
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Better Late Than Never Weekend Recap

You'll have to excuse any typos; my proofreader has hit the hay.  How do, all?  I hope you were able to get out this weekend even if just for a drive.  

Friday, I was informed by my friend that she finally got the card I sent to her to be opened the morning of her wedding...26 days after I sent it and two weeks after her wedding.  Regular mail takes 3 days, if that.  That's okay, only the single most important card I've ever sent in my life, that's all.  😬  Thank God it didn't have the gifts that were originally going to go in it or I would've been a basket case for that period of time.  I seriously don't know why something isn't being done about the crap show that is the USPS now.  If FedEx or UPS did first class type mail, I would do it in a heartbeat until things are straightened out.  It is definitely not a holiday problem like they eluded to back in October.  (I know the actual mail carriers have nothing to do with this but the higher ups need to get their shizz together.  Things much more important like rent, bills, etc are getting sucked into this same vortex.)  

We watched Coming 2 America on Amazon Prime.  I have to say, we really loved it!  Both of us went into it expecting them to ruin it and to not like it at all so we were pleasantly surprised to like it almost from beginning to end.  (Except Wesley Snipes character...that was just stupid.)   It was definitely made for fans of the original so all of these people that were not in the target audience the first time can sit down and watch something else since I'm reading a lot of online whining about it.  It was great to revisit almost all of the old characters but I have to say Arsenio Hall in any of his prosthetics was downright scary.  Baba still haunts my nightmares.

Saturday, we went out for a drive and for some reason drove around the unsafe parts of town after an early day lockdown because the Mr had to be home to sign for something from FedEx.  Not quite how one wants to spend their Saturday on either count but I guess we take what we can get these days, eh?  It was cute to hear the FedEx guy get excited about his cupcake though.  "Whatcha got for me today?  I gotta have my cupcake!"  I made sure I ordered more with Amazon Fresh so we wouldn't run out for him.  That night we watched Valley Girl 2020 and wow...neither of us were a fan.  I really only watched it for Debbie Foreman's cameo as a shop girl (the original Valley Girl) and I do like the actress that plays new Julie but the script was just...ugh.  Can't win 'em all, I guess.

We settled in Sunday for some music by the Mr before getting our workout in then watching some boob tube before the Harry and Meghan interview.  Man, did that break my heart.  As people who have constantly had their side of the story never asked for in our own lives, the Mr and I could empathize with their need to finally say their peace.  Not sure why people have such a hatred toward them everywhere but I hope they are able to live the life they want to now.  No one should have to go through what those two did all in the name of making sure the monarchy and UK looked good.  

We had to drop my car off at the mechanic for an oil change and tire rotation.  It's always funny when they try to upsell you on tires for tread wear when you haven't driven a car more than 200 miles since they put them on two years ago.  

Yesterday I got some work done while the Mr was in yet another training class.  We walked the hood for 2 1/2 laps since it was 60 degrees out.  I watched a movie earlier in the day called The One I Love on Netflix.  I knew some of the twists might interest the Mr so I suggested it later for our hygge time.  Man, that movie really just struck a lot of nerves and had me in tears.  If you've got Netflix, add it to the watchlist.  It's a good one to watch with your S.O. and discuss afterward.  He saw the ending coming, I didn't on the first watch which is what left me a little devastated.  Obviously not the week for me to be watching marriage changing movies! 😆

These are the days of our lives.

Did you do anything this weekend?

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  1. It was nice watching those movies and I didn't hate valley girl completely but I couldn't help but think it needed some tweaks from people who actually lived in the 80's as well as to stop trying to be Grease and just be its own thing. But wow that One I Love movie is definitely a movie that will keep you thinking about all the implications involved. I love twilight zone like twists and that had them in spades so I appreciate that you rewatched it with me even if it was tough to tackle from a philosophical perspective. It is a crazy original premise and I love that.

    1. I hate when they just slap people in legwarmers and play non-stop 80's songs and call it an 80's movie. Literally no one knows how to make an accurate 80's movies. As you know, The One I Love haunted my dreams but I knew you'd like it.

  2. It was an okay weekend. Got a little warmer so that was nice for the dogs. I had an appt Saturday morning then we went grocery shopping and finished laundry. The hubs watched some movies while I was deep in a series I'm reading on the Normans-Saxons of old. Then it was work the rest of the weekend. The hubs had sent me a couple of articles where Disney+ is removing Dumbo, Peter Pan, The Aristocats and Swiss Family Robinson due to stereotypes, and Warner Bros is no longer allowing Pepe Le Pew to be in Space Jam 2 or any future projects because it "normalized rape culture." So we had quite the discussion on that.

    1. OMG, you and I can have a private conversation about the Disney+ stuff. I get where this generation is coming from on Pepe, however, guess what, maybe they could not make him act that way and still include him? A solution that satisfies both sides? Ain't never gonna happen.


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