
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Yet Another Hump Day Survey

Let's keep the survey train going!

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  I applied for a job as a "photographer's assistant" just after high school.  It turns out it was one of those booths that they used to have in stores where you assaulted people as they walked in to get them to buy a package.  I lasted 1 1/2 days before I got the hell out of there.

What totally rad expression did you overuse in high school?  Probably 'word' or something like that.  I know back in grade school I was on the 'grody', 'gag me with a spoon'  and 'barf me out' train.

What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child?  Not necessarily favorite but I was Witchie Poo (whoever that is) for two years in a row so I assume I liked it.

Who is your craziest/most interesting relative?  My 2nd cousin was my favorite growing up because, like his parents, he said whatever the heck he wanted.  It was usually profane.  But he also made me feel grown up and treated me like an adult, not like a kid.  He was a good singer and moved to LA for a time to try to make it.  He didn't but I always respected he tried.

What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to?  I listen to anything from classical to old country to hair bands to 80's and everything in between.  I'm not embarrassed to admit I listen to any kind of music.

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?  I don't know I even have a bucket list anymore.  We travel.  We've had a famous chef cook for us twice.  We've taken a hot air balloon ride over Napa Valley.  I guess the only other thing is I'd love to meet George from The 1975.  I so respect his producing and musical talent and would love to thank him for the gift of his music.

What’s a weird fact you happen to know?  The inventor of the Pringles can is buried in one.

What is your real favorite movie, and what movie do you pretend is your favorite to sound cultured?  The Sweetest Thing always makes me laugh...a lot.  I will never pretend to have a favorite movie for cultures sake.  Never seen Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc and ZERO desire to...ever.

What’s your strangest talent?  I wish I had a strange talent!  Ask the Mr, maybe he knows one I'm forgetting.

What’s your funniest talent? Or un-talent?  I can belch like a 13 year old boy who just drank a two liter of soda.

What’s your best idea for a reality TV show?  Like I'd spill it here so some sleazo could steal it for themselves!

Which Disney character’s story does your life most resemble?  Given the pandemic and all, kind of feeling like Beast.

Everyone has those recurring bad dreams … what is your nightmare?  Always about the Mr leaving and he's either really happy about it or really mean to me.  I never thought I'd want the haunted house one I used to have as a kid but I'd take it over that one!  LOL

What are two truths and a lie about you?  
1) I have a connection to Elvis.
2) I am missing my lower right earlobe.
3) I was attacked by a dog.

What’s a funny pick-up line that works for you?  Do people use pick up lines??  I suppose "so, you're our newest victim?" works because it snagged the Mr.

Your turn!  Pick some (or all) of the questions and answer them in the comments!  Don't be shy!

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  

What totally rad expression did you overuse in high school? 

What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child?  

Who is your craziest/most interesting relative?  

What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to?  

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list? 

What’s a weird fact you happen to know?  

What is your real favorite movie, and what movie do you pretend is your favorite to sound cultured?  

What’s your strangest talent?  

What’s your funniest talent? Or un-talent?  

What’s your best idea for a reality TV show?  

Which Disney character’s story does your life most resemble?  

Everyone has those recurring bad dreams … what is your nightmare?  

What are two truths and a lie about you?  

What’s a funny pick-up line that works for you?

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  1. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Mcdonald's. I lasted 3 months somehow. Never made any friends and had a manager on a power trip who liked to make sure I was the one mopping floors every shift I had him on. Felt good to quit that place, letting him know I didn't need the job the way he did at that point in life.

    What totally rad expression did you overuse in high school? Awesome,dude! I still overuse it I think but who cares?

    What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child? Darth Vader. I had the real helmet and a makeshift suit and cape. It was awesome.

    Who is your craziest/most interesting relative? They are all crazy.

    What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to? Debbie Gibson but only one song.

    What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list? I want to do one of those sessions where you get to play with the big bulldozers and dump trucks.

    What’s a weird fact you happen to know? That hot water freezes faster than cold water.

    What is your real favorite movie, and what movie do you pretend is your favorite to sound cultured? Star Wars and there is no pretend there.

    1. LOL..."they are all crazy!" We'll have to see about the bulldozer thing when it's 'normal' again.

  2. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Fast food without a doubt! For an introvert with anxiety issues, it could not have been a worse fit. Two different jobs in high school doing that.

    What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child?
    I had two. One was a cat with the old 70s plastic masks that I just loved. The mask had the sweetest face and I think I've found it a couple of times on Ebay. The other was some kind of Barbie costume (same premise with the plastic mask0 but I don't think it was the actual Barbie. I seem to remember something about these blond sisters and that's what the mask was -blond hair, kind of princess-like, but not quite. I have another but if I say the name it will get misinterpreted by the younger ones and then the govt will come after me, because they, too, will misinterpret the name for being something it's not.

    What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to? I always liked John Denver and later Yanni. I keep Yanni in my car when I just want instrumental music to de-stress my mind.

    What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list? I think I'm the only person who doesn't have one. There are a few things I'd like to do and/or see, but nothing that's super intense. I guess the one that I'd really like to do is do a self-defense course and master the heck out of it.

    What’s a weird fact you happen to know? Sunglasses were invented around the 12th century Chinese judges so people in the courts could see their facial expressions.

    What’s a funny pick-up line that works for you?
    A face without freckles is like a sky without stars.

    1. Ain't nothin' wrong with John Denver and Yanni! You should totally do the self defense course, when your schedule would allow obviously!

  3. I remember witchy boo, she was a character on the show puff'n stuff (I think??) Watched it after school ( I am 59 so probably why I remember 😆 my first job was at McDonald's, I loved it! Stayed for 23 years!

    1. I must've been just young enough to not remember the show but recognize her to pick her out come Halloween! So glad you had a better fast food experience than the other two! :)


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