Friday, July 12, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #28

Well hello there.  How do?  Woof... this has been a week, man.  I must first thank those who reached out or commented on Wednesday's post.  I so appreciate it.  Therapy was interesting as she made a statement that wasn't a diagnosis or anything like that but an observation/conclusion I would not have come to.  When the Mr asked how that made me feel I told him I feel like I need to sit with it and then if it still sits off kilter, ask for clarification.  

We had a rogue Fall like day Wednesday thanks to some rain and met up with a friend at the park shelter.  It was nice enough we brought a bundle of firewood with us.  I don't know if it was the topics of conversation mixed with just having finished therapy an hour before but when we got home, I was exhausted.  We hadn't eaten and I only had cereal for lunch so getting home at 9:30 meant a late dinner then we collapsed.  My social battery drains SO quickly now.  Side effect of hobbit living?  We were leaning against a picnic table for three hours and tweaked our backs.  Thank goodness I had an appointment with my spider monkey the next day!  (Chiro)

Now let's get into:

Is It Really *That* Bad to Never Strength Train? Fitness Pros Weigh In  (I really want to attempt to build something if my shoulders will let me)

Why Most Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Are Healthier Than Real Meat  (Literally read the other study damning it to hell and this is why you're on your own people.  We're still gonna have our Wednesday night Gardein chickpea pasta and the occasional beyond burger especially since they just switched to avocado oil and halved the sat fat.)

8 Signs Of Adult ADHD   (Um yeah.  That about sums it up.  I always thought you had to be hyper but apparently not.)

How To Save Money on Energy Bills When You're Away From Home  (I kinda feel like these do nothing because we typically vacation for two weeks and do pretty much all of them and have never once come back and been like "wow, our electric bill is always so much less."

Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years  (This is why I hate everything.  I revoke my crush on the hood dude from Head of the Class.)

(Thanks to those who have swung by the shop and favorited!)

Whatchu up to this weekend?

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  1. I hate when studies and opinions go back and forth like that (regarding the plant based meat products) and it happens so often that you never know what to trust. Oh well. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. It has been a very stressful and emotional week, and insanely busy. Working on paperwork stuff today, taking care of the pooch with her 3 tooth extractions, and needing to get house stuff done. I already did the grocery shopping this morning, so I'm thankful for that. Hubs and pooch are resting comfortably together. lol
    I hope you guys have a great weekend!!


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