
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Yep- Hump Day Survey

Let's keep the survey going!

What’s your favorite part of a county fair?  The food, of course!  That's literally the only reason we go!

What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast?  Bridgerton (which I swore I wasn't going to watch) and Cobra Kai season 3.  (Though I liked it better on YouTube for some reason.)

Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news?  Hmm, I guess Marc Maron since I watch his IG lives most days.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?  Jeez, I feel like I've spilled everything here!  I guess that my original plan was to graduate from high school, move to LA and be a manager for a rock band.  I even had practice with promotion with local bands on the scene back in the day.

What is your favorite smell and why?  White Diamonds and coffee because it smells like grandma.  You'd be surprised how often I smelled it after grandma died in places that didn't have either source!

What’s the best knock-knock joke you know?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?

What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of?  I guess snakes?

What food could you not live without?  Pizza

What dance move are you secretly awesome at?  I'm going to say none because I know what I think I look like and I'm sure it's WAY off what I actually look like.

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?  I usually fast forward through commercials but if I accidentally hear "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty....Liberty" one more time, I'm going to scream.

What sport did you try as a child and fail at?  Name any sport...that one.

What interesting skill do you want to learn?  I'd love to have the patience to learn guitar, crochet or woodworking.

What’s the most random thing in your purse/wallet?  My "future fortune" from my Senior year which was managing a rock band while having an affair with a professional wrestler.  I was like "wow, people DO know me!"  (And I wouldn't have an affair, it'd be a straight up threesome.)

What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?  I have ZERO clue.  We were supposed to have flying cars 20 years ago so I think our perception of what's possible is seriously skewed.

What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love?  Hmm...well I wasn't embarrassed before but after SNL's Zillow commercial, I admit I spend way more time on than I probably should.

Your turn!  Pick five or all of the questions and answer in the comments!

What’s your favorite part of a county fair?
What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast?
Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news?
What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
What is your favorite smell and why?
What’s the best knock-knock joke you know?
What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of?
What food could you not live without?
What dance move are you secretly awesome at?
What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?
What sport did you try as a child and fail at?
What interesting skill do you want to learn?
What’s the most random thing in your purse/wallet?
What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?
What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love?

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  1. What’s your favorite part of a county fair? Food! No doubt!
    What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast? Cobra Kai for sure. I kinda get upset that it's over too but I don't care up until the last show is queued up.
    Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news? None. I am really not into that gossip scene.
    What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know? That I play guitar maybe?
    What is your favorite smell and why? The smell of fresh fertilizer on grass in the spring. Brings back childhood memories for some reason.
    What’s the best knock-knock joke you know? Best and Knock Knock Joke is an oxymoron
    What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of? Monkeys
    What food could you not live without? Definitely pizza
    What dance move are you secretly awesome at? Absolutely none
    What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time? The Nationwide one does. What is it with Insurance jingles anyway?
    What sport did you try as a child and fail at? Tennis!
    What interesting skill do you want to learn? Glass blowing for sure.
    What’s the most random thing in your purse/wallet?
    What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years? Electric Vehicles. They were actually invented in the late 1800's and yet I belive we are all going to be driving them within 20 years.
    What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love? Reddit

    1. 6 year old me would be horrified I was married to a man who has a hatred for knock knock jokes.

  2. What’s your favorite part of a county fair? The crane-type game with all the gold coins that pile up and you try to "scoop" them over the edge for points. I spent hours playing that at an Irish Fest one year.

    What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast? I have yet to watch a series on Netflix (lame).

    Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news? Nada

    What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know? I worked for a missionary group and handled all of the Letters of Invitation and passport requirements to be allowed into Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc and spoke with those Consulates regularly.

    What is your favorite smell and why? I have a few. Spring rain, lemon poundcake, Thanksgiving dinner cooking in the oven, and Jergens Cherry Almond Lotion (I don't use it anymore, but I loved that scent since I was a kid and before they actually put "almond" on the label).

    What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of? Terrified of owls (one likes to taunt me in our trees out back).

    What food could you not live without? Tomatoes

    What interesting skill do you want to learn? Kickboxing and Self Defense


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