses Saturday.  I'll still be cookin' away.  All day.  Every day.  Beh.

Whatchu got planned for the weekend?

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  1. Off to a good but sore start. Just getting back into the real swing of things feels good though. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Way to go! I love seeing the Sunday posts! Have a great weekend

  3. Love seeing the Sunday posts! Also we got 25cm of snow yesterday which is blowing around today, it's -7 outside feels like -16! Did a rough conversion that's 10 inches of snow, 19 feeling like 3! I am over winter lol, ready to go outside in a light coat or sweater! Happy weekend!

  4. All your posts are great! Sounds like it's been a very good and busy week for you kids. I hope your weekend is just as good with some fun mixed in. It's been a long day at work, so I'm looking forward to the weekend. Haircuts tomorrow and the usual stuff. Sundays are my day to unhook from the world after church and do a whole lot of nothing but relaxing and napping if I'm able to. So I'm looking forward to that. I can't believe it's already February! Have a super duper weekend!


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