Well hello there Friday! (And hello to you too!) It's been a literal stinky week in these parts with the oil based primer we had to use on the ceiling. We had issues with the ceiling bubbling in 9 spots where only two year old paint was and we read that was the best solution. Well, it's also a lung burning solution to someone like me who has sensitivities to strong fumes. We had an air purifier running day and night but it was no match. Given it was 7 degrees out at the time, we couldn't exactly throw open the sashes old timey style. The Mr was kind enough to deal with the ceiling portion and cut in the other type of primer on the walls while I went behind him and rolled on the rest. Nothing like primer to show you what still needs to be filled and sanded. So a big thank you to him for doing the ceiling because with my shoulder issues, I really didn't know how I was going to do that and the ceiling.
As far as my plan, we did really well. The watch alarm kept me on track with water. I never really notice any difference when I drink it except peeing. I have to tell myself it's helping to carry the cholesterol and toxins out of my body because the clear skin, brighter eyes and better pooping everyone swears it helps with is lost on me. Because of the weather being in the single digits and no snow to shoe in, we didn't have the option to be outside which meant we had to take it to the basement.
Did I mention this is what the basement looked like??
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(Actually, this was cleaned up to make room to workout) |
Yeah. That would be reno, Vermont and displaced object remnants as far as the eye could see. Oh how I miss 2019 basement that was freshly renovated, clean and we had grand ideas we could go down with a thermos of hot tea and do puzzles on my craft table to get us through the winter. Never done it. Sorry 1000 piece puzzle. At this point, we had to just push everything to the side so we could get in some formal exercise. Here are our workouts for the week:
Sun- Floor bike (5500 'steps')
Mon- Floor bike/Turbo Fire HIIT 30 (11K steps)
Tues- Floor bike/WATP 3 miles w/ 2&5 lb weights (12,100 steps)
Wed- Floor bike/Grow with Jo (11k steps)
Wed- Floor bike/Grow with Jo (11k steps)
Thurs- Floor bike/ 3 laps at park (11,500 steps)
I'll likely get in a minimum of 10K steps today so I averaged that per day this week! WOOT.
Now let's get to:
A movement expert suggests five moves for hip mobility. (I need to work on this for sure.)
Fat cells have a ‘memory’ of obesity — hinting at why it’s hard to keep weight off (Great. I'd like mine to get amnesia please)
Moderate Exercise Isn't Enough to Offset Sitting All Day, Study Says (I'm really trying to make my 10k a habit between my floor bike while I eat breakfast and lunch and 'formal' exercise)
The Unique Type Of Pasta That Has More Protein Than Eggs (We have it every Wednesday for Italian night!)
New Study: Chronic Stress Could Age This Body Part 33% Faster (I believe it. My MIL owes me some Olay)
How the "surprise task" can reactivate what you know and love about each other (This is actually a good idea)
Chilling Out is a Better Way to Manage Anger − Review of 154 Studies Reveals What Works (Yeah but there's nothing quite like singing Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit and Let the Bodies Hit the Floor at the top of your lungs soooo...)
People are baffled to find out they've been burning candles wrong their whole lives (It's true. Commit the first time or you'll regret it for a long time!)
11 Uses For Bar Keeper’s Friend In Your Home (We love this stuff and I'm trying it on the stove)
How to say ‘no’ when family and friends ask to borrow money, from a financial therapist (Look, I know people say "you have to look at it as a gift" and you really do. You will very likely never see that money again but I can tell you from watching my grandma, people will then consider you an option. They will use every excuse in the book to manipulate your kindness and then get pissed when/if you try to set boundaries. Just say no up front. I know it's hard but I've seen enough to say I've seen too much.)
I think we're going to get the materials we need for the panel portion of the project. I know we need to get a new toilet too and replace the flooring and all of the things. We're about to get into the meat of the sandwich so to speak. Yay. What a week for Aunt Flo to be driving the bloat/cramp rig into town along with a tweaked lower back and sore muscles everywhere because I didn't realize how effing out of shape I was just doing knee lifts! 😑
Whatchu got cookin' this weekend?
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We do have our work cut out for us but it will be worth it eventually. Have a great weekend everyone!
ReplyDeleteEventually. I might have to break out the ultrasound, these calves are ripped up pretty good and all of that massage last night did nothing.
DeleteMore purging of clutter and hibernation for me. Consider a bidet, life changing!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Sounds like a productive weekend planned! We bought a bum gun the second there were TP shortages in 2020. We've tried seat bidets and we'll keep it non graphic and just say it didn't turn out well for either of us! 😆
DeleteI grocery shopped early this morning before work to get it done for the weekend. I have to work tomorrow and have church on Sunday. I've been recording the skating championships so I'll watch some of those tonight and tomorrow night before bed.
ReplyDeleteHave a fantastic weekend!!
I hear you about painting! We have been painting my mom's house to ready it for sale and it's no fun! Even though my brother has taken the task of the ceilings, its still work! As for the cold...I'm DONE with it! I"m ready for better temps so I can enjoy being outside again!