
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hump Day Survey

Happy Hump Day!  Let's get to some more survey questions...

If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick?  Probably black.

If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be?  Otter.  Cute but ferocious if necessary.

If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on (i.e. a private plane, concert tickets)?  I guess you'd have to define "lots."  A home in Vermont and Kauai.

If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be?  Is it bad I want to say no one?  I guess maybe a few so I could get an idea on how they view certain situations so I could best know how to tell them those situations are none of their business.

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?  Shamalama, you ding dong.

If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you make up?  Anita Deek

If you could live any historical figure’s life, which one would you choose?  Aren't they all dead?  

If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy?  Why on Earth would I do that!  What if someone chose Reese cups!?  I would be so mad!  I guess if I had to choose, caraway seeds.  (Sorry Mr, you're going to have to go seedless.)

If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be?  Flapper hat.  I look oddly good in them.

If you could create one holiday, what would you create?  Floater Day!  Pick any day you want as a floating holiday with pay.

If you were a vegetable, what would you be?  Eggplant.  Meaty, sometimes known as a dick and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?  Luge

If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House?  Not much now.

If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be?  A relaxed, straight with a slight bootcut.

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?  Wonder Woman.  Then I'd park my invisible car in a space to screw with people.

Your turn!  Pick 5, 10 or all of the questions and answer in the comments!

If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick?
If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be?
If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on (i.e. a private plane, concert tickets)?
If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be?
If you wrote a book, what would it be called?
If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you make up?
If you could live any historical figure’s life, which one would you choose?
If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy?
If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be?
If you could create one holiday, what would you create?
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?
If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House?
If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be?
If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

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  1. If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick? Black for sure.
    If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be? Dolphin
    If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on (i.e. a private plane, concert tickets)? Lamborghini and a Ferrari
    If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be? Nobody - no friggin' way.
    If you wrote a book, what would it be called? Funny you should ask. I am writing a book but cannot think of a title.
    If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you make up? Fred Garvin
    If you could live any historical figure’s life, which one would you choose? What is with these? I am fine with who I am and would not care to switch places with someone else thankyouverymuch.
    If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy? I would have said brussels sprouts when I was younger but I like them now too, which is why I wouldn't take away anything.
    If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be? One of those Australian style cowboy hats with one side curled up. They just seem to look good on me.
    If you could create one holiday, what would you create? Lifeday would be a real holiday. Star Wars fans know what I'm talking about.
    If you were a vegetable, what would you be? Onion - many layers
    If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in? Skiing
    If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House? I think it is fine now that all the orange and gold is out of it.
    If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be? Relaxed, slightly acid washed.
    If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be? Spiderman. He has the coolest powers and doesn't have to show his face at all so nobody knows who he is - unlike Superman who shows his face everywhere (the glasses aren't fooling anyone, Clark).

  2. If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick? Cobalt Blue

    If you wrote a book, what would it be called? You Wouldn't Believe it if I Told You.

    If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy? Beets or Sauerkraut. Disgusting.

    If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be? Knit Baseball Hat/Page Boy Hat

    If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House? Never paid attention to the White House Decorations ever, so it doesn't matter to me.

    If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be? Definitely relaxed straight leg.

    If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be? Being a hardcore introvert, this would be terrible. Too much pressure to perform for people. ROFL

    If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be? My dogs. Just to see how good they really have it. LOL


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